path: root/X11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'X11')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/X11/Xresources b/X11/Xresources
deleted file mode 100644
index e5b0aea..0000000
--- a/X11/Xresources
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-!! dmenu
-dmenu.font: mononoki Nerd Font Mono:size=24
-!! dwm
-dwm.normbgcolor: #000000
-dwm.normbordercolor: #1b1d1c
-dwm.normfgcolor: #ffffff
-dwm.selbgcolor: #198844
-dwm.selbordercolor: #198844
-dwm.selfgcolor: #ffffff
-dwm.urgfgcolor: #ffffff
-dwm.urgbordercolor: #198844
-dwm.urgbgcolor: #cc342b
-dwm.borderpx: 3
-dwm.gappx: 6
-dwm.snap: 32
-dwm.showbar: 1
-dwm.topbar: 1
-dwm.nmaster: 1
-dwm.resizehints: 1
-dwm.mfact: 0.50
-!! st
-! These options only take effect on startup.
-st.termname: st-256color
-! if you do not set shell, precedence is: -e arg, utmp option, SHELL env var, /etc/passwd shell /usr/bin/tmux
-! The following options options can be reloaded via USR1 signal.
-st.font: mononoki Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=9:antialias=true:autohint=true;
-st.font2: Symbola:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true;
-st.borderpx: 3
-! st alpha
-! st.alpha: 0.8
-! st.alphaUnfocused: 0.8
-! Available cursor values: 2 4 6 7 = █ _ | ☃ ( 1 3 5 are blinking versions)
-st.cursorshape: 6
-! thickness of underline and bar cursors
-st.cursorthickness: 2
-! 0: normal blinking, 1: leave cursor border and blink with cursor''s background
-st.cursorblinkstyle: 0
-! 0: cursor blinks with a constant interval; 1: blinking cycle resets on key input
-st.cursorblinkontype: 1
-! st.bold_font: 0
-st.xfps: 120
-st.actionfps: 60
-! Amount of lines scrolled
-st.mouseScrollLines: 1
-! Kerning / character bounding-box height multiplier
-st.chscale: 1.0
-! Kerning / character bounding-box width multiplier
-st.cwscale: 1.0
-! blinking timeout for terminal and cursor blinking (0 disables)
-st.blinktimeout: 800
-! bell volume. Value between -100 and 100. (0 disables)
-st.bellvolume: 0
-! this is a char that is exposed like so: `printf '\033[z'`
-st.prompt_char: $
-! This option is can be preedit style. Available values: `root` `overthespot` (Default taken `root`)
-st.imstyle: root
-! This option sets the number of spaces for a tab
-st.tabspaces: 2
-!! RXVT-Unicode (urxvt) config
-! do not scroll with output
-URxvt.scrollTtyOutput: false
-! scroll in relation to buffer (with mouse scroll or Shift+Page Up)
-URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: true
-! scroll back to the bottom on keypress
-URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true
-! disable scrollback buffer for secondary screen
-URxvt.secondaryScreen: 1
-URxvt.secondaryScroll: 0
-URxvt.secondaryWheel: 1
-! URxvt font
-URxvt.font: xft:Fira Code:regular:size=8,xft:symbola:regular:size=9
-! fix font spacing
-URxvt.letterSpace: -1
-! Disable printing
-URxvt.print-pipe: "cat > /dev/null"
-! disable iso14755
-URxvt.iso14755: false
-URxvt.iso14755_52: false
-! enable transparency
-URxvt.depth: 32
-URxvt.background: rgba:0000/0000/0200/c800
-! disable scrollbar
-URxvt.scrollBar: false
-!! perls
-! perls
-URxvt.perl-ext: default,url-select,tabbed,resize-font,clipboard
-! clipboard
-URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true
-URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: perl:clipboard:copy
-URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste
-! url-select
-URxvt.keysum.M-u: perl:url-select:select-next
-URxvt.url-select.launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open
-URxvt.url-select.underline: true
-! tabbed
-URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 2
-URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: 0 3 0
-! resize-font
-URxvt.keysym.C-Minus: resize-font:smaller
-URxvt.keysym.C-Plus: resize-font:bigger
-! "Enabled modi" Set from: Default
-rofi.modi: window,run,ssh,drun
-! "Window width" Set from: Default
-rofi.width: 1366
-! "Number of lines" Set from: Default
-! rofi.lines: 15
-! "Number of columns" Set from: Default
-! rofi.columns: 1
-! "Font to use" Set from: Default
-rofi.font: mononoki 9
-! "Border width" Set from: Default
-! 1
-! "Location on screen" Set from: Default
-rofi.location: 2
-! "Padding" Set from: Default
-! rofi.padding: 5
-! "Y-offset relative to location" Set from: Default
-! rofi.yoffset: 0
-! "X-offset relative to location" Set from: Default
-! rofi.xoffset: 0
-! "Always show number of lines" Set from: Default
-! rofi.fixed-num-lines: true
-! "Whether to load and show icons" Set from: Default
-! false
-! "Terminal to use" Set from: Default
-! rofi.terminal: rofi-sensible-terminal
-! "Ssh client to use" Set from: Default
-! rofi.ssh-client: ssh
