path: root/mpv/scripts/youtube-download.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mpv/scripts/youtube-download.lua')
1 files changed, 758 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mpv/scripts/youtube-download.lua b/mpv/scripts/youtube-download.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3050b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpv/scripts/youtube-download.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+-- youtube-download.lua
+-- Download video/audio from youtube via youtube-dl and ffmpeg/avconv
+-- This is forked/based on
+-- Video download bound to ctrl-d by default.
+-- Audio download bound to ctrl-a by default.
+-- Requires youtube-dl in PATH for video download
+-- Requires ffmpeg or avconv in PATH for audio download
+local mp = require 'mp'
+local utils = require 'mp.utils'
+local msg = require 'mp.msg'
+local opts = {
+ -- Key bindings
+ -- Set to empty string "" to disable
+ download_video_binding = "ctrl+d",
+ download_audio_binding = "ctrl+a",
+ download_subtitle_binding = "ctrl+s",
+ download_video_embed_subtitle_binding = "ctrl+i",
+ select_range_binding = "ctrl+r",
+ -- Specify audio format: "best", "aac","flac", "mp3", "m4a", "opus", "vorbis", or "wav"
+ audio_format = "mp3",
+ -- Specify ffmpeg/avconv audio quality
+ -- insert a value between 0 (better) and 9 (worse) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K
+ audio_quality = "0",
+ -- Same as youtube-dl --format FORMAT
+ -- see
+ -- set to "current" to download the same quality that is currently playing
+ video_format = "",
+ -- Encode the video to another format if necessary: "mp4", "flv", "ogg", "webm", "mkv", "avi"
+ recode_video = "",
+ -- Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters, and avoid "&" and spaces in filenames
+ restrict_filenames = true,
+ -- Download the whole playlist (false) or only one video (true)
+ -- Same as youtube-dl --no-playlist
+ no_playlist = true,
+ -- Use an archive file, see youtube-dl --download-archive
+ -- You have these options:
+ -- * Set to empty string "" to not use an archive file
+ -- * Set an absolute path to use one archive for all downloads e.g. download_archive="/home/user/archive.txt"
+ -- * Set a relative path/only a filename to use one archive per directory e.g. download_archive="archive.txt"
+ -- * Use $PLAYLIST to create one archive per playlist e.g. download_archive="/home/user/archives/$PLAYLIST.txt"
+ download_archive = "",
+ -- Use a cookies file for youtube-dl
+ -- Same as youtube-dl --cookies
+ -- On Windows you need to use a double blackslash or a single fordwardslash
+ -- For example "C:\\Users\\Username\\cookies.txt"
+ -- Or "C:/Users/Username/cookies.txt"
+ cookies = "",
+ -- Filename or full path
+ -- Same as youtube-dl -o FILETEMPLATE
+ -- see
+ -- A relative path or a file name is relative to the path mpv was launched from
+ -- On Windows you need to use a double blackslash or a single fordwardslash
+ -- For example "C:\\Users\\Username\\Downloads\\%(title)s.%(ext)s"
+ -- Or "C:/Users/Username/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
+ filename = "%(title)s.%(ext)s",
+ -- Subtitle language
+ -- Same as youtube-dl --sub-lang en
+ sub_lang = "en",
+ -- Subtitle format
+ -- Same as youtube-dl --sub-format best
+ sub_format = "best",
+ -- Log file for download errors
+ log_file = "",
+--Read configuration file
+(require 'mp.options').read_options(opts, "youtube-download")
+--Read command line arguments
+local ytdl_raw_options = mp.get_property("ytdl-raw-options")
+if ytdl_raw_options ~= nil and ytdl_raw_options:find("cookies=") ~= nil then
+ local cookie_file = ytdl_raw_options:match("cookies=([^,]+)")
+ if cookie_file ~= nil then
+ opts.cookies = cookie_file
+ end
+local function exec(args, capture_stdout, capture_stderr)
+ local ret = mp.command_native({
+ name = "subprocess",
+ playback_only = false,
+ capture_stdout = capture_stdout,
+ capture_stderr = capture_stderr,
+ args = args,
+ })
+ return ret.status, ret.stdout, ret.stderr, ret
+local function trim(str)
+ return str:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "")
+local function not_empty(str)
+ if str == nil or str == "" then
+ return false
+ end
+ return trim(str) ~= ""
+local function path_separator()
+ return package.config:sub(1,1)
+local function path_join(...)
