diff options
-rw-r--r--deadbeef/playlists/0.dbplbin7050 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--deadbeef/playlists/1.dbplbin6814 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--deadbeef/playlists/2.dbplbin8914 -> 0 bytes
35 files changed, 417 insertions, 6171 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1a2cf87..bbc3215 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux
@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ blender/
+aIR Impulse RackEX.settings
@@ -162,9 +165,11 @@ Portmaster/
+Hellbeast v2/
@@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ Epic/
diff --git a/X11/xinitrc b/X11/xinitrc
index 3945b40..1d5a4fa 100755
--- a/X11/xinitrc
+++ b/X11/xinitrc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
xrdb ~/.Xresources
sh -c ~/.xprofile &
-WM="$(~/.local/scripts/crcparse 'WM')"
+WM="$(~/.local/bin/scripts/crcparse 'WM')"
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session $WM
diff --git a/alacritty/alacritty.yml b/alacritty/alacritty.yml
index 1e4bfe0..01e8d54 100644
--- a/alacritty/alacritty.yml
+++ b/alacritty/alacritty.yml
@@ -182,6 +182,12 @@ draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
# Colors (ZachIR)
# Default colors
+ footer_bar:
+ background: '#c5c8c6'
+ foreground: '#1d1f21'
background: '#000000'
foreground: '#c5c8c6'
@@ -228,10 +234,6 @@ colors:
foreground: '#ffffff'
background: '#000000'
- bar:
- background: '#c5c8c6'
- foreground: '#1d1f21'
# Keyboard regex hints
# First character in the hint label
diff --git a/cool-retro-term/cool-retro-term.conf b/cool-retro-term/cool-retro-term.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d190d88..0000000
--- a/cool-retro-term/cool-retro-term.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/deadbeef/config b/deadbeef/config
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ff3ae..0000000
--- a/deadbeef/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-artwork.filemask *cover*.jpg;*front*.jpg;*folder*.jpg;*cover*.png;*front*.png;*folder*.png
-cli_add_playlist_name Default
-cli_add_to_specific_playlist 1
-close_send_to_tray 1
-deadbeef_version 0.7.2
-filechooser.lastdir file:///home/zachir/Music/Starset/VESSELS
-gtkui.columns.playlist [{"title":"♫","id":"1","format":"%playstatus%","size":"50","align":"0","color_override":"0","color":"#ff000000"},{"title":"Artist / Album","id":"-1","format":"%artist% - %album%","size":"161","align":"0","color_override":"0","color":"#ff000000"},{"title":"Track No","id":"-1","format":"%tracknumber%","size":"50","align":"1","color_override":"0","color":"#ff000000"},{"title":"Title","id":"-1","format":"%title%","size":"160","align":"0","color_override":"0","color":"#ff000000"},{"title":"Duration","id":"-1","format":"%length%","size":"50","align":"0","color_override":"0","color":"#ff000000"}]
-gtkui.layout.0.6.2 vbox expand="0 1" fill="1 1" homogeneous=0 {hbox expand="0 1 0" fill="1 1 1" homogeneous=0 {playtb {} seekbar {} volumebar {} } hsplitter pos=481 locked=0 {tabbed_playlist hideheaders=0 width=481 {} vsplitter pos=234 locked=0 {spectrum {} coverart {} } } }
-gtkui.mmb_delete_playlist 1
-gtkui.name_playlist_from_folder 1
-gtkui.statusbar.visible 1
-gtkui.tabscroll 0
-gtkui.titlebar_playing_tf %artist% - %title% - DeaDBeeF-%_deadbeef_version%
-gtkui.titlebar_stopped_tf DeaDBeeF-%_deadbeef_version%
-hotkey.key01 "Ctrl f" 0 0 find
-hotkey.key02 "Ctrl o" 0 0 open_files
-hotkey.key03 "Ctrl q" 0 0 quit
-hotkey.key04 "Ctrl n" 0 0 new_playlist
-hotkey.key05 "Ctrl a" 0 0 select_all
-hotkey.key06 "Escape" 0 0 deselect_all
-hotkey.key07 "Ctrl m" 0 0 toggle_stop_after_current
-hotkey.key08 "Ctrl j" 0 0 jump_to_current_track
-hotkey.key09 "F1" 0 0 help
-hotkey.key10 "Delete" 1 0 remove_from_playlist
-hotkey.key11 "Ctrl w" 0 0 remove_current_playlist
-hotkey.key14 "Return" 0 0 play
-hotkey.key15 "Ctrl p" 0 0 toggle_pause
-hotkey.key16 "Alt 1" 0 0 playlist1
-hotkey.key17 "Alt 2" 0 0 playlist2
-hotkey.key18 "Alt 3" 0 0 playlist3
-hotkey.key19 "Alt 4" 0 0 playlist4
-hotkey.key20 "Alt 5" 0 0 playlist5
-hotkey.key21 "Alt 6" 0 0 playlist6
-hotkey.key22 "Alt 7" 0 0 playlist7
-hotkey.key23 "Alt 8" 0 0 playlist8
-hotkey.key24 "Alt 9" 0 0 playlist9
-hotkey.key25 "Alt 0" 0 0 playlist10
-hotkey.key26 z 0 0 prev
-hotkey.key27 x 0 0 play
-hotkey.key28 c 0 0 toggle_pause
-hotkey.key29 v 0 0 stop
-hotkey.key30 b 0 0 next
-hotkey.key31 n 0 0 playback_random
-hotkey.key32 "Ctrl k" 0 0 toggle_stop_after_album
-hotkeys_created 1
-ignore_archives 1
-junk.enable_cp1251_detection 1
-mainwin.geometry.h 343
-mainwin.geometry.w 946
-mainwin.geometry.x 966
-mainwin.geometry.y 372
-network.http_user_agent deadbeef
-network.proxy.port 8080
-network.proxy.type HTTP
-playback.loop 0
-playback.order 0
-playback.volume 0.0000000
-playlist.current 2
-playlist.cursor.0 1
-playlist.cursor.1 9
-playlist.cursor.2 2
-playlist.scroll.0 0
-playlist.scroll.1 0
-playlist.scroll.2 0
-playlist.scroll.cursorfollowplayback 1 Van Weezer Blue Album VESSELS
-prefwin.geometry.h 511
-prefwin.geometry.w 665
-prefwin.geometry.x 627
-prefwin.geometry.y 284
-replaygain_mode 0
-replaygain_scale 1
-resume.paused 0
-resume.playlist 2
-resume.position -1.000000
-resume.track -1
-streamer.8_to_16 1
diff --git a/deadbeef/dspconfig b/deadbeef/dspconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/deadbeef/dspconfig
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/deadbeef/playlists/0.dbpl b/deadbeef/playlists/0.dbpl
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fd6b4..0000000
--- a/deadbeef/playlists/0.dbpl
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/deadbeef/playlists/1.dbpl b/deadbeef/playlists/1.dbpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fc9eb..0000000
--- a/deadbeef/playlists/1.dbpl
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/deadbeef/playlists/2.dbpl b/deadbeef/playlists/2.dbpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7421fa7..0000000
--- a/deadbeef/playlists/2.dbpl
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doom/config.el b/doom/config.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ccb55a5..0000000
--- a/doom/config.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-;;; $DOOMDIR/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Place your private configuration here! Remember, you do not need to run 'doom
-;; sync' after modifying this file!
