path: root/zsh/functions/anonsh
diff options
authorzachir <>2023-07-18 00:20:12 -0500
committerZachIR <zachir@zdx-raina>2023-07-26 10:25:26 -0500
commit7bb7b3595a443a7e52f9f83e12340602cccd0148 (patch)
tree88bb4cde3830e2fc72cabb4e0f032dfa9bab498f /zsh/functions/anonsh
parent1f8201bcb27bdefdb411431dac564ac216140923 (diff)
Add anonsh for private shell hist
Diffstat (limited to 'zsh/functions/anonsh')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zsh/functions/anonsh b/zsh/functions/anonsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b1b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zsh/functions/anonsh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Convenience helper to set up an "incognito mode" for a shell session.
+# Installation:
+# 1. Create a folder like ~/.zsh/functions
+# 2. Add it to your ZSH function path with fpath=(~/.zsh/functions(:A) $fpath) in ~/.zshenv
+# 3. Save this script as ~/.zsh/functions/anonsh
+# 4. Add `autoload -Uz anonsh` to your ~/.zshrc
+# Now you can type `anonsh` in any zsh session
+# - Use `clear` to clear both the screen and scrollback buffer
+# - Use `fc -p` to clear command history without affecting your usual HISTFILE
+# Only store new command history entries in RAM
+# Redefine the hardstatus text to "anonsh" so it doesn't show $PWD
+# where people can see it when the shell doesn't have focus
+# (The zsh_hardstatus_pre* and title functions are part of my .zshrc setup)
+if typeset -f zsh_hardstatus_precmd > /dev/null && typeset -f title > /dev/null; then
+ autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+ add-zsh-hook -d precmd zsh_hardstatus_precmd
+ add-zsh-hook -d preexec zsh_hardstatus_preexec
+ function zsh_hardstatus_precmd { title "anonsh" "anonsh"; }
+ add-zsh-hook precmd zsh_hardstatus_precmd
+ add-zsh-hook preexec zsh_hardstatus_precmd
+# Show ... in the prompt instead of $PWD so it can't give away
+# something after running `clear`
+# ($base_prompt is a custom part of my .zshrc setup)
+if (( ${+base_prompt} )); then
+ export base_prompt="${base_prompt//%%1~/...}"
+export PS1="${PS1//%%1~/...}"
+export PS2="${PS2//%%1~/...}"
+export PS3="${PS3//%%1~/...}"
+export PS4="${PS4//%%1~/...}"
+# Redefine "clear" to also clear the GNU screen scrollback buffer and to ask
+# for the terminal scrollback buffer to be cleared in as many ways as possible
+clear() {
+ # Call the regular clear command
+ command clear
+ # Manually emit all the escapes I know for requesting the terminal be
+ # cleared and ask GNU Screen to pass it through as a literal
+ #
+ # Source:
+ printf '\eP\e[2J\e[3J\e[;H\ec\e\\'
+ # Flush GNU Screen's internal scrollback for this shell
+ if [ "$TERM" = "screen" ]; then
+ screen -X scrollback 0
+ screen -X scrollback 5000
+ fi
+# TODO: Try to find a workaround to call the terminal scrollback-clearing part
+# of `clear` on switching GNU screen focus and then refresh the visible
+# part from screen's stored copy so nothing anonsh can show accidentally.
+# (Without removing the `termcapinfo` line to from ~/.screenrc which
+# would disable it when `anonsh` isn't in use.)
+# Call `clear` on exit to clear terminal scrollback
+zshexit() { clear; }
+# vim: set ft=zsh :