path: root/cpu-widget
diff options
authorstreetturtle <>2020-12-07 15:33:55 -0500
committerGitHub <>2020-12-07 15:33:55 -0500
commitd4971690cec1e074999e730d87045e578d71e43c (patch)
treeb0f05079840eba5467e14bdcd093ad3ed5362cf4 /cpu-widget
parentf078748e76eacae599cf0ad06120d9fff54f8fa5 (diff)
parented2b256407291d8edadfcea9380029633cc7d9d8 (diff)
Merge pull request #224 from streetturtle/comply-with-luacheck
Comply with luacheck
Diffstat (limited to 'cpu-widget')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/cpu-widget/cpu-widget.lua b/cpu-widget/cpu-widget.lua
index 54547ae..bed40fe 100644
--- a/cpu-widget/cpu-widget.lua
+++ b/cpu-widget/cpu-widget.lua
@@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local gears = require("gears")
+local CMD = [[sh -c "grep '^cpu.' /proc/stat; ps -eo '%p|%c|%C|' -o "%mem" -o '|%a' --sort=-%cpu ]]
+ .. [[| head -11 | tail -n +2"]]
local HOME_DIR = os.getenv("HOME")
local WIDGET_DIR = HOME_DIR .. '/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/cpu-widget'
-local widget = {}
+local cpu_widget = {}
local cpu_rows = {
spacing = 4,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
@@ -86,9 +89,9 @@ local function create_kill_process_button()
-local function worker(args)
+local function worker(user_args)
- local args = args or {}
+ local args = user_args or {}
local width = args.width or 50
local step_width = args.step_width or 2
@@ -120,8 +123,8 @@ local function worker(args)
-- Do not update process rows when mouse cursor is over the widget
- popup:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) is_update = false end)
- popup:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) is_update = true end)
+ popup:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() is_update = false end)
+ popup:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() is_update = true end)
@@ -136,155 +139,162 @@ local function worker(args)
--- By default graph widget goes from left to right, so we mirror it and push up a bit
- local cpu_widget = wibox.container.margin(wibox.container.mirror(cpugraph_widget, { horizontal = true }), 0, 0, 0, 2)
+ cpu_widget = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ cpugraph_widget,
+ reflection = {horizontal = true},
+ layout = wibox.container.mirror
+ },
+ bottom = 2,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ }
local cpus = {}
- watch([[sh -c "grep '^cpu.' /proc/stat; ps -eo '%p|%c|%C|' -o "%mem" -o '|%a' --sort=-%cpu | head -11 | tail -n +2"]], timeout,
- function(widget, stdout)
- local i = 1
- local j = 1
- for line in stdout:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
- if starts_with(line, 'cpu') then
+ watch(CMD, timeout, function(widget, stdout)
+ local i = 1
+ local j = 1
+ for line in stdout:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
+ if starts_with(line, 'cpu') then
- if cpus[i] == nil then cpus[i] = {} end
+ if cpus[i] == nil then cpus[i] = {} end
- local name, user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, steal, guest, guest_nice =
- line:match('(%w+)%s+(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)')
+ local name, user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, steal, _, _ =
+ line:match('(%w+)%s+(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)')
- local total = user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal
+ local total = user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal
- local diff_idle = idle - tonumber(cpus[i]['idle_prev'] == nil and 0 or cpus[i]['idle_prev'])
- local diff_total = total - tonumber(cpus[i]['total_prev'] == nil and 0 or cpus[i]['total_prev'])
- local diff_usage = (1000 * (diff_total - diff_idle) / diff_total + 5) / 10
+ local diff_idle = idle - tonumber(cpus[i]['idle_prev'] == nil and 0 or cpus[i]['idle_prev'])
+ local diff_total = total - tonumber(cpus[i]['total_prev'] == nil and 0 or cpus[i]['total_prev'])
+ local diff_usage = (1000 * (diff_total - diff_idle) / diff_total + 5) / 10
- cpus[i]['total_prev'] = total
- cpus[i]['idle_prev'] = idle
+ cpus[i]['total_prev'] = total
+ cpus[i]['idle_prev'] = idle
- if i == 1 then
- widget:add_value(diff_usage)
- end
+ if i == 1 then
+ widget:add_value(diff_usage)
+ end
+ local row = wibox.widget
+ {
+ create_textbox{text = name},
+ create_textbox{text = math.floor(diff_usage) .. '%'},
+ {
+ max_value = 100,
+ value = diff_usage,
+ forced_height = 20,
+ forced_width = 150,
+ paddings = 1,
+ margins = 4,
+ border_width = 1,
+ border_color = beautiful.bg_focus,
+ background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
+ bar_border_width = 1,
+ bar_border_color = beautiful.bg_focus,
+ color = "linear:150,0:0,0:0,#D08770:0.3,#BF616A:0.6," .. beautiful.fg_normal,
+ widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
- local row = wibox.widget
+ },
+ layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
+ }
+ row:ajust_ratio(2, 0.15, 0.15, 0.7)
+ cpu_rows[i] = row
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ if is_update == true then
+ local columns = split(line, '|')
+ local pid = columns[1]
+ local comm = columns[2]
+ local cpu = columns[3]
+ local mem = columns[4]
+ local cmd = columns[5]