-;; Some functionality uses this to identify you, e.g. GPG configuration, email
-;; clients, file templates and snippets.
-(setq user-full-name "ZachIR"
- user-mail-address "")
-;; Doom exposes five (optional) variables for controlling fonts in Doom. Here
-;; are the three important ones:
-;; + `doom-font'
-;; + `doom-variable-pitch-font'
-;; + `doom-big-font' -- used for `doom-big-font-mode'; use this for
-;; presentations or streaming.
-;; They all accept either a font-spec, font string ("Input Mono-12"), or xlfd
-;; font string. You generally only need these two:
-;; (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "monospace" :size 12 :weight 'semi-light)
-;; doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "sans" :size 13))
-;; There are two ways to load a theme. Both assume the theme is installed and
-;; available. You can either set `doom-theme' or manually load a theme with the
-;; `load-theme' function. This is the default:
-(setq doom-theme 'doom-one)
-;; If you use `org' and don't want your org files in the default location below,
-;; change `org-directory'. It must be set before org loads!
-(setq org-directory "~/org/")
-;; This determines the style of line numbers in effect. If set to `nil', line
-;; numbers are disabled. For relative line numbers, set this to `relative'.
-(setq display-line-numbers-type t)
-;; Here are some additional functions/macros that could help you configure Doom:
-;; - `load!' for loading external *.el files relative to this one
-;; - `use-package!' for configuring packages
-;; - `after!' for running code after a package has loaded
-;; - `add-load-path!' for adding directories to the `load-path', relative to
-;; this file. Emacs searches the `load-path' when you load packages with
-;; `require' or `use-package'.
-;; - `map!' for binding new keys
-;; To get information about any of these functions/macros, move the cursor over
-;; the highlighted symbol at press 'K' (non-evil users must press 'C-c c k').
-;; This will open documentation for it, including demos of how they are used.
-;; You can also try 'gd' (or 'C-c c d') to jump to their definition and see how
-;; they are implemented.
diff --git a/doom/init.el b/doom/init.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b979a..0000000
--- a/doom/init.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; This file controls what Doom modules are enabled and what order they load
-;; in. Remember to run 'doom sync' after modifying it!
-;; NOTE Press 'SPC h d h' (or 'C-h d h' for non-vim users) to access Doom's
-;; documentation. There you'll find a "Module Index" link where you'll find
-;; a comprehensive list of Doom's modules and what flags they support.
-;; NOTE Move your cursor over a module's name (or its flags) and press 'K' (or
-;; 'C-c c k' for non-vim users) to view its documentation. This works on
-;; flags as well (those symbols that start with a plus).
-;; Alternatively, press 'gd' (or 'C-c c d') on a module to browse its
-;; directory (for easy access to its source code).
-(doom! :input
- ;;chinese
- ;;japanese
- ;;layout ; auie,ctsrnm is the superior home row
- :completion
- company ; the ultimate code completion backend
- ;;helm ; the *other* search engine for love and life
- ;;ido ; the other *other* search engine...
