path: root/weather-widget
diff options
authorPavel Makhov <>2019-09-17 15:29:36 -0400
committerPavel Makhov <>2019-09-17 15:29:36 -0400
commit6fd76c254b296da86619b43db619ccebcd521853 (patch)
treea005c8045bbee2998642c55fd5edadb258ea87de /weather-widget
parent372ae3c9e7cab4b64b8dcaf31d9d2d921a723585 (diff)
parent2e211937a116102c3647b85070718102192ddc54 (diff)
Merge branch '74-externalize-config'
Note: breaking change, now widgets should be created with parentheses, i.e. battery(), instead of battery. Read more in README of the widget.
Diffstat (limited to 'weather-widget')
2 files changed, 216 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/weather-widget/ b/weather-widget/
index ef7282f..6464fcc 100644
--- a/weather-widget/
+++ b/weather-widget/
@@ -4,6 +4,30 @@
Note that widget uses the Arc icon theme, so it should be [installed]( first under **/usr/share/icons/Arc/** folder.
+## Customization
+It is possible to customize widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:
+| Name | Default | Description |
+| `font` | `Play 9` | Font |
+| `city` | `Montreal,ca` | City name and country code, [more info]( |
+| `api_key` | none| API key, required |
+| `units` | `metric` | `metric` for celsius, `imperial` for fahrenheit |
+| `both_units_widget` | `false` | show temperature in both units (15°C (59°F)) or in one (15°C) |
+| `both_units_popup` | `false` | same as above but for popup |
+### Example:
+ api_key = 'your-api-key',
+ units = 'imperial',
+ font = 'Ubuntu Mono 9'
## Installation
1. Install lua socket - to make HTTP calls to get the weather information.
@@ -24,7 +48,7 @@ Note that widget uses the Arc icon theme, so it should be [installed](https://gi
git clone ~/.config/awesome/
-1. Get Open Weather Map app id here: []( and place it in **~/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/secrets.lua**, or directly in the widget. Don't forget to set also your city and units - C/F.
+1. Get Open Weather Map app id here: [](
1. Require weather widget at the beginning of **rc.lua**:
@@ -39,7 +63,14 @@ Note that widget uses the Arc icon theme, so it should be [installed](https://gi
{ -- Right widgets
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
- weather_widget,
+ --default
+ weather_widget({api_key = 'your-api-key'}),
+ --customized
+ weather_widget({
+ api_key = 'your-api-key',
+ units = 'imperial',
+ font = 'Ubuntu Mono 9'
+ })
diff --git a/weather-widget/weather.lua b/weather-widget/weather.lua
index 2d80947..b0aa070 100644
--- a/weather-widget/weather.lua
+++ b/weather-widget/weather.lua
@@ -14,153 +14,197 @@ local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local gears = require("gears")
-local secrets = require("awesome-wm-widgets.secrets")
+local path_to_icons = "/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/"
-local weather_api_url = (
- ''
- .. '?q=' .. secrets.weather_widget_city
- .. '&appid=' .. secrets.weather_widget_api_key
- .. '&units=' .. secrets.weather_widget_units
+local weather_widget = {}
-local path_to_icons = "/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/"
+local function worker(args)
-local icon_widget = wibox.widget {
- {
- id = "icon",
- resize = false,
- widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
- },
- layout = wibox.container.margin(_ , 0, 0, 3),
- set_image = function(self, path)
- self.icon.image = path
- end,
-local temp_widget = wibox.widget{
- font = "Play 9",
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
-local weather_widget = wibox.widget {
- icon_widget,
- temp_widget,
- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
---- Maps openWeatherMap icons to Arc icons
-local icon_map = {
- ["01d"] = "weather-clear-symbolic.svg",
- ["02d"] = "weather-few-clouds-symbolic.svg",
- ["03d"] = "weather-clouds-symbolic.svg",
- ["04d"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg",
- ["09d"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg",
- ["10d"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg",
- ["11d"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg",
- ["13d"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg",
- ["50d"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg",
- ["01n"] = "weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg",
- ["02n"] = "weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg",
- ["03n"] = "weather-clouds-night-symbolic.svg",
- ["04n"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg",
- ["09n"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg",
- ["10n"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg",
- ["11n"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg",
- ["13n"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg",
- ["50n"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg"
---- Return wind direction as a string.