+ local kill_proccess_button = enable_kill_button and create_kill_process_button() or nil
+ local pid_name_rest = wibox.widget{
+ create_textbox{text = pid},
+ create_textbox{text = comm},
- create_textbox{text = name},
- create_textbox{text = math.floor(diff_usage) .. '%'},
- {
- max_value = 100,
- value = diff_usage,
- forced_height = 20,
- forced_width = 150,
- paddings = 1,
- margins = 4,
- border_width = 1,
- border_color = beautiful.bg_focus,
- background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
- bar_border_width = 1,
- bar_border_color = beautiful.bg_focus,
- color = "linear:150,0:0,0:0,#D08770:0.3,#BF616A:0.6," .. beautiful.fg_normal,
- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
- },
- layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
- }
- row:ajust_ratio(2, 0.15, 0.15, 0.7)
- cpu_rows[i] = row
- i = i + 1
- else
- if is_update == true then
- local columns = split(line, '|')
- local pid = columns[1]
- local comm = columns[2]
- local cpu = columns[3]
- local mem = columns[4]
- local cmd = columns[5]
- local kill_proccess_button = enable_kill_button and create_kill_process_button() or nil
- local pid_name_rest = wibox.widget{
- create_textbox{text = pid},
- create_textbox{text = comm},
- {
- create_textbox{text = cpu, align = 'center'},
- create_textbox{text = mem, align = 'center'},
- kill_proccess_button,
- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
- },
- layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
- }
- pid_name_rest:ajust_ratio(2, 0.2, 0.47, 0.33)
- local row = wibox.widget {
- {
- pid_name_rest,
- top = 4,
- bottom = 4,
- widget = wibox.container.margin
- },
- widget = wibox.container.background
- }
- row:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_focus) end)
- row:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal) end)
- if enable_kill_button then
- row:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) kill_proccess_button.icon.opacity = 1 end)
- row:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) kill_proccess_button.icon.opacity = 0.1 end)
- kill_proccess_button:buttons(
- awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function()
- row:set_bg('#ff0000')
- awful.spawn.with_shell('kill -9 ' .. pid)
- end) ) )
- end
+ create_textbox{text = cpu, align = 'center'},
+ create_textbox{text = mem, align = 'center'},
+ kill_proccess_button,
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
+ },
+ layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
+ }
+ pid_name_rest:ajust_ratio(2, 0.2, 0.47, 0.33)
- awful.tooltip {
- objects = { row },
- mode = 'outside',
- preferred_positions = {'bottom'},
- timer_function = function()
- local text = cmd
- if process_info_max_length > 0 and text:len() > process_info_max_length then
- text = text:sub(0, process_info_max_length - 3) .. '...'
- end
- return text
- :gsub('%s%-', '\n\t-') -- put arguments on a new line
- :gsub(':/', '\n\t\t:/') -- java classpath uses : to separate jars
- end,
- }
- process_rows[j] = row
- j = j + 1
- end
+ local row = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ pid_name_rest,
+ top = 4,
+ bottom = 4,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ }
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_focus) end)
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal) end)
+ if enable_kill_button then
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() kill_proccess_button.icon.opacity = 1 end)
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() kill_proccess_button.icon.opacity = 0.1 end)
+ kill_proccess_button:buttons(
+ awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function()
+ row:set_bg('#ff0000')
+ awful.spawn.with_shell('kill -9 ' .. pid)
+ end) ) )
+ awful.tooltip {
+ objects = { row },
+ mode = 'outside',
+ preferred_positions = {'bottom'},
+ timer_function = function()
+ local text = cmd
+ if process_info_max_length > 0 and text:len() > process_info_max_length then
+ text = text:sub(0, process_info_max_length - 3) .. '...'
+ end
+ return text
+ :gsub('%s%-', '\n\t-') -- put arguments on a new line
+ :gsub(':/', '\n\t\t:/') -- java classpath uses : to separate jars
+ end,
+ }
+ process_rows[j] = row
+ j = j + 1
- popup:setup {
- {
- cpu_rows,
- {
- orientation = 'horizontal',
- forced_height = 15,
- color = beautiful.bg_focus,
- widget = wibox.widget.separator
- },
- create_process_header{with_action_column = enable_kill_button},
- process_rows,
- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
- },
- margins = 8,
- widget = wibox.container.margin
- }
- end,
- cpugraph_widget
+ end
+ end
+ popup:setup {
+ {
+ cpu_rows,
+ {
+ orientation = 'horizontal',
+ forced_height = 15,
+ color = beautiful.bg_focus,
+ widget = wibox.widget.separator
+ },
+ create_process_header{with_action_column = enable_kill_button},
+ process_rows,
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
+ },
+ margins = 8,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ }
+ end,
+ cpugraph_widget
return cpu_widget
-return setmetatable(widget, { __call = function(_, ...)
+return setmetatable(cpu_widget, { __call = function(_, ...)
return worker(...)
end })