- ivy ; a search engine for love and life
- :ui
- ;;deft ; notational velocity for Emacs
- doom ; what makes DOOM look the way it does
- doom-dashboard ; a nifty splash screen for Emacs
- doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs
- ;;fill-column ; a `fill-column' indicator
- ;;hydra
- ;;indent-guides ; highlighted indent columns
- ;;ligatures ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again
- ;;minimap ; show a map of the code on the side
- modeline ; snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API
- ;;nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions
- ;;neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim
- ophints ; highlight the region an operation acts on
- (popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows
- ;;tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs
- ;;treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler
- ;;unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages
- vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe
- vi-tilde-fringe ; fringe tildes to mark beyond EOB
- ;;window-select ; visually switch windows
- workspaces ; tab emulation, persistence & separate workspaces
- ;;zen ; distraction-free coding or writing
- :editor
- (evil +everywhere); come to the dark side, we have cookies
- file-templates ; auto-snippets for empty files
- fold ; (nigh) universal code folding
- ;;(format +onsave) ; automated prettiness
- ;;god ; run Emacs commands without modifier keys
- ;;lispy ; vim for lisp, for people who don't like vim
- ;;multiple-cursors ; editing in many places at once
- ;;objed ; text object editing for the innocent
- ;;parinfer ; turn lisp into python, sort of
- ;;rotate-text ; cycle region at point between text candidates
- snippets ; my elves. They type so I don't have to
- word-wrap ; soft wrapping with language-aware indent
- :emacs
- dired ; making dired pretty [functional]
- electric ; smarter, keyword-based electric-indent
- ;;ibuffer ; interactive buffer management
- undo ; persistent, smarter undo for your inevitable mistakes
- vc ; version-control and Emacs, sitting in a tree
- :term
- ;;eshell ; the elisp shell that works everywhere
- ;;shell ; simple shell REPL for Emacs
- ;;term ; basic terminal emulator for Emacs
- vterm ; the best terminal emulation in Emacs
- :checkers
- syntax ; tasing you for every semicolon you forget
- spell ; tasing you for misspelling mispelling
- grammar ; tasing grammar mistake every you make
- :tools
- ;;ansible
- ;;debugger ; FIXME stepping through code, to help you add bugs
- ;;direnv
- ;;docker
- ;;editorconfig ; let someone else argue about tabs vs spaces
- ;;ein ; tame Jupyter notebooks with emacs
- (eval +overlay) ; run code, run (also, repls)
- ;;gist ; interacting with github gists
- lookup ; navigate your code and its documentation
- ;;lsp
- magit ; a git porcelain for Emacs
- make ; run make tasks from Emacs
- pass ; password manager for nerds
- pdf ; pdf enhancements
- ;;prodigy ; FIXME managing external services & code builders
- rgb ; creating color strings
- ;;taskrunner ; taskrunner for all your projects
- ;;terraform ; infrastructure as code
- tmux ; an API for interacting with tmux
- ;;upload ; map local to remote projects via ssh/ftp
- :os
- (:if IS-MAC macos) ; improve compatibility with macOS
- ;;tty ; improve the terminal Emacs experience
- :lang
- ;;agda ; types of types of types of types...
- cc ; C/C++/Obj-C madness
- ;;clojure ; java with a lisp
- ;;common-lisp ; if you've seen one lisp, you've seen them all
- ;;coq ; proofs-as-programs
- ;;crystal ; ruby at the speed of c
- ;;csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans
- ;;data ; config/data formats
- ;;(dart +flutter) ; paint ui and not much else
- ;;elixir ; erlang done right
- ;;elm ; care for a cup of TEA?
- emacs-lisp ; drown in parentheses
- ;;erlang ; an elegant language for a more civilized age
- ;;ess ; emacs speaks statistics
- ;;faust ; dsp, but you get to keep your soul
- ;;fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language
- ;;fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3
- ;;gdscript ; the language you waited for
- ;;(go +lsp) ; the hipster dialect
- (haskell +dante) ; a language that's lazier than I am
- ;;hy ; readability of scheme w/ speed of python
- ;;idris ;
- ;;json ; At least it ain't XML
- ;;(java +meghanada) ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome
- ;;javascript ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here))))))
- ;;julia ; a better, faster MATLAB
- ;;kotlin ; a better, slicker Java(Script)
- ;;latex ; writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun
- ;;lean
- ;;factor
- ;;ledger ; an accounting system in Emacs
- lua ; one-based indices? one-based indices
- markdown ; writing docs for people to ignore
- nim ; python + lisp at the speed of c
- ;;nix ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
- ;;ocaml ; an objective camel
- org ; organize your plain life in plain text
- ;;php ; perl's insecure younger brother
- ;;plantuml ; diagrams for confusing people more
- ;;purescript ; javascript, but functional
- ;;python ; beautiful is better than ugly
- ;;qt ; the 'cutest' gui framework ever
- ;;racket ; a DSL for DSLs
- ;;raku ; the artist formerly known as perl6
- ;;rest ; Emacs as a REST client
- ;;rst ; ReST in peace
- ;;(ruby +rails) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"}
- rust ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap()
- ;;scala ; java, but good
- ;;scheme ; a fully conniving family of lisps
- sh ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
- ;;sml
- ;;solidity ; do you need a blockchain? No.
- ;;swift ; who asked for emoji variables?
- ;;terra ; Earth and Moon in alignment for performance.
- ;;web ; the tubes
- ;;yaml ; JSON, but readable
- :email
- ;;(mu4e +gmail)
- ;;notmuch
- ;;(wanderlust +gmail)
- :app
- ;;calendar
- ;;irc ; how neckbeards socialize
- ;;(rss +org) ; emacs as an RSS reader
- ;;twitter ; twitter client
- :config
- ;;literate
- (default +bindings +smartparens))
diff --git a/doom/packages.el b/doom/packages.el
deleted file mode 100644
index b80e9cc..0000000
--- a/doom/packages.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
-;;; $DOOMDIR/packages.el
-;; To install a package with Doom you must declare them here and run 'doom sync'
-;; on the command line, then restart Emacs for the changes to take effect -- or
-;; use 'M-x doom/reload'.