-local function to_direction(degrees)
- -- Ref:
- if degrees == nil then
- return "Unknown dir"
- end
- local directions = {
- "N",
- "NNE",
- "NE",
- "ENE",
- "E",
- "ESE",
- "SE",
- "SSE",
- "S",
- "SSW",
- "SW",
- "WSW",
- "W",
- "WNW",
- "NW",
- "NNW",
- "N",
+ local args = args or {}
+ local font = args.font or 'Play 9'
+ local city = or 'Montreal,ca'
+ local api_key = args.api_key or naughty.notify{preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, text = 'OpenweatherMap API key is not set'}
+ local units = args.units or 'metric'
+ local both_units_widget = args.both_units_widget or false
+ local both_units_popup = args.both_units_popup or false
+ local weather_api_url = (
+ ''
+ .. '?q=' .. city
+ .. '&appid=' .. api_key
+ .. '&units=' .. units
+ )
+ local icon_widget = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ id = "icon",
+ resize = false,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
+ },
+ layout = wibox.container.margin(_, 0, 0, 3),
+ set_image = function(self, path)
+ self.icon.image = path
+ end,
- return directions[math.floor((degrees % 360) / 22.5) + 1]
-local weather_timer = gears.timer({ timeout = 60 })
-local resp
-weather_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function ()
- local resp_json = {}
- local res, status = http.request{
- url=weather_api_url,
- sink=ltn12.sink.table(resp_json),
- -- ref:
- --
- create=function()
- -- ref:
- local req_sock = socket.tcp()
- -- 't' — overall timeout
- req_sock:settimeout(0.2, 't')
- -- 'b' — block timeout
- req_sock:settimeout(0.001, 'b')
- return req_sock
- end
+ local temp_widget = wibox.widget {
+ font = font,
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
- if (resp_json ~= nil) then
- resp_json = table.concat(resp_json)
- end
- if (status ~= 200 and resp_json ~= nil and resp_json ~= '') then
- local err_resp = json.decode(resp_json)
- naughty.notify{
- title = 'Weather Widget Error',
- text = err_resp.message,
- preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ weather_widget = wibox.widget {
+ icon_widget,
+ temp_widget,
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
+ }
+ --- Maps openWeatherMap icons to Arc icons
+ local icon_map = {
+ ["01d"] = "weather-clear-symbolic.svg",
+ ["02d"] = "weather-few-clouds-symbolic.svg",
+ ["03d"] = "weather-clouds-symbolic.svg",
+ ["04d"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg",
+ ["09d"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg",
+ ["10d"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg",
+ ["11d"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg",
+ ["13d"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg",
+ ["50d"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg",
+ ["01n"] = "weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg",
+ ["02n"] = "weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg",
+ ["03n"] = "weather-clouds-night-symbolic.svg",
+ ["04n"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg",
+ ["09n"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg",
+ ["10n"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg",
+ ["11n"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg",
+ ["13n"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg",
+ ["50n"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg"
+ }
+ --- Return wind direction as a string.
+ local function to_direction(degrees)
+ -- Ref:
+ if degrees == nil then
+ return "Unknown dir"
+ end
+ local directions = {
+ "N",
+ "NNE",
+ "NE",
+ "ENE",
+ "E",
+ "ESE",
+ "SE",
+ "SSE",
+ "S",
+ "SSW",
+ "SW",
+ "WSW",
+ "W",
+ "WNW",
+ "NW",
+ "NNW",
+ "N",
- elseif (resp_json ~= nil and resp_json ~= '') then
- resp = json.decode(resp_json)
- icon_widget.image = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon]
- temp_widget:set_text(string.gsub(resp.main.temp, "%.%d+", "")
- .. '°'
- .. (secrets.weather_widget_units == 'metric' and 'C' or 'F'))
+ return directions[math.floor((degrees % 360) / 22.5) + 1]
+ end
+ -- Convert degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit
+ local function celsius_to_fahrenheit(c)
+ return c*9/5+32
---- Notification with weather information. Popups when mouse hovers over the icon
-local notification
-weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
- notification = naughty.notify{
- icon = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon],
- icon_size=20,
- text =
- '<big>' ..[1].main .. ' (' ..[1].description .. ')</big><br>' ..
