path: root/kitty
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2025-01-20Set kitty tab-bar style to powerlinezachir
I think it fits in better with my system than fade.
2025-01-18Remove kitty close confirmationZachIR
This confirmation would prompt even if only the shell was open; not anymore.
2024-06-05Change kitty font to FiraCodezachir
And also resize it to size 11.0
2024-03-23Set kitty TERM to kitty-256colorzachir
This increases compatibility with SSH.
2023-10-19Add resize keybindings and sync to monzachir
2023-10-19override kittyZachIR
2023-07-26add scrolling + scrollback bindingszachir
2023-07-17Add resize keybindings and sync to monzachir
2023-07-15Use kitty instead of alacrittyZachIR