path: root/hypr
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Diffstat (limited to 'hypr')
3 files changed, 78 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/hypr/hypridle.conf b/hypr/hypridle.conf
index 9b6ea02..f25f081 100644
--- a/hypr/hypridle.conf
+++ b/hypr/hypridle.conf
@@ -1,13 +1,34 @@
general {
- lock_cmd = hyprlock # dbus/sysd lock command (loginctl lock-session)
- unlock_cmd = # same as above, but unlock
- before_sleep_cmd = swaylock # command ran before sleep
- after_sleep_cmd = # command ran after sleep
- ignore_dbus_inhibit = false # whether to ignore dbus-sent idle-inhibit requests (used by e.g. firefox or steam)
+ lock_cmd = pidof hyprlock || hyprlock # avoid starting multiple hyprlock instances.
+ before_sleep_cmd = loginctl lock-session # lock before suspend.
+ after_sleep_cmd = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # to avoid having to press a key twice to turn on the display.
listener {
- timeout = 600 # in seconds
- on-timeout = loginctl lock-session # command to run when timeout has passed
- on-resume = # command to run when activity is detected after timeout has fired.
+ timeout = 150 # 2.5min.
+ on-timeout = brightnessctl -s set 10 # set monitor backlight to minimum, avoid 0 on OLED monitor.
+ on-resume = brightnessctl -r # monitor backlight restore.
+# turn off keyboard backlight, comment out this section if you dont have a keyboard backlight.
+listener {
+ timeout = 150 # 2.5min.
+ on-timeout = brightnessctl -sd led::kbd_backlight set 0 # turn off keyboard backlight.
+ on-resume = brightnessctl -rd led::kbd_backlight # turn on keyboard backlight.
+listener {
+ timeout = 300 # 5min
+ on-timeout = loginctl lock-session # lock screen when timeout has passed
+listener {
+ timeout = 330 # 5.5min
+ on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off # screen off when timeout has passed
+ on-resume = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # screen on when activity is detected after timeout has fired.
+listener {
+ timeout = 1800 # 30min
+ on-timeout = systemctl suspend # suspend pc
diff --git a/hypr/hyprland.conf b/hypr/hyprland.conf
index 4f60c5c..6c5225f 100644
--- a/hypr/hyprland.conf
+++ b/hypr/hyprland.conf
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ monitor = DP-1, 1920x1080@60, 0x0, 1
exec-once = xdph
exec-once = hyprpm reload -n
exec-once = hyprpaper
-exec-once = swayidle
+#exec-once = hypridle
exec-once = waybar
exec-once = pypr
exec-once = lxqt-policykit-agent
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ exec-once = import-gsettings icon-theme 'Mint-X-Grey'
exec-once = import-gsettings cursor-theme 'Breeze'
exec-once = xrdb -load "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/X11/xresources
exec-once = com.github.wwmm.easyeffects
-exec-once = mpd
-exec-once = systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY
-exec-once = systemctl --user import-environment WAYLAND_DISPLAY
+exec-once = systemctl --user start dunst
+exec-once = systemctl --user start hypridle
+#exec-once = mpd
#{{{ env
@@ -111,10 +111,6 @@ misc {
decoration {
# See for more
rounding = 10
- drop_shadow = no
- shadow_range = 4
- shadow_render_power = 3
- col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee)
#{{{ Blur options
blur {
enabled = true
@@ -124,6 +120,14 @@ decoration {
xray = false
+ #{{{ Shadow options
+ shadow {
+ enabled = false
+ range = 4
+ render_power = 3
+ color = 0xee1a1a1a
+ }
+ #}}}
@@ -158,9 +162,10 @@ master {
# See for more
new_status = inherit
new_on_top = true
- no_gaps_when_only = false
+ #no_gaps_when_only = false
orientation = left
inherit_fullscreen = true
+ drop_at_cursor = true
@@ -185,36 +190,35 @@ plugin {
# Example windowrule v2
# windowrulev2 = float, class:^(kitty)$, title:^(kitty)$
# See for more
-#windowrule = windowdance, ^(oneshot)$
-#windowrule = windowdance, title:^(UNDERTALE)$
-#windowrule = windowdance, title:^(Rhythm Doctor)$
-#windowrule = fullscreen, ^(Xephyr)$
-#windowrule = float, title:^(LibreWolf - Choose User Profile)$
-#windowrule = float, ^(xdg-desktop-portal-gtk)
-#windowrulev2 = forceinput, class:^(xdg-desktop-portal-gtk)