-! "Ssh command to execute" Set from: Default
-! rofi.ssh-command: {terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host} [-p {port}]
-! "Run command to execute" Set from: Default
-! {cmd}
-! "Command to get extra run targets" Set from: Default
-! "Run command to execute that runs in shell" Set from: Default
-! {terminal} -e {cmd}
-! "Command to executed when -kb-accept-alt binding is hit on selected window " Set from: Default
-! rofi.window-command: wmctrl -i -R {window}
-! "Window fields to match in window mode" Set from: Default
-! rofi.window-match-fields: all
-! "Theme to use to look for icons" Set from: Default
-! rofi.icon-theme:
-! "Desktop entry fields to match in drun" Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-match-fields: name,generic,exec,categories,keywords
-! "Only show Desktop entry from these categories" Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-categories:
-! "Desktop entry show actions." Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-show-actions: false
-! "DRUN format string. (Supports: generic,name,comment,exec,categories)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-display-format: {name} [<span weight='light' size='small'><i>({generic})</i></span>]
-! "Command to open an Desktop Entry that is a Link." Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-url-launcher: xdg-open
-! "Disable history in run/ssh" Set from: Default
-! rofi.disable-history: false
-! "Programs ignored for history" Set from: Default
-! rofi.ignored-prefixes:
-! "Use sorting" Set from: Default
-! rofi.sort: false
-! "Choose the strategy used for sorting: normal (levenshtein) or fzf." Set from: Default
-! rofi.sorting-method: normal
-! "Set case-sensitivity" Set from: Default
-! false
-! "Cycle through the results list" Set from: Default
-! rofi.cycle: true
-! "Enable sidebar-mode" Set from: Default
-! rofi.sidebar-mode: false
-! "Row height (in chars)" Set from: Default
-! 1
-! "Enable auto select mode" Set from: Default
-! false
-! "Parse hosts file for ssh mode" Set from: Default
-! rofi.parse-hosts: false
-! "Parse known_hosts file for ssh mode" Set from: Default
-! rofi.parse-known-hosts: true
-! "Set the modi to combine in combi mode" Set from: Default
-! rofi.combi-modi: window,run
-! "Set the matching algorithm. (normal, regex, glob, fuzzy)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.matching: normal
-! "Tokenize input string" Set from: Default
-! rofi.tokenize: true
-! "Monitor id to show on" Set from: Default
-! rofi.m: -5
-! "Margin between rows *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.line-margin: 2
-! "Padding within rows *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.line-padding: 1
-! "Pre-set filter" Set from: Default
-! rofi.filter:
-! "Separator style (none, dash, solid) *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.separator-style: dash
-! "Hide scroll-bar *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.hide-scrollbar: false
-! "Fullscreen" Set from: Default
-! rofi.fullscreen: false
-! "Fake transparency *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.fake-transparency: false
-! "DPI" Set from: Default
-! rofi.dpi: -1
-! "Threads to use for string matching" Set from: Default
-! rofi.threads: 0
-! "Scrollbar width *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.scrollbar-width: 8
-! "Scrolling method. (0: Page, 1: Centered)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.scroll-method: 0
-! "Background to use for fake transparency. (background or screenshot) *DEPRECATED*" Set from: Default
-! rofi.fake-background: screenshot
-! "Window Format. w (desktop name), t (title), n (name), r (role), c (class)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.window-format: {w} {c} {t}
-! "Click outside the window to exit" Set from: Default
-! true
-! "Indicate how it match by underlining it." Set from: Default
-! true
-! "New style theme file" Set from: Default
-! rofi.theme:
-! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: Default
-! 'bg' 'fg' 'bgalt' 'hlbg' 'hlfg'
-rofi.color-normal: #000000, #b4b7b5, #89231d, #cc342b, #000000
-! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: Default
-! rofi.color-urgent:
-! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: Default
-! rofi.color-active:
-! "Color scheme window" Set from: Default
-! 'background' 'border' 'separator'
-rofi.color-window: #1d1f21, #101010, #000000
-! "Max history size (WARNING: can cause slowdowns when set to high)." Set from: Default
-! rofi.max-history-size: 25
-! "Hide the prefix mode prefix on the combi view." Set from: Default
-! rofi.combi-hide-mode-prefix: false