+ return table.concat({...}, path_separator())
+local function get_current_format()
+ -- get the current youtube-dl format or the default value
+ local ytdl_format = mp.get_property("options/ytdl-format")
+ if not_empty(ytdl_format) then
+ return ytdl_format
+ end
+ ytdl_format = mp.get_property("ytdl-format")
+ if not_empty(ytdl_format) then
+ return ytdl_format
+ end
+ return "bestvideo+bestaudio/best"
+local DOWNLOAD = {
+ VIDEO=1,
+ AUDIO=2,
+local select_range_mode = 0
+local start_time_seconds = nil
+local start_time_formated = nil
+local end_time_seconds = nil
+local end_time_formated = nil
+local is_downloading = false
+local function disable_select_range()
+ -- Disable range mode
+ select_range_mode = 0
+ -- Remove the arrow key key bindings
+ mp.remove_key_binding("select-range-set-up")
+ mp.remove_key_binding("select-range-set-down")
+ mp.remove_key_binding("select-range-set-left")
+ mp.remove_key_binding("select-range-set-right")
+local function download(download_type)
+ local start_time ="%c")
+ if is_downloading then
+ return
+ end
+ is_downloading = true
+ local ass0 = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/0")
+ local ass1 = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/1")
+ local url = mp.get_property("path")
+ url = string.gsub(url, "ytdl://", "") -- Strip possible ytdl:// prefix.
+ if string.find(url, "//") == nil
+ and string.find(url, "//") == nil
+ and string.find(url, "//") == nil
+ and string.find(url, "//") == nil
+ then
+ mp.osd_message("Not a youtube URL: " .. tostring(url), 10)
+ is_downloading = false
+ return
+ end
+ local list_match = url:match("list=(%w+)")
+ local download_archive = opts.download_archive
+ if list_match ~= nil and opts.download_archive ~= nil and opts.download_archive:find("$PLAYLIST", 1, true) then
+ download_archive = opts.download_archive:gsub("$PLAYLIST", list_match)
+ end
+ if download_type == DOWNLOAD.AUDIO then
+ mp.osd_message("Audio download started", 2)
+ elseif download_type == DOWNLOAD.SUBTITLE then
+ mp.osd_message("Subtitle download started", 2)
+ elseif download_type == DOWNLOAD.VIDEO_EMBED_SUBTITLE then
+ mp.osd_message("Video w/ subtitle download started", 2)
+ else
+ mp.osd_message("Video download started", 2)
+ end
+ -- Compose command line arguments
+ local command = {}
+ local range_mode_file_name = nil
+ local range_mode_subtitle_file_name = nil
+ local start_time_offset = 0
+ if select_range_mode == 0 or (select_range_mode > 0 and (download_type == DOWNLOAD.AUDIO or download_type == DOWNLOAD.SUBTITLE)) then
+ table.insert(command, "youtube-dl")
+ table.insert(command, "--no-overwrites")
+ if opts.restrict_filenames then
+ table.insert(command, "--restrict-filenames")
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.filename) then
+ table.insert(command, "-o")
+ table.insert(command, opts.filename)
+ end
+ if opts.no_playlist then
+ table.insert(command, "--no-playlist")
+ end
+ if not_empty(download_archive) then
+ table.insert(command, "--download-archive")
+ table.insert(command, download_archive)
+ end
+ if download_type == DOWNLOAD.SUBTITLE then
+ table.insert(command, "--sub-lang")
+ table.insert(command, opts.sub_lang)
+ table.insert(command, "--write-sub")
+ table.insert(command, "--skip-download")
+ if not_empty(opts.sub_format) then
+ table.insert(command, "--sub-format")
+ table.insert(command, opts.sub_format)
+ end
+ if select_range_mode > 0 then
+ mp.osd_message("Range mode is not available for subtitle-only download", 10)
+ is_downloading = false
+ return
+ end
+ elseif download_type == DOWNLOAD.AUDIO then
+ table.insert(command, "--extract-audio")
+ if not_empty(opts.audio_format) then