-;; To install SOME-PACKAGE from MELPA, ELPA or emacsmirror:
-;(package! some-package)
-;; To install a package directly from a remote git repo, you must specify a
-;; `:recipe'. You'll find documentation on what `:recipe' accepts here:
-;(package! another-package
-; :recipe (:host github :repo "username/repo"))
-;; If the package you are trying to install does not contain a PACKAGENAME.el
-;; file, or is located in a subdirectory of the repo, you'll need to specify
-;; `:files' in the `:recipe':
-;(package! this-package
-; :recipe (:host github :repo "username/repo"
-; :files ("some-file.el" "src/lisp/*.el")))
-;; If you'd like to disable a package included with Doom, you can do so here
-;; with the `:disable' property:
-;(package! builtin-package :disable t)
-;; You can override the recipe of a built in package without having to specify
-;; all the properties for `:recipe'. These will inherit the rest of its recipe
-;; from Doom or MELPA/ELPA/Emacsmirror:
-;(package! builtin-package :recipe (:nonrecursive t))
-;(package! builtin-package-2 :recipe (:repo "myfork/package"))
-;; Specify a `:branch' to install a package from a particular branch or tag.
-;; This is required for some packages whose default branch isn't 'master' (which
-;; our package manager can't deal with; see raxod502/straight.el#279)
-;(package! builtin-package :recipe (:branch "develop"))
-;; Use `:pin' to specify a particular commit to install.
-;(package! builtin-package :pin "1a2b3c4d5e")
-;; Doom's packages are pinned to a specific commit and updated from release to
-;; release. The `unpin!' macro allows you to unpin single packages...
-;(unpin! pinned-package)
-;; ...or multiple packages
-;(unpin! pinned-package another-pinned-package)
-;; ...Or *all* packages (NOT RECOMMENDED; will likely break things)
-;(unpin! t)
diff --git a/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini b/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 62930e9..0000000
--- a/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[Filechooser Settings]
diff --git a/gtk-2.0/gtkrc b/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f7bf1..0000000
--- a/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance.
-# Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead.
-include "/home/zachir/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
-gtk-font-name="Sans 10"
diff --git a/gtk-3.0/gtk.css b/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
deleted file mode 100644
index bc747b9..0000000
--- a/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-.mate-panel-menu-bar button {
- color: transparent;
-#clock-applet-button:hover {
- color: white;
-#tasklist-button {
- color: white;
diff --git a/gtk-3.0/settings.ini b/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
index e2f0a04..7c143cc 100644
--- a/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
+++ b/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-gtk-font-name=Sans 10
+gtk-font-name=Cantarell 11
diff --git a/jellycli.yaml b/jellycli.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/jellycli.yaml
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lxqt/lxqt.conf b/lxqt/lxqt.conf
index 1a15670..79b42c6 100644
--- a/lxqt/lxqt.conf
+++ b/lxqt/lxqt.conf
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/mpv/mpv.conf b/mpv/mpv.conf
index 63f8119..5521474 100644
--- a/mpv/mpv.conf
+++ b/mpv/mpv.conf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/nyxt/auto-config.lisp b/nyxt/auto-config.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88335fa..0000000
--- a/nyxt/auto-config.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/paru/paru.conf b/paru/paru.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8932c55..0000000
--- a/paru/paru.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/paru.conf
-# ~/.config/paru/paru.conf
-# See the paru.conf(5) manpage for options
-DevelSuffixes = -git -cvs -svn -bzr -darcs -always
-# Binary OPTIONS
-FileManager = lf
-#MFlags = --skippgpcheck
-Sudo = doas
diff --git a/picom.conf b/picom.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a98405c..0000000
--- a/picom.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Shadow
-shadow = true;
-shadow-radius = 7;
-shadow-offset-x = -7;
-shadow-offset-y = -7;
-# shadow-opacity = 0.7;
-# shadow-red = 0.0;
-# shadow-green = 0.0;
-# shadow-blue = 0.0;
-shadow-exclude = [ "name = 'Notification'", "class_g = 'Conky'", "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'", "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
-# shadow-exclude = "n:e:Notification";
-shadow-ignore-shaped = false;
-inactive-opacity = 1.0;
-active-opacity = 1.0;
-frame-opacity = 1.0;
-inactive-opacity-override = false;
-# inactive-dim = 0.2;
-# inactive-dim-fixed = true;
-blur-background = false;
-# blur-background-frame = true;
-blur-kern = "3x3box"
-# blur-kern = "5,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"
-# blur-background-fixed = true;
-blur-background-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'", "window_type = 'desktop'" ];
-# opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'URxvt'" ];
-# Fading
-fading = false;
-# fade-delta = 30;
-fade-in-step = 0.03;
-fade-out-step = 0.03;
-# no-fading-openclose = true;
-fade-exclude = [ ];
-# Other
-backend = "xrender"
-mark-wmwin-focused = true;
-mark-ovredir-focused = true;
-# use-ewmh-active-win = true;
-detect-rounded-corners = true;
-detect-client-opacity = true;
-refresh-rate = 0;
-vsync = true;
-dbe = false;
-# sw-opti = true;
-# unredir-if-possible = true;
-# unredir-if-possible-delay = 5000;
-# unredir-if-possible-exclude = [ ];
-focus-exclude = [ "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
-detect-transient = true;
-detect-client-leader = true;
-invert-color-include = [ ];
-# resize-damage = 1;
-# GLX backend
-# glx-no-stencil = true;
-glx-copy-from-front = "false";
-# glx-use-copysubbuffermesa = true;
-# glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true;
-use-damage = "true";
-# glx-use-gpushader4 = true;
-opacity-rule = [ "99:name *?= 'Screenshot'",
-"99:class_g = 'Firefox'",
-"99:name *?= 'Pale Moon'",
-"99:name *?= 'QupZilla'",
-"99:class_g = 'Midori'",
-"99:class_g = 'Lazpaint'",
-"99:class_g = 'Pinta'",
-"99:class_g = 'Viewnior'",
-"99:class_g = 'GIMP'",
-"99:class_g = 'Darktable'",
-"99:name *?= 'VLC'",
-"99:name *?= 'Event'",
-"99:name *?= 'Call'",
-"99:name *?= 'Minitube'",
-"99:name *?= 'Write'",
-"99:name *?= 'VirtualBox'",
-"99:name *?= 'Conky'",
-"90:name *?= 'Panel'",
-"90:name *?= 'Restart'",
-"90:name *?= 'Page Info'",
-"99:name *?= 'Image'",
-"75:class_g = 'kwrite'",
-"75:name *?= 'mousepad'"];
-# Window type settings
- tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = false; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; };
- dock = { opacity = 1; shadow = false; };
diff --git a/pipewire/pipewire.conf b/pipewire/pipewire.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5f9c6..0000000
--- a/pipewire/pipewire.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Daemon config file for PipeWire version "0.3.34" #
-# Copy and edit this file in /etc/pipewire for systemwide changes
-# or in ~/.config/pipewire for local changes.
