BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
awesome-blingadd LTSpice to swallow exclusionzachir15 months
casMerge branch 'master' into caszachir5 weeks
cas-legacyImprove bit/byte logic in net-speed awesome widgetzachir8 months
cas-oldMerge branch 'master' of into caszachir3 months
claMerge branch 'master' into clazachir5 weeks
cla-legacyImprove bit/byte logic in net-speed awesome widgetzachir7 months
cla-oldcla: set waybar config to have diff bar per outputzachir5 weeks
legacyzsh: add function anonshzachir6 months
masterIgnore yarn directory and package-lock.jsonzachir5 weeks
minorremove unnecessary cruftzachir17 months
rai-masterUse shell agnostic profile and zshrcZachIR11 months
v0.23.5.0commit 83c89f9eb6...zachir14 months