+ table.insert(command, "--audio-format")
+ table.insert(command, opts.audio_format)
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.audio_quality) then
+ table.insert(command, "--audio-quality")
+ table.insert(command, opts.audio_quality)
+ end
+ if select_range_mode > 0 then
+ local start_time_str = tostring(start_time_seconds)
+ local end_time_str = tostring(end_time_seconds)
+ table.insert(command, "--external-downloader")
+ table.insert(command, "ffmpeg")
+ table.insert(command, "--external-downloader-args")
+ table.insert(command, "-loglevel warning -nostats -hide_banner -ss ".. start_time_str .. " -to " .. end_time_str .. " -avoid_negative_ts make_zero")
+ end
+ if download_type == DOWNLOAD.VIDEO_EMBED_SUBTITLE then
+ table.insert(command, "--all-subs")
+ table.insert(command, "--write-sub")
+ table.insert(command, "--embed-subs")
+ if not_empty(opts.sub_format) then
+ table.insert(command, "--sub-format")
+ table.insert(command, opts.sub_format)
+ end
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.video_format) then
+ table.insert(command, "--format")
+ if opts.video_format == "current" then
+ table.insert(command, get_current_format())
+ else
+ table.insert(command, opts.video_format)
+ end
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.recode_video) then
+ table.insert(command, "--recode-video")
+ table.insert(command, opts.recode_video)
+ end
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.cookies) then
+ table.insert(command, "--cookies")
+ table.insert(command, opts.cookies)
+ end
+ table.insert(command, url)
+ elseif select_range_mode > 0 and
+ (download_type == DOWNLOAD.VIDEO or download_type == DOWNLOAD.VIDEO_EMBED_SUBTITLE) then
+ -- Show download indicator
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "{\\an9}{\\fs12}βŒ›πŸ”—")
+ start_time_seconds = math.floor(start_time_seconds)
+ end_time_seconds = math.ceil(end_time_seconds)
+ local start_time_str = tostring(start_time_seconds)
+ local end_time_str = tostring(end_time_seconds)
+ -- Add time to the file name of the video
+ local filename_format
+ -- Insert start time/end time
+ if not_empty(opts.filename) then
+ if opts.filename:find("%%%(start_time%)") ~= nil then
+ -- Found "start_time" -> replace it
+ filename_format = tostring(opts.filename:
+ gsub("%%%(start_time%)[^diouxXeEfFgGcrs]*[diouxXeEfFgGcrs]", start_time_str):
+ gsub("%%%(end_time%)[^diouxXeEfFgGcrs]*[diouxXeEfFgGcrs]", end_time_str))
+ else
+ local ext_pattern = "%(ext)s"
+ if opts.filename:sub(-#ext_pattern) == ext_pattern then
+ -- Insert before ext
+ filename_format = opts.filename:sub(1, #(opts.filename) - #ext_pattern) ..
+ start_time_str .. "-" ..
+ end_time_str .. ".%(ext)s"
+ else
+ -- append at end
+ filename_format = opts.filename .. start_time_str .. "-" .. end_time_str
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- default youtube-dl filename pattern
+ filename_format = "%(title)s-%(id)s." .. start_time_str .. "-" .. end_time_str .. ".%(ext)s"
+ end
+ -- Find a suitable format
+ local format = "bestvideo[ext*=mp4]+bestaudio/best[ext*=mp4]/best"
+ local requested_format = opts.video_format
+ if requested_format == "current" then
+ requested_format = get_current_format()
+ end
+ if requested_format == nil or requested_format == "" then
+ format = format
+ elseif requested_format == "best" then
+ -- "best" works, because its a single file stream
+ format = "best"
+ elseif requested_format:find("mp4") ~= nil then
+ -- probably a mp4 format, so use it
+ format = requested_format
+ else
+ -- custom format, no "mp4" found -> use default
+ msg.warn("Select range mode requires a .mp4 format or \"best\", found " ..