- = {
- ## Configure properties in the system.
- = support/libspa-support
- = support/libspa-support
- #support.dbus = true
- #link.max-buffers = 64
- link.max-buffers = 16 # version < 3 clients can't handle more
- #mem.warn-mlock = false
- #mem.allow-mlock = true
- #mem.mlock-all = false
- #clock.power-of-two-quantum = true
- #log.level = 2
- core.daemon = true # listening for socket connections
- = pipewire-0 # core name and socket name
- ## Properties for the DSP configuration.
- #default.clock.rate = 48000
- #default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 48000 ]
- #default.clock.quantum = 1024
- #default.clock.min-quantum = 32
- #default.clock.max-quantum = 8192
- = 640
- = 480
- = 25
- = 1
- #
- # These overrides are only applied when running in a vm.
- vm.overrides = {
- default.clock.min-quantum = 1024
- }
- = {
- #<factory-name regex> = <library-name>
- #
- # Used to find spa factory names. It maps an spa factory name
- # regular expression to a library name that should contain
- # that factory.
- #
- audio.convert.* = audioconvert/libspa-audioconvert
- api.alsa.* = alsa/libspa-alsa
- api.v4l2.* = v4l2/libspa-v4l2
- api.libcamera.* = libcamera/libspa-libcamera
- api.bluez5.* = bluez5/libspa-bluez5
- api.vulkan.* = vulkan/libspa-vulkan
- api.jack.* = jack/libspa-jack
- support.* = support/libspa-support
- #videotestsrc = videotestsrc/libspa-videotestsrc
- #audiotestsrc = audiotestsrc/libspa-audiotestsrc
-context.modules = [
- #{ name = <module-name>
- # [ args = { <key> = <value> ... } ]
- # [ flags = [ [ ifexists ] [ nofail ] ]
- #}
- #
- # Loads a module with the given parameters.
- # If ifexists is given, the module is ignored when it is not found.
- # If nofail is given, module initialization failures are ignored.
- #
- # Uses RTKit to boost the data thread priority.
- { name = libpipewire-module-rtkit
- args = {
- #nice.level = -11
- #rt.prio = 88
- #rt.time.soft = 2000000
- #rt.time.hard = 2000000
- }
- flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
- }
- # Set thread priorities without using RTKit.
- #{ name = libpipewire-module-rt
- # args = {
- # nice.level = -11
- # rt.prio = 88
- # rt.time.soft = 2000000
- # rt.time.hard = 2000000
- # }
- # flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
- #}
- # The native communication protocol.
- { name = libpipewire-module-protocol-native }
- # The profile module. Allows application to access profiler
- # and performance data. It provides an interface that is used
- # by pw-top and pw-profiler.
- { name = libpipewire-module-profiler }
- # Allows applications to create metadata objects. It creates
- # a factory for Metadata objects.
- { name = libpipewire-module-metadata }
- # Creates a factory for making devices that run in the
- # context of the PipeWire server.
- { name = libpipewire-module-spa-device-factory }
- # Creates a factory for making nodes that run in the
- # context of the PipeWire server.
- { name = libpipewire-module-spa-node-factory }
- # Allows creating nodes that run in the context of the
- # client. Is used by all clients that want to provide
- # data to PipeWire.
- { name = libpipewire-module-client-node }
- # Allows creating devices that run in the context of the
- # client. Is used by the session manager.
- { name = libpipewire-module-client-device }
- # The portal module monitors the PID of the portal process
- # and tags connections with the same PID as portal
- # connections.
- { name = libpipewire-module-portal
- flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
- }
- # The access module can perform access checks and block
- # new clients.
- { name = libpipewire-module-access
- args = {
- # access.allowed to list an array of paths of allowed
- # apps.
- #access.allowed = [
- # /usr/bin/pipewire-media-session
- #]
- # An array of rejected paths.
- #access.rejected = [ ]
- # An array of paths with restricted access.
- #access.restricted = [ ]
- # Anything not in the above lists gets assigned the
- # access.force permission.
- #access.force = flatpak
- }
- }
- # Makes a factory for wrapping nodes in an adapter with a
- # converter and resampler.
- { name = libpipewire-module-adapter }
- # Makes a factory for creating links between ports.
- { name = libpipewire-module-link-factory }
- # Provides factories to make session manager objects.
- { name = libpipewire-module-session-manager }
-context.objects = [
- #{ factory = <factory-name>
- # [ args = { <key> = <value> ... } ]
- # [ flags = [ [ nofail ] ]
- #}
- #
- # Creates an object from a PipeWire factory with the given parameters.
- # If nofail is given, errors are ignored (and no object is created).