-! "Set the character used to negate the matching. ('\0' to disable)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.matching-negate-char: -
-! "Directory where history and temporary files are stored." Set from: Default
-! rofi.cache-dir:
-! "Show window thumbnail (if available) as icon in window switcher." Set from: Default
-! rofi.window-thumbnail: false
-! "DRUN: build and use a cache with desktop file content." Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-use-desktop-cache: false
-! "DRUN: If enabled, reload the cache with desktop file content." Set from: Default
-! rofi.drun-reload-desktop-cache: false
-! "Normalize string when matching (implies -no-show-match)." Set from: Default
-! rofi.normalize-match: false
-! "Pidfile location" Set from: Default
-! /run/user/1000/
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-window:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-windowcd:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-run:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-ssh:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-drun:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-combi:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-keys:
-! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
-! rofi.display-file-browser:
-! "Paste primary selection" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-primary-paste: Control+V,Shift+Insert
-! "Paste clipboard" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-secondary-paste: Control+v,Insert
-! "Clear input line" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-clear-line: Control+w
-! "Beginning of line" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-front: Control+a
-! "End of line" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-end: Control+e
-! "Move back one word" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-word-back: Alt+b,Control+Left
-! "Move forward one word" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-word-forward: Alt+f,Control+Right
-! "Move back one char" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-char-back: Left,Control+b
-! "Move forward one char" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-move-char-forward: Right,Control+f
-! "Delete previous word" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-word-back: Control+Alt+h,Control+BackSpace
-! "Delete next word" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-word-forward: Control+Alt+d
-! "Delete next char" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-char-forward: Delete,Control+d
-! "Delete previous char" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-char-back: BackSpace,Shift+BackSpace,Control+h
-! "Delete till the end of line" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-to-eol: Control+k
-! "Delete till the start of line" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-remove-to-sol: Control+u
-! "Accept entry" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-accept-entry: Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter
-! "Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi)" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-accept-custom: Control+Return
-! "Use alternate accept command." Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-accept-alt: Shift+Return
-! "Delete entry from history" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-delete-entry: Shift+Delete
-! "Switch to the next mode." Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-mode-next: Shift+Right,Control+Tab
-! "Switch to the previous mode." Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-mode-previous: Shift+Left,Control+ISO_Left_Tab
-! "Go to the previous column" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-left: Control+Page_Up
-! "Go to the next column" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-right: Control+Page_Down
-! "Select previous entry" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-up: Up,Control+p,ISO_Left_Tab
-! "Select next entry" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-down: Down,Control+n
-! "Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode." Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-tab: Tab
-! "Go to the previous page" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-page-prev: Page_Up
-! "Go to the next page" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-page-next: Page_Down
-! "Go to the first entry" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-first: Home,KP_Home
-! "Go to the last entry" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-last: End,KP_End
-! "Set selected item as input text" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-row-select: Control+space