+ requested_format .. "\n(" .. opts.video_format .. ")" ..
+ "\nUsing default format instead: " .. format)
+ end
+ -- Get the download url of the video file
+ -- e.g.: youtube-dl -g -f bestvideo[ext*=mp4]+bestaudio/best[ext*=mp4]/best -s --get-filename
+ command = {"youtube-dl"}
+ if opts.restrict_filenames then
+ table.insert(command, "--restrict-filenames")
+ end
+ if not_empty(opts.cookies) then
+ table.insert(command, "--cookies")
+ table.insert(command, opts.cookies)
+ end
+ table.insert(command, "-g")
+ table.insert(command, "--no-playlist")
+ table.insert(command, "-f")
+ table.insert(command, format)
+ table.insert(command, "-o")
+ table.insert(command, filename_format)
+ table.insert(command, "-s")
+ table.insert(command, "--get-filename")
+ table.insert(command, url)
+ msg.debug("info exec: " .. table.concat(command, " "))
+ local info_status, info_stdout, info_stderr = exec(command, true, true)
+ if info_status ~= 0 then
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "")
+ mp.osd_message("Could not retieve download stream url: status=" .. tostring(info_status) .. "\n" ..
+ ass0 .. "{\\fs8} " .. info_stdout:gsub("\r", "") .."\n" .. info_stderr:gsub("\r", "") .. ass1, 20)
+ msg.debug("info_stdout:\n" .. info_stdout)
+ msg.debug("info_stderr:\n" .. info_stderr)
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "")
+ is_downloading = false
+ return
+ end
+ -- Split result into lines
+ local info_lines = {}
+ local last_index = 0
+ local info_lines_N = 0
+ while true do
+ local start_i, end_i = info_stdout:find("\n", last_index, true)
+ if start_i then
+ local line = tostring(trim(info_stdout:sub(last_index, start_i)))
+ if line ~= "" then
+ table.insert(info_lines, line)
+ info_lines_N = info_lines_N + 1
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ last_index = end_i + 1
+ end
+ if info_lines_N < 2 then
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "")
+ mp.osd_message("Could not extract download stream urls and filename from output\n" ..
+ ass0 .. "{\\fs8} " .. info_stdout:gsub("\r", "") .."\n" .. info_stderr:gsub("\r", "") .. ass1, 20)
+ msg.debug("info_stdout:\n" .. info_stdout)
+ msg.debug("info_stderr:\n" .. info_stderr)
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "")
+ is_downloading = false
+ return
+ end
+ range_mode_file_name = info_lines[info_lines_N]
+ table.remove(info_lines)
+ if download_type == DOWNLOAD.VIDEO_EMBED_SUBTITLE then
+ -- youtube-dl --write-sub --skip-download -o "temp.%(ext)s"
+ command = {"youtube-dl", "--write-sub", "--skip-download", "--sub-lang", opts.sub_lang}
+ if not_empty(opts.sub_format) then
+ table.insert(command, "--sub-format")
+ table.insert(command, opts.sub_format)
+ end
+ local randomName = "tmp_" .. tostring(math.random())
+ table.insert(command, "-o")
+ table.insert(command, randomName .. ".%(ext)s")
+ table.insert(command, url)
+ -- Start subtitle download
+ msg.debug("exec: " .. table.concat(command, " "))
+ local subtitle_status, subtitle_stdout, subtitle_stderr = exec(command, true, true)
+ if subtitle_status == 0 and subtitle_stdout:find(randomName) then
+ local i, j = subtitle_stdout:find(randomName .. "[^\n]+")
+ range_mode_subtitle_file_name = trim(subtitle_stdout:sub(i, j))