- #
- #{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { = videotestsrc = videotestsrc Spa:Pod:Object:Param:Props:patternType = 1 } }
- #{ factory = spa-device-factory args = { = api.jack.device foo=bar } flags = [ nofail ] }
- #{ factory = spa-device-factory args = { = api.alsa.enum.udev } }
- #{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { = api.alsa.seq.bridge = Internal-MIDI-Bridge } }
- #{ factory = adapter args = { = audiotestsrc = my-test } }
- #{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { = api.vulkan.compute.source = my-compute-source } }
- # A default dummy driver. This handles nodes marked with the "node.always-driver"
- # property when no other driver is currently active. JACK clients need this.
- { factory = spa-node-factory
- args = {
- = support.node.driver
- = Dummy-Driver
- = pipewire.dummy
- priority.driver = 20000
- }
- }
- { factory = spa-node-factory
- args = {
- = support.node.driver
- = Freewheel-Driver
- priority.driver = 19000
- = pipewire.freewheel
- node.freewheel = true
- }
- }
- # This creates a new Source node. It will have input ports
- # that you can link, to provide audio for this source.
- #{ factory = adapter
- # args = {
- # = support.null-audio-sink
- # = "my-mic"
- # node.description = "Microphone"
- # media.class = "Audio/Source/Virtual"
- # audio.position = "FL,FR"
- # }
- #}
- # This creates a single PCM source device for the given
- # alsa device path hw:0. You can change source to sink
- # to make a sink in the same way.
- #{ factory = adapter
- # args = {
- # = api.alsa.pcm.source
- # = "alsa-source"
- # node.description = "PCM Source"
- # media.class = "Audio/Source"
- # api.alsa.path = "hw:0"
- # #api.alsa.period-size = 1024
- # #api.alsa.headroom = 0
- # #api.alsa.disable-mmap = false
- # #api.alsa.disable-batch = false
- # #audio.format = "S16LE"
- # #audio.rate = 48000
- # #audio.channels = 2
- # #audio.position = "FL,FR"
- # }
- #}
-context.exec = [
- #{ path = <program-name> [ args = "<arguments>" ] }
- #
- # Execute the given program with arguments.
- #
- # You can optionally start the session manager here,
- # but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
- # Run the session manager with -h for options.
- #
- { path = "/usr/bin/wireplumber" args = "-c wireplumber.conf" }
- #
- # You can optionally start the pulseaudio-server here as well
- # but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
- # It can be interesting to start another daemon here that listens
- # on another address with the -a option (eg. -a tcp:4713).
- #
- { path = "/usr/bin/pipewire" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }
diff --git a/pipewire/wireplumber.conf b/pipewire/wireplumber.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3595858..0000000
--- a/pipewire/wireplumber.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# WirePlumber daemon context configuration #
- = {
- ## Properties to configure the PipeWire context and some modules
- = WirePlumber
- log.level = 2
- wireplumber.script-engine = lua-scripting
- #wireplumber.export-core = true
- #mem.mlock-all = false
- #support.dbus = true
- = {
- #<factory-name regex> = <library-name>
- #
- # Used to find spa factory names. It maps an spa factory name
- # regular expression to a library name that should contain
- # that factory.
- #
- api.alsa.* = alsa/libspa-alsa
- api.bluez5.* = bluez5/libspa-bluez5
- api.v4l2.* = v4l2/libspa-v4l2
- api.libcamera.* = libcamera/libspa-libcamera
- audio.convert.* = audioconvert/libspa-audioconvert
- support.* = support/libspa-support
-context.modules = [
- #{ name = <module-name>
- # [ args = { <key> = <value> ... } ]
- # [ flags = [ [ ifexists ] [ nofail ] ]
- #}
- #
- # PipeWire modules to load.
- # If ifexists is given, the module is ignored when it is not found.
- # If nofail is given, module initialization failures are ignored.
- #
- # Uses RTKit to boost the data thread priority.
- { name = libpipewire-module-rt
- args = {
- nice.level = -11
- #rt.prio = 88
- #rt.time.soft = -1
- #rt.time.hard = -1
- }
- flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
- }
- # The native communication protocol.
- { name = libpipewire-module-protocol-native }
- # Allows creating nodes that run in the context of the
- # client. Is used by all clients that want to provide
- # data to PipeWire.
- { name = libpipewire-module-client-node }
- # Allows creating devices that run in the context of the
- # client. Is used by the session manager.
- { name = libpipewire-module-client-device }
- # Makes a factory for wrapping nodes in an adapter with a
- # converter and resampler.
- { name = libpipewire-module-adapter }
- # Allows applications to create metadata objects. It creates
- # a factory for Metadata objects.
- { name = libpipewire-module-metadata }
- # Provides factories to make session manager objects.
- { name = libpipewire-module-session-manager }
-wireplumber.components = [
- #{ name = <component-name>, type = <component-type> }
- #
- # WirePlumber components to load
- #
- # The lua scripting engine
- { name = libwireplumber-module-lua-scripting, type = module }
- # The lua configuration file(s)
- # Other components are loaded from there
- { name = main.lua, type = config/lua }
- { name = policy.lua, type = config/lua }
- { name = bluetooth.lua, type = config/lua }
diff --git a/psub/config.yaml b/psub/config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b5421..0000000
--- a/psub/config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# _________ ___.
-# ______ / _____/__ _\_ |__
-# \____ \\_____ \| | \ __ # | |_> > \ | / \_\ \
-# | __/_______ /____/|___ /
-# |__| \/ \/
-# This section defines the connection to your Subsonic server
- # This is the url you would use to access your Subsonic server without the protocol
- # (http:// or https://)
- host:
- # Username and Password next
- username: zachir
- password: iagcuoc95i9j
- # If your Subsonic server is accessed over https:// set this to 'true'
- ssl: true
- # If you use a server with a specific API version set it here
- api: 1.16.0
-# This section defines the playback of music by pSub
- # The default format is 'raw'
- # this means the original file is streamed from your server
- # and no transcoding takes place.
