AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-06-05Don't set cursor theme in autostart.shzachir
2024-06-05Add more ignore dirszachir
2024-06-05Merge branch 'master' into clazachir
2024-06-05Set qt to use xdgdesktopportal dialogszachir
2024-06-05Fix cursor supportzachir
2024-06-05Add better/more XDG supportzachir
2024-06-05Merge branch 'master' into clazachir
2024-06-05Change kitty font to FiraCodezachir
2024-06-04cla: reconfigure waybarzachir
2024-06-04cla: Add systemd env and service in hyprlandzachir
2024-06-04cla: set output resolution and frame ratezachir
2024-06-04Add more dirs to .gitignorezachir
2024-06-04Remove unnecessary zsh commandzachir
2024-06-04Update publicshare dir in user-dirs.dirszachir
2024-06-04Set tmux status barzachir
2024-06-04Add # NEW PATH comment to sh profilezachir
2024-06-04Run :make when writing latex filezachir
2024-06-04Use nvim smarttab and smartindentzachir
2024-06-04Add nvim colo's and commented bg optionszachir
2024-06-04Change hyprpaper wallpaper targetzachir
2024-06-04Add hyprpaper wallpapers for all outputszachir
2024-06-04Update hyprland configzachir
2024-06-04Make hyprland start hypridle not swayidlezachir
2024-06-04Add hypridle and hyprlock configszachir
2024-06-04Ignore more directorieszachir
2024-06-04Change s systemctl alias to sudo systemctlzachir
2024-06-04Fix adding paths to sh profilezachir
2024-06-04Remove nix from profile; add zvmzachir
2024-06-04Remove mpv quality-menu-osc scriptzachir
2024-06-04Add back osc in mpv; force enable hwdeczachir
2024-06-04Increase easyeffects scratchpad sizezachir
2024-06-04Update hyprland configzachir
2024-03-24Fix hyprland config file errorszachir
2024-03-23Update waybar rules for hyprland/workspaceszachir
2024-03-23Fix sh not loading xdg user dirszachir
2024-03-23Add systemctl aliaseszachir
2024-03-23Set nvim colo and remove C++ auto colozachir
2024-03-23Set kitty TERM to kitty-256colorzachir
2024-03-23Set pyprland scratchpads to a size and positionzachir
2024-03-23Update hyprland configzachir
2024-02-08hypr: float Tk windowszachir
2024-02-08hypr: Fix XF86 keyszachir
2024-02-08hypr: this is a basic ptt using volsvzachir
2024-02-08tmux: Use user-installed tpm rather than the system pathzachir
2024-02-08hyprpaper: Disables the splash textzachir
2024-02-08nvim: Use DevC++ colo for c/c++ fileszachir
2024-02-08nvim: enable live preview for .texzachir
2024-02-08nvim: reorganize init.vim to have better comment alignmentzachir
2024-02-08nvim: Expand tabs to spaceszachir
2024-02-06hypr: Fix REAPER/yabridge broken menuszachir