+ if range_mode_subtitle_file_name ~= "" then
+ if range_mode_file_name:sub(-4) ~= ".mkv" then
+ -- Only mkv supports all kinds of subtitle formats
+ range_mode_file_name = range_mode_file_name:sub(1,-4) .. "mkv"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ mp.osd_message("Could not find a suitable subtitle")
+ msg.debug("subtitle_stdout:\n" .. subtitle_stdout)
+ msg.debug("subtitle_stderr:\n" .. subtitle_stderr)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Download earlier (cut off afterwards)
+ start_time_offset = math.min(15, start_time_seconds)
+ start_time_seconds = start_time_seconds - start_time_offset
+ start_time_str = tostring(start_time_seconds)
+ end_time_str = tostring(end_time_seconds)
+ command = {"ffmpeg", "-loglevel", "warning", "-nostats", "-hide_banner", "-y"}
+ for _, value in ipairs(info_lines) do
+ table.insert(command, "-ss")
+ table.insert(command, start_time_str)
+ table.insert(command, "-to")
+ table.insert(command, end_time_str)
+ table.insert(command, "-i")
+ table.insert(command, value)
+ end
+ if not_empty(range_mode_subtitle_file_name) then
+ table.insert(command, "-ss")
+ table.insert(command, start_time_str)
+ table.insert(command, "-i")
+ table.insert(command, range_mode_subtitle_file_name)
+ table.insert(command, "-to") -- To must be after input for subtitle
+ table.insert(command, end_time_str)
+ end
+ table.insert(command, "-c")
+ table.insert(command, "copy")
+ table.insert(command, range_mode_file_name)
+ disable_select_range()
+ end
+ -- Show download indicator
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "{\\an9}{\\fs12}βŒ›πŸ’Ύ")
+ -- Start download
+ msg.debug("exec: " .. table.concat(command, " "))
+ local status, stdout, stderr = exec(command, true, true)
+ if status == 0 and range_mode_file_name ~= nil then
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "{\\an9}{\\fs12}βŒ›πŸ”¨")
+ -- Cut first few seconds to fix errors
+ local start_time_offset_str = tostring(start_time_offset)
+ if #start_time_offset_str == 1 then
+ start_time_offset_str = "0" .. start_time_offset_str
+ end
+ local max_length = end_time_seconds - start_time_seconds + start_time_offset + 12
+ local tmp_file_name = range_mode_file_name .. ".tmp." .. range_mode_file_name:sub(-3)
+ command = {"ffmpeg", "-loglevel", "warning", "-nostats", "-hide_banner", "-y",
+ "-i", range_mode_file_name, "-ss", "00:00:" .. start_time_offset_str,
+ "-c", "copy", "-avoid_negative_ts", "make_zero", "-t", tostring(max_length), tmp_file_name}
+ msg.debug("mux exec: " .. table.concat(command, " "))
+ local muxstatus, muxstdout, muxstderr = exec(command, true, true)
+ if muxstatus ~= 0 and not_empty(muxstderr) then
+ msg.warn("Remux log:" .. tostring(muxstdout))
+ msg.warn("Remux errorlog:" .. tostring(muxstderr))
+ end
+ if muxstatus == 0 then
+ os.remove(range_mode_file_name)
+ os.rename(tmp_file_name, range_mode_file_name)
+ if not_empty(range_mode_subtitle_file_name) then
+ os.remove(range_mode_subtitle_file_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ is_downloading = false
+ -- Hide download indicator
+ mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "")
+ local wrote_error_log = false
+ if stderr ~= nil and not_empty(opts.log_file) and not_empty(stderr) then
