AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-07-11Fix some xdg path blunderszachir
These broke adb, and the xcursor path.
2024-07-11Update hypr config options for v0.41.2zachir
Two changes, for cursor warping and spawning the new window as master.
2024-06-06Add gtk-2.0 and gtk-3.0 themeszachir
My theme also works for gtk-4.0, but GNOME hugged that up, so once I figure out how to put that here I will.
2024-06-05Add in vimrc to fix xdg and nvimzachir
This adds the vimrc, both for its own sake, but also to fix nvim (which gets enjankified by the xdg fix for vim proper).
2024-06-05Use magick to convert wallpaper from nsxivzachir
Imagemagick would prefer me to use the magick binary, as apparently the convert binary is deprecated.
2024-06-05Add hypr eDP output, rules, and tp togglezachir
Adds eDP-1 as an output, adds some window rules for REAPER, and various other windows, and adds a bind to toggle the touchpad (script in .local/bin).
2024-06-05Don't set cursor theme in autostart.shzachir
It isn't run anymore, but still shouldn't set the cursor theme, especially to the wrong thing.
2024-06-05Add more ignore dirszachir
2024-06-05Set qt to use xdgdesktopportal dialogszachir
2024-06-05Fix cursor supportzachir
Hyprcursor and Xcursor were rendering differently; this should be fixed now that they use the same size (32px) and theme.
2024-06-05Add better/more XDG supportzachir
Implements XDG support for more programs that support it, in various levels of hackiness.
2024-06-05Change kitty font to FiraCodezachir
And also resize it to size 11.0
2024-06-04Add more dirs to .gitignorezachir
2024-06-04Remove unnecessary zsh commandzachir
It doesn't need to set the terminal title to "terminal"?
2024-06-04Update publicshare dir in user-dirs.dirszachir
XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR is now set to ~/Shared, instead of ~/Public, because that's what I use that dir for.
2024-06-04Set tmux status barzachir
This sets the tmux status bar with the date and time
2024-06-04Add # NEW PATH comment to sh profilezachir
The barest of documentation
2024-06-04Run :make when writing latex filezachir
My latex projects use Makefiles to compile them; this makes that process automatic.
2024-06-04Use nvim smarttab and smartindentzachir
This gets all of the indenting and such sorted to be "smart".
2024-06-04Add nvim colo's and commented bg optionszachir
Adding in tomasiser/vim-code-dark and flazz/vim-colorschemes to provide more color options. Also have options (commented out) to make the background transparent should that be desired later.
2024-06-04Change hyprpaper wallpaper targetzachir
It will now load `~/Pictures/background.png', instead of ~/background.jpg.
2024-06-04Add hyprpaper wallpapers for all outputszachir
This seems like basically all the outputs on my devices.
2024-06-04Update hyprland configzachir
Remove, update default windowrules, remove commented out lines.
2024-06-04Make hyprland start hypridle not swayidlezachir
I added the hypridle and hyprlock config, but this actually makes the practical change.
2024-06-04Add hypridle and hyprlock configszachir
Adding in configs for these to replace swayidle and swaylock/waylock.
2024-06-04Ignore more directorieszachir
More stuff that shouldn't be backed up/doesn't need to be.
2024-06-04Change s systemctl alias to sudo systemctlzachir
There is `us' for `systemctl --user', this is for the system `systemctl'; so it should have sudo in it.
2024-06-04Fix adding paths to sh profilezachir
The previous method was clunky, redundant, and terrible; it is now better, and should not keep adding the same directories into the path when sourcing it over and over.
2024-06-04Remove nix from profile; add zvmzachir
Removing nix, as using the package manager was an experiment I didn't super get along with. Adding in the Zig Version Manager to manage Zig installations.
2024-06-04Remove mpv quality-menu-osc scriptzachir
I'm not using it anymore, so I'm removing it.
2024-06-04Add back osc in mpv; force enable hwdeczachir
Mpv should use hardware decoding, as my devices have the capability of using it. Additionally, I actually like having the OSC; I don't know why I disabled it.
2024-06-04Increase easyeffects scratchpad sizezachir
Increasing it from 50% screen size to 75% (in both dimensions).
2024-06-04Update hyprland configzachir
This adds in hyprsplit, variable refresh rate, prevents swallowing with fontpreview-ueberzug, and adds in hyprcursor environment variables.
2024-03-24Fix hyprland config file errorszachir
2024-03-23Update waybar rules for hyprland/workspaceszachir
Waybar v0.10.0 changed how persistent workspaces are done in config.
2024-03-23Fix sh not loading xdg user dirszachir
2024-03-23Add systemctl aliaseszachir
2024-03-23Set nvim colo and remove C++ auto colozachir
2024-03-23Set kitty TERM to kitty-256colorzachir
This increases compatibility with SSH.
2024-03-23Set pyprland scratchpads to a size and positionzachir
2024-03-23Update hyprland configzachir
- Remove workspace module - Update window rules - Update looks
2024-02-08hypr: float Tk windowszachir
Tk windows should float (this is mostly for testing the python tk programs I've written that need to).
2024-02-08hypr: Fix XF86 keyszachir
XF86AudioMicMute, XF86MonBrightnessUp and XF86MonBrightnessDown were not working properly; this fixes all of those buttons.
2024-02-08hypr: this is a basic ptt using volsvzachir
This toggles the mic mute when pressing the keybinding, and when releasing it. This acts as a push-to-talk, or a push-to-mute, depending on what the mic status is before pressing it.`
2024-02-08tmux: Use user-installed tpm rather than the system pathzachir
This uses the path from the github install guide for tpm, so it should work if you just copy and paste from there.
2024-02-08hyprpaper: Disables the splash textzachir
This disables the text from showing up over the wallpaper.
2024-02-08nvim: Use DevC++ colo for c/c++ fileszachir
This uses a colorscheme specifically for c/c++ files when editing c/c++ files.
2024-02-08nvim: enable live preview for .texzachir
This re-enables the live preview plugin for .tex files.
2024-02-08nvim: reorganize init.vim to have better comment alignmentzachir
This is purely for my OCD.
2024-02-08nvim: Expand tabs to spaceszachir
We're switching back to the objectively correct method of using spaces instead of tabs.