BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
awesome-blingadd LTSpice to swallow exclusionzachir13 months
casMerge branch 'master' of into caszachir7 weeks
cas-legacyImprove bit/byte logic in net-speed awesome widgetzachir6 months
claFix comments that make hyprland unhappyzachir7 weeks
cla-legacyImprove bit/byte logic in net-speed awesome widgetzachir6 months
legacyzsh: add function anonshzachir4 months
masterFix hyprland config file errorszachir7 weeks
minorremove unnecessary cruftzachir15 months
rai-masterUse shell agnostic profile and zshrcZachIR10 months
v0.23.5.0commit 83c89f9eb6...zachir12 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-05-14ignore pcmanfm-qt in addition to pcmanfmv0.23.5.0zachir
2023-05-14add portmaster path and completion to zshzachir
2023-05-14hyprland: want master focus on swap, not autozachir
2023-05-14autostart: add hyprpaper and portmasterzachir
2023-05-14not using mako anyways (dunst is fine for wayland)zachir
2023-05-03using only master layout for hyprland for now, configuring itzachir
2023-05-03merge because I'm tupidzachir
2023-05-03remove temp icon and don't set output in config-Hyprlandzachir
2023-05-03launch waybar directly, set GTK theme, and don't use caffeine in waylandzachir
2023-05-03set hyprpaper for all displays I usezachir