-! "Take a screenshot of the rofi window" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-screenshot: Alt+S
-! "Toggle between ellipsize modes for displayed data" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-ellipsize: Alt+period
-! "Toggle case sensitivity" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-toggle-case-sensitivity: grave,dead_grave
-! "Toggle sort" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-toggle-sort: Alt+grave
-! "Quit rofi" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-cancel: Escape,Control+g,Control+bracketleft
-! "Custom keybinding 1" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-1: Alt+1
-! "Custom keybinding 2" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-2: Alt+2
-! "Custom keybinding 3" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-3: Alt+3
-! "Custom keybinding 4" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-4: Alt+4
-! "Custom Keybinding 5" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-5: Alt+5
-! "Custom keybinding 6" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-6: Alt+6
-! "Custom Keybinding 7" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-7: Alt+7
-! "Custom keybinding 8" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-8: Alt+8
-! "Custom keybinding 9" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-9: Alt+9
-! "Custom keybinding 10" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-10: Alt+0
-! "Custom keybinding 11" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-11: Alt+exclam
-! "Custom keybinding 12" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-12: Alt+at
-! "Custom keybinding 13" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-13: Alt+numbersign
-! "Custom keybinding 14" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-14: Alt+dollar
-! "Custom keybinding 15" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-15: Alt+percent
-! "Custom keybinding 16" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-16: Alt+dead_circumflex
-! "Custom keybinding 17" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-17: Alt+ampersand
-! "Custom keybinding 18" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-18: Alt+asterisk
-! "Custom Keybinding 19" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-custom-19: Alt+parenleft
-! "Select row 1" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-1: Super+1
-! "Select row 2" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-2: Super+2
-! "Select row 3" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-3: Super+3
-! "Select row 4" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-4: Super+4
-! "Select row 5" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-5: Super+5
-! "Select row 6" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-6: Super+6
-! "Select row 7" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-7: Super+7
-! "Select row 8" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-8: Super+8
-! "Select row 9" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-9: Super+9
-! "Select row 10" Set from: Default
-! rofi.kb-select-10: Super+0
-! "Go to the previous column" Set from: Default
-! ScrollLeft
-! "Go to the next column" Set from: Default
-! ScrollRight
-! "Select previous entry" Set from: Default
-! ScrollUp
-! "Select next entry" Set from: Default
-! ScrollDown
-! "Select hovered row" Set from: Default
-! MousePrimary
-! "Accept hovered row" Set from: Default
-! MouseDPrimary
-! "Accept hovered row with custom action" Set from: Default
-! Control+MouseDPrimary
-!! special
-!*.foreground: #c5c8c6
-!*.background: #1d1f21
-!*.cursorColor: #c5c8c6
-!! black
-!*.color0: #282a2e
-!*.color8: #373b41
-!! red
-!*.color1: #a54242
-!*.color9: #cc6666
-!! green
-!*.color2: #8c9440
-!*.color10: #b5bd68
-!! yellow
-!*.color3: #de935f
-!*.color11: #f0c674
-!! blue
-!*.color4: #5f819d
-!*.color12: #81a2be
-!! magenta
-!*.color5: #85678f
-!*.color13: #b294bb
-!! cyan
-!*.color6: #5e8d87
-!*.color14: #8abeb7
-!! white
-!*.color7: #707880
-!*.color15: #c5c8c6
-!! special
-*.foreground: #c5c8c6
-*.background: #000000
-*.cursorColor: #c5c8c6
-*.reverseCursor: #333536
-dmenu.selbackground: #39c1ed
-dmenu.selforeground: #000000
-dmenu.hibackground: #000000
-dmenu.hiforeground: #198844
-dmenu.selhibackground: #39c1ed
-dmenu.selhiforeground: #198844
-! black
-*.color0: #1b1d1c
-*.color8: #969896
-! red
-*.color1: #89231d
-*.color9: #cc342b
-! green
-*.color2: #198844
-*.color10: #4eec4e
-! yellow
-*.color3: #ae7518
-*.color11: #fba922
-! blue
-*.color4: #2b55b2
-*.color12: #3971ed
-! magenta
-*.color5: #784e93
-*.color13: #a36ac7
-! cyan
-*.color6: #2783a1
-*.color14: #39c1ed
-! white
-*.color7: #b4b7b5
-*.color15: #ffffff