AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-10update volsv to fix mic mute with pipewire1.0zachir
2022-08-12update README.mdzachir
2022-08-11merge volsvzachir
2022-08-11fix syntaxzachir
2022-08-11add getvm for volsvZachIR
2021-06-25Add initial support for sndio for OpenBSD (had to disable dwmblocks and dwmbar)zachir
2021-06-25Support bluealsa volume controlzachir
2021-06-25Add pipewire-pulse supportzachir
2021-02-01Add help flagZachIR
2021-01-31Add a man page, increase helpfulness of the -h flagzachir
2021-01-31Add support to mute ALSA microphonezachir
2021-01-31Add support to get volume and mutezachir
2021-01-31Initialize repo, add BSD 3-clause licensezachir