+ -- Write stderr to log file
+ local title = mp.get_property("media-title")
+ local file = (opts.log_file , "a+")
+ file:write("\n[")
+ file:write(start_time)
+ file:write("] ")
+ file:write(url)
+ file:write("\n[\"")
+ file:write(title)
+ file:write("\"]\n")
+ file:write(stderr)
+ file:close()
+ wrote_error_log = true
+ end
+ if (status ~= 0) then
+ mp.osd_message("download failed:\n" .. tostring(stderr), 10)
+ msg.error("URL: " .. tostring(url))
+ msg.error("Return status code: " .. tostring(status))
+ msg.debug(tostring(stderr))
+ msg.debug(tostring(stdout))
+ return
+ end
+ if string.find(stdout, "has already been recorded in archive") ~=nil then
+ mp.osd_message("Has already been recorded in archive", 5)
+ return
+ end
+ -- Retrieve the file name
+ local filename = nil
+ if range_mode_file_name == nil and stdout then
+ local i, j, last_i, start_index = 0
+ while i ~= nil do
+ last_i, start_index = i, j
+ i, j = stdout:find ("Destination: ",j, true)
+ end
+ if last_i ~= nil then
+ local end_index = stdout:find ("\n", start_index, true)
+ if end_index ~= nil and start_index ~= nil then
+ filename = trim(stdout:sub(start_index, end_index))
+ end
+ end
+ elseif not_empty(range_mode_file_name) then
+ filename = range_mode_file_name
+ end
+ local osd_text = "Download succeeded\n"
+ local osd_time = 5
+ -- Find filename or directory
+ if filename then
+ local filepath
+ local basepath
+ if filename:find("/") == nil and filename:find("\\") == nil then
+ basepath = utils.getcwd()
+ filepath = path_join(utils.getcwd(), filename)
+ else
+ basepath = ""
+ filepath = filename
+ end
+ if filepath:len() < 100 then
+ osd_text = osd_text .. ass0 .. "{\\fs12} " .. filepath .. " {\\fs20}" .. ass1
+ elseif basepath == "" then
+ osd_text = osd_text .. ass0 .. "{\\fs8} " .. filepath .. " {\\fs20}" .. ass1
+ else
+ osd_text = osd_text .. ass0 .. "{\\fs11} " .. basepath .. "\n" .. filename .. " {\\fs20}" .. ass1
+ end
+ if wrote_error_log then
+ -- Write filename and end time to log file
+ local file = (opts.log_file , "a+")
+ file:write("[" .. filepath .. "]\n")
+ file:write("[end %c]\n"))
+ file:close()
+ end
+ else
+ if wrote_error_log then
+ -- Write directory and end time to log file
+ local file = (opts.log_file , "a+")
+ file:write("[" .. utils.getcwd() .. "]\n")
+ file:write("[end %c]\n"))
+ file:close()
+ end
+ osd_text = osd_text .. utils.getcwd()
+ end
+ -- Show warnings
+ if not_empty(stderr) then
+ msg.warn("Errorlog:" .. tostring(stderr))
+ if stderr:find("incompatible for merge") == nil then
+ local i = stderr:find("Input #")
+ if i ~= nil then
+ stderr = stderr:sub(i)
+ end
+ osd_text = osd_text .. "\n" .. ass0 .. "{\\fs8} " .. stderr:gsub("\r", "") .. ass1
+ osd_time = osd_time + 5
+ end
+ end
+ mp.osd_message(osd_text, osd_time)
+local function select_range_show()
+ local status
+ if select_range_mode > 0 then
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ status = "Download range: Fine tune\n← β†’ start time\n↓ ↑ end time\n" ..
+ tostring(opts.select_range_binding) .. " next mode"
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ status = "Download range: Select interval\n← start here\nβ†’ end here\n↓from beginning\n↑til end\n" ..