- # set this to mp3 or wav etc.
- # depending on the transcoders available to your user on the server
- format: mp3
- # pSub utilises ffplay ( to play the streamed media
- # by default the player window is hidden and control takes place through the cli
- # set this to true to enable the player window.
- # It allows for more controls (volume mainly) but will grab the focus of your
- # keyboard when tracks change which can be annoying if you are typing
- display: false
- # When the player window is shown, choose the default show mode
- # Options are:
- # 0: show video or album art
- # 1: show audio waves
- # 2: show audio frequency band using RDFT ((Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transform)
- show_mode: 0
- # Artist, Album and Playlist playback can accept a -r/--random flag.
- # by default, setting the flag on the command line means "randomise playback".
- # Setting the following to true will invert that behaviour so that playback is randomised by default
- # and passing the -r flag skips the random shuffle
- invert_random: false
- # pSub can use system notifications to alert you to a song change.
- # it will show you the details of the currently playing song.
- # to disable notification, set this to false
- notify: false
- # Added extra client config for pre-exe commands, like using it in flatpak-spawn
- pre_exe: ''
diff --git a/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf b/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 818f4cc..0000000
--- a/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-general=@Variant(\0\0\0@\0\0\0\x14\0S\0\x61\0n\0s\0 \0S\0\x65\0r\0i\0\x66@\"\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\x5\x1\0\x32\x10)
-gui_effects=General, AnimateMenu, AnimateCombo, AnimateTooltip, AnimateToolBox
-stylesheets=/usr/share/qt5ct/qss/fusion-fixes.qss, /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/scrollbar-simple.qss, /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/sliders-simple.qss, /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/tooltip-simple.qss, /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/traynotification-simple.qss
diff --git a/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf b/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c4fe0..0000000
--- a/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> 66e665f6f575c4e5a58074e143404d08b7a89d42
-fixed=@Variant(\0\0\0@\0\0\0\x1e\0\x44\0\x65\0j\0\x61\0V\0u\0 \0L\0G\0\x43\0 \0S\0\x61\0n\0s@(\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\x5\x1\0\x32\x10)
-general=@Variant(\0\0\0@\0\0\0\x1e\0\x44\0\x65\0j\0\x61\0V\0u\0 \0L\0G\0\x43\0 \0S\0\x61\0n\0s@(\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\x5\x1\0\x32\x10)
diff --git a/qtile/ b/qtile/
index b95f62f..21a029c 100644
--- a/qtile/
+++ b/qtile/
@@ -504,6 +504,7 @@ floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[
# Run the utility of `xprop` to see the wm class and name of an X client.
# *layout.Floating.default_float_rules,
Match(title='FX: Track 1'), # REAPER
+ Match(title='Torpedo Wall Of Sound (Two Notes Audio Engineering)'),
Match(title='Add FX to: Track 1'), # REAPER
Match(title='REAPER (loading)'), # REAPER
Match(title='REAPER Query'), # REAPER
diff --git a/stmp b/stmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e7eab..0000000
--- a/stmp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-username = 'zachir'
-password = 'seeqsn7ur53b'
-host = ''
diff --git a/sx/sxrc b/sx/sxrc
deleted file mode 100755
index 22b9734..0000000
--- a/sx/sxrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-exec qtile start
diff --git a/vlc/vlcrc b/vlc/vlcrc
deleted file mode 100644
index f3d384b..0000000
--- a/vlc/vlcrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5120 +0,0 @@
-### vlc 3.0.16
-### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments
-[upnp] # Universal Plug'n'Play
-# SAT>IP channel list (string)
-# Custom SAT>IP channel list URL (string)
-[sap] # Network streams (SAP)
-# SAP multicast address (string)
-# SAP timeout (seconds) (integer)
-# Try to parse the announce (boolean)
-# SAP Strict mode (boolean)
-[podcast] # Podcasts
-# Podcast URLs list (string)
-[hqdn3d] # High Quality 3D Denoiser filter
-# Spatial luma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Spatial chroma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Temporal luma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Temporal chroma strength (0-254) (float)
-[antiflicker] # antiflicker video filter
-# Window size (integer)
-# Softening value (integer)
-[postproc] # Video post processing filter
-# Post processing quality (integer)
-# FFmpeg post processing filter chains (string)
-[erase] # Erase video filter
-# Image mask (string)
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-[canvas] # Canvas video filter
-# Output width (integer)
-# Output height (integer)
-# Output picture aspect ratio (string)
-# Pad video (boolean)
-[bluescreen] # Bluescreen video filter
-# Bluescreen U value (integer)
-# Bluescreen V value (integer)
-# Bluescreen U tolerance (integer)
-# Bluescreen V tolerance (integer)
-[puzzle] # Puzzle interactive game video filter
-# Number of puzzle rows (integer)
-# Number of puzzle columns (integer)
-# Border (integer)
-# Small preview (boolean)
-# Small preview size (integer)
-# Piece edge shape size (integer)
-# Auto shuffle (integer)
-# Auto solve (integer)
-# Rotation (integer)
-# Game mode (integer)
-[transform] # Video transformation filter
-# Transform type (string)
-[grain] # Grain video filter
-# Variance (float)
-# Minimal period (integer)
-# Maximal period (integer)
-[alphamask] # Alpha mask video filter
-# Transparency mask (string)
-[rotate] # Rotate video filter
-# Angle in degrees (float)
-# Use motion sensors (boolean)
-[mirror] # Mirror video filter
-# Mirror orientation (integer)
-# Direction (integer)
-[croppadd] # Video cropping filter