-#windowrule = float, title:^(UNDERTALE)$
-#windowrule = float, ^(Tk)$
-#windowrule = float, ^(lxqt-policykit-agent)$
-#windowrulev2 = stayfocused, title:^()$, class:^(steam)$
-#windowrulev2 = minsize 1 1, title:^()$, class:^(steam)$
-#windowrulev2 = stayfocused, title:^(menu)$, class:^(REAPER)$
-#windowrulev2 = minsize 1 1, title:^(menu)$, class:^(REAPER)$
-#windowrulev2 = stayfocused, title:^(menu)$,class:^($
-#windowrulev2 = minsize 1 1, title:^(menu)$,class:^($
-windowrulev2 = tile, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(REAPER v[0-9.]* - Registered to [A-Za-z ]* \(Licensed for personal/small business use\))$
-windowrulev2 = tile, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(reaper)$
-windowrulev2 = tile, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Mixer)$
-#windowrule = tile, ^(WebApp-.*)$
-#windowrule = float, title:^(menu)$
-windowrulev2 = move onscreen cursor -50% -50%, title:^(menu)$
-windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus, title:^(menu)$
-windowrulev2 = windowdance, title:^(menu)$
-#windowrulev2 = nofocus, class:^(mldrums.exe|yabridge-host.exe)$, title:^(\s*)$
-#windowrulev2 = opacity 1.0, class:^(mldrums.exe|yabridge-host.exe)$, title:^(\s*)$
-#windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1, class:^(mldrums.exe|yabridge-host.exe)$, title:^(\s*)$
-#windowrulev2 = float, class:^(mldrums.exe|yabridge-host.exe)$, title:^(\s*)$
-#windowrulev2 = float, class:^(mldrums.exe)$, title:^(ML Drums)$
-#windowrulev2 = nofocus, class:^(mldrums.exe|yabridge-host.exe)$, title:^(\s*)$
+windowrule = fullscreen, ^(Xephyr)$
+windowrule = float, title:^(LibreWolf - Choose User Profile)$
+windowrule = float, ^(xdg-desktop-portal-gtk)
+windowrule = float, title:^(UNDERTALE)$
+windowrule = float, ^(Tk)$
+windowrule = float, ^(lxqt-policykit-agent)$
+windowrule = float, ^(Kdenlive)$
+windowrulev2 = stayfocused, title:^()$, class:^(steam)$
+windowrulev2 = minsize 1 1, title:^()$, class:^(steam)$
+windowrulev2 = stayfocused, title:^(menu)$,class:^($
+windowrulev2 = minsize 1 1, title:^(menu)$,class:^($
+windowrulev2 = float, class:^($, title:^(menu)$
+windowrulev2 = float, floating:0, title:^(menu*)
+windowrule = workspace 2, title:^(REAPER .*initializing.*)$
+windowrulev2 = tile, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(.*REAPER v[0-9.]* - Licensed for personal/small business use)$
+windowrule = tile, ^(WebApp-Qobuz[0-9]*)$
+windowrulev2 = float, title:^(menu)$
+windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^($, title:^(menu)$
+#windowrulev2 = nofocus, class:^($, title:^(\s*)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Snap/Grid Settings)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Routing for track [0-9]*)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Metronome and pre-roll settings)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^($, title:^(menu)$
+#windowrulev2 = nofocus, class:^($, title:^(\s*)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^($, title:^(\s*)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Snap/Grid Settings)$
+#windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% -50%, class:^(REAPER)$, title:^(Routing for track [0-9]*)$
+#windowrulev2 = float, floating:0, title:^(menu)$
+#windowrulev2 = forceinput, title:^(menu)$
#{{{ Mods
@@ -348,6 +352,7 @@ bind = $mainMod, Q, exec, loginctl lock-session
bind = $mainMod $secdMod CONTROL, Q, exec, systemctl suspend
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, G, exec, get-app-id
bind = $mainMod Control, M, exec, volsv -m
+bind = $mainMod, Comma, exec,
#bind = $mainMod CONTROL, R, exec, startx -- /usr/bin/Xephyr -screen 1920x1080 :1
diff --git a/hypr/hyprlock.conf b/hypr/hyprlock.conf
index 84d08ae..57f9fdd 100644
--- a/hypr/hyprlock.conf
+++ b/hypr/hyprlock.conf
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
general {
- disable_loading_bar = false
- hide_cursor = false
+ disable_loading_bar = true
+ hide_cursor = true
grace = 0
- no_fade_in = false
- no_fade_out = false
- ignore_empty_input = false
+ no_fade_in = true
+ no_fade_out = true
+ ignore_empty_input = true
background {