- '<b>Humidity:</b> ' .. resp.main.humidity .. '%<br>' ..
- '<b>Temperature:</b> ' .. resp.main.temp .. '°'
- .. (secrets.weather_widget_units == 'metric' and 'C' or 'F') .. '<br>' ..
- '<b>Pressure:</b> ' .. resp.main.pressure .. 'hPa<br>' ..
- '<b>Clouds:</b> ' .. resp.clouds.all .. '%<br>' ..
- '<b>Wind:</b> ' .. resp.wind.speed .. 'm/s (' .. to_direction(resp.wind.deg) .. ')',
- timeout = 5, hover_timeout = 10,
- width = 200
- }
-weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
- naughty.destroy(notification)
+ -- Convert degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius
+ local function fahrenheit_to_celsius(f)
+ return (f-32)*5/9
+ end
+ local weather_timer = gears.timer({ timeout = 60 })
+ local resp
+ local function gen_temperature_str(temp, fmt_str, show_other_units)
+ local temp_str = string.format(fmt_str, temp)
+ local s = temp_str .. '°' .. (units == 'metric' and 'C' or 'F')
+ if (show_other_units) then
+ local temp_conv, units_conv
+ if (units == 'metric') then
+ temp_conv = celsius_to_fahrenheit(temp)
+ units_conv = 'F'
+ else
+ temp_conv = fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp)
+ units_conv = 'C'
+ end
+ local temp_conv_str = string.format(fmt_str, temp_conv)
+ s = s .. ' ' .. '('.. temp_conv_str .. '°' .. units_conv .. ')'
+ end
+ return s
+ end
+ weather_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function ()
+ local resp_json = {}
+ local res, status = http.request{
+ url=weather_api_url,
+ sink=ltn12.sink.table(resp_json),
+ -- ref:
+ --
+ create=function()
+ -- ref:
+ local req_sock = socket.tcp()
+ -- 't' — overall timeout
+ req_sock:settimeout(0.2, 't')
+ -- 'b' — block timeout
+ req_sock:settimeout(0.001, 'b')
+ return req_sock
+ end
+ }
+ if (resp_json ~= nil) then
+ resp_json = table.concat(resp_json)
+ end
+ if (status ~= 200 and resp_json ~= nil and resp_json ~= '') then
+ local err_resp = json.decode(resp_json)
+ naughty.notify{
+ title = 'Weather Widget Error',
+ text = err_resp.message,
+ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ }
+ elseif (resp_json ~= nil and resp_json ~= '') then
+ resp = json.decode(resp_json)
+ icon_widget.image = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon]
+ temp_widget:set_text(gen_temperature_str(resp.main.temp, '%.0f', both_units_widget))
+ end
+ end)
+ weather_timer:start()
+ weather_timer:emit_signal("timeout")
+ --- Notification with weather information. Popups when mouse hovers over the icon
+ local notification
+ weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
+ notification = naughty.notify{
+ icon = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon],
+ icon_size=20,
+ text =
+ '<big>' ..[1].main .. ' (' ..[1].description .. ')</big><br>' ..
+ '<b>Humidity:</b> ' .. resp.main.humidity .. '%<br>' ..
+ '<b>Temperature:</b> ' .. gen_temperature_str(resp.main.temp, '%.1f',
+ both_units_popup) .. '<br>' ..
+ '<b>Pressure:</b> ' .. resp.main.pressure .. 'hPa<br>' ..
+ '<b>Clouds:</b> ' .. resp.clouds.all .. '%<br>' ..
+ '<b>Wind:</b> ' .. resp.wind.speed .. 'm/s (' .. to_direction(resp.wind.deg) .. ')',
+ timeout = 5, hover_timeout = 10,
+ width = (both_units_popup == true and 210 or 200)
+ }
+ end)
+ weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
+ naughty.destroy(notification)
+ end)
+ return weather_widget
-return weather_widget
+return setmetatable(weather_widget, { __call = function(_, ...)
+ return worker(...)
+end })