+ tostring(opts.select_range_binding) .. " next mode"
+ end
+ mp.osd_message("Start: " .. start_time_formated .. "\nEnd: " .. end_time_formated .. "\n" .. status, 30)
+ else
+ status = "Download range: Disabled (download full length)"
+ mp.osd_message(status, 3)
+ end
+local function select_range_set_left()
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ start_time_seconds = math.max(0, start_time_seconds - 1)
+ if start_time_seconds < 86400 then
+ start_time_formated ="!%H:%M:%S", start_time_seconds)
+ else
+ start_time_formated = tostring(start_time_seconds) .. "s"
+ end
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ start_time_seconds = mp.get_property_number("time-pos")
+ start_time_formated = mp.command_native({"expand-text","${time-pos}"})
+ end
+ select_range_show()
+local function select_range_set_start()
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ end_time_seconds = math.max(1, end_time_seconds - 1)
+ if end_time_seconds < 86400 then
+ end_time_formated ="!%H:%M:%S", end_time_seconds)
+ else
+ end_time_formated = tostring(end_time_seconds) .. "s"
+ end
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ start_time_seconds = 0
+ start_time_formated = "00:00:00"
+ end
+ select_range_show()
+local function select_range_set_end()
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ end_time_seconds = math.min(mp.get_property_number("duration"), end_time_seconds + 1)
+ if end_time_seconds < 86400 then
+ end_time_formated ="!%H:%M:%S", end_time_seconds)
+ else
+ end_time_formated = tostring(end_time_seconds) .. "s"
+ end
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ end_time_seconds = mp.get_property_number("duration")
+ end_time_formated = mp.command_native({"expand-text","${duration}"})
+ end
+ select_range_show()
+local function select_range_set_right()
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ start_time_seconds = math.min(mp.get_property_number("duration") - 1, start_time_seconds + 1)
+ if start_time_seconds < 86400 then
+ start_time_formated ="!%H:%M:%S", start_time_seconds)
+ else
+ start_time_formated = tostring(start_time_seconds) .. "s"
+ end
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ end_time_seconds = mp.get_property_number("time-pos")
+ end_time_formated = mp.command_native({"expand-text","${time-pos}"})
+ end
+ select_range_show()
+local function select_range()
+ -- Cycle through modes
+ if select_range_mode == 2 then
+ -- Disable range mode
+ disable_select_range()
+ elseif select_range_mode == 1 then
+ -- Switch to "fine tune" mode
+ select_range_mode = 2
+ else
+ select_range_mode = 1
+ -- Add keybinds for arrow keys
+ mp.add_key_binding("up", "select-range-set-up", select_range_set_end)
+ mp.add_key_binding("down", "select-range-set-down", select_range_set_start)
+ mp.add_key_binding("left", "select-range-set-left", select_range_set_left)
+ mp.add_key_binding("right", "select-range-set-right", select_range_set_right)
+ -- Defaults
+ if start_time_seconds == nil then
+ start_time_seconds = mp.get_property_number("time-pos")
+ start_time_formated = mp.command_native({"expand-text","${time-pos}"})
+ end_time_seconds = mp.get_property_number("duration")
+ end_time_formated = mp.command_native({"expand-text","${duration}"})
+ end
+ end
+ select_range_show()
+local function download_video()
+ return download(DOWNLOAD.VIDEO)
+local function download_audio()
+ return download(DOWNLOAD.AUDIO)
+local function download_subtitle()
+ return download(DOWNLOAD.SUBTITLE)
+local function download_embed_subtitle()
+-- keybind
+if not_empty(opts.download_video_binding) then
+ mp.add_key_binding(opts.download_video_binding, "download-video", download_video)
+if not_empty(opts.download_audio_binding) then
+ mp.add_key_binding(opts.download_audio_binding, "download-audio", download_audio)
+if not_empty(opts.download_subtitle_binding) then
+ mp.add_key_binding(opts.download_subtitle_binding, "download-subtitle", download_subtitle)
+if not_empty(opts.download_video_embed_subtitle_binding) then
+ mp.add_key_binding(opts.download_video_embed_subtitle_binding, "download-embed-subtitle", download_embed_subtitle)
+if not_empty(opts.select_range_binding) then
+ mp.add_key_binding(opts.select_range_binding, "select-range-start", select_range)