-# Pixels to crop from top (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from bottom (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from left (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from right (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to top (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to bottom (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to left (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to right (integer)
-[gradient] # Gradient video filter
-# Distort mode (string)
-# Gradient image type (integer)
-# Apply cartoon effect (boolean)
-[posterize] # Posterize video filter
-# Posterize level (integer)
-[anaglyph] # Convert 3D picture to anaglyph image video filter
-# Color scheme (string)
-[gaussianblur] # Gaussian blur video filter
-# Gaussian's std deviation (float)
-[fps] # FPS conversion video filter
-# Frame rate (string)
-[colorthres] # Color threshold filter
-# Color (integer)
-# Saturation threshold (integer)
-# Similarity threshold (integer)
-[sharpen] # Sharpen video filter
-# Sharpen strength (0-2) (float)
-[deinterlace] # Deinterlacing video filter
-# Streaming deinterlace mode (string)
-# Phosphor chroma mode for 4:2:0 input (integer)
-# Phosphor old field dimmer strength (integer)
-[motionblur] # Motion blur filter
-# Blur factor (1-127) (integer)
-[scene] # Scene video filter
-# Image format (string)
-# Image width (integer)
-# Image height (integer)
-# Filename prefix (string)
-# Directory path prefix (string)
-# Always write to the same file (boolean)
-# Recording ratio (integer)
-[sepia] # Sepia video filter
-# Sepia intensity (integer)
-[gradfun] # Gradfun video filter
-# Radius (integer)
-# Strength (float)
-[blendbench] # Blending benchmark filter
-# Number of time to blend (integer)
-# Alpha of the blended image (integer)
-# Image to be blended onto (string)
-# Chroma for the base image (string)
-# Image which will be blended (string)
-# Chroma for the blend image (string)
-[ball] # Ball video filter
-# Ball color (string)
-# Ball speed (integer)
-# Ball size (integer)
-# Gradient threshold (integer)
-# Edge visible (boolean)
-[extract] # Extract RGB component video filter
-# RGB component to extract (integer)
-[adjust] # Image properties filter
-# Image contrast (0-2) (float)
-# Image brightness (0-2) (float)
-# Image hue (-180..180) (float)
-# Image saturation (0-3) (float)
-# Image gamma (0-10) (float)
-# Brightness threshold (boolean)
-[samplerate] # Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) resampler
-# Sample rate converter type (integer)
-[scaletempo] # Audio tempo scaler synched with rate
-# Stride Length (integer)
-# Overlap Length (float)
-# Search Length (integer)
-[spatialaudio] # Ambisonics renderer and binauralizer
-# Headphones mode (binaural) (boolean)
-# HRTF file for the binauralization (string)
-[normvol] # Volume normalizer
-# Number of audio buffers (integer)
-# Maximal volume level (float)
-[spatializer] # Audio Spatializer
-# Room size (float)
-# Room width (float)
-# Wet (float)
-# Dry (float)
-# Damp (float)
-[compressor] # Dynamic range compressor
-# RMS/peak (float)
-# Attack time (float)
-# Release time (float)
-# Threshold level (float)
-# Ratio (float)
-# Knee radius (float)
-# Makeup gain (float)
-[param_eq] # Parametric Equalizer
-# Low freq (Hz) (float)
-# Low freq gain (dB) (float)
-# High freq (Hz) (float)
-# High freq gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 1 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 1 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 1 Q (float)
-# Freq 2 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 2 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 2 Q (float)
-# Freq 3 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 3 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 3 Q (float)
-[stereo_widen] # Simple stereo widening effect
-# Delay time (float)
-# Feedback gain (float)
-# Crossfeed (float)
-# Dry mix (float)
-[soxr] # soxr
-# Resampling quality (integer)
-[scaletempo_pitch] # Pitch Shifter
-# Stride Length (integer)
-# Overlap Length (float)
-# Search Length (integer)
-# Pitch Shift (float)
-[gain] # Gain control filter
-# Gain multiplier (float)
-[headphone] # Headphone virtual spatialization effect
-# Characteristic dimension (integer)
-# Compensate delay (boolean)
-# No decoding of Dolby Surround (boolean)
-[chorus_flanger] # Sound Delay
-# Delay time (float)
-# Sweep Depth (float)
-# Sweep Rate (float)
-# Feedback gain (float)
-# Wet mix (float)
-# Dry Mix (float)
-[mono] # Stereo to mono downmixer
-# Use downmix algorithm (boolean)
-# Select channel to keep (integer)
-[speex_resampler] # Speex resampler
-# Resampling quality (integer)
-[equalizer] # Equalizer with 10 bands
-# Equalizer preset (string)
-# Bands gain (string)
-# Two pass (boolean)
-# Use VLC frequency bands (boolean)
-# Global gain (float)
-[audiobargraph_a] # Audio part of the BarGraph function
-# Defines if BarGraph information should be sent (integer)
-# Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets (integer)
-# Defines if silence alarm information should be sent (integer)
-# Time window to use in ms (integer)
-# Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm (float)
-# Time between two alarm messages in ms (integer)
-[remap] # Audio channel remapper
-# Left (integer)
-# Center (integer)
-# Right (integer)
-# Rear left (integer)
-# Rear center (integer)
-# Rear right (integer)
-# Side left (integer)
-# Side right (integer)
-# Low-frequency effects (integer)
-# Normalize channels (boolean)
-[syslog] # System logger (syslog)
-# System log (syslog) (boolean)
-# Debug messages (boolean)
-# Identity (string)
-# Facility (string)
-[console] # Console logger
-[file] # File logger
-# Log to file (boolean)
-# Log filename (string)
-# Log format (string)
-# Verbosity (integer)
-[visual] # Visualizer filter
-# Effects list (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# FFT window (string)
-# Kaiser window parameter (float)
-# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)
-# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)
-# Enable original graphic spectrum (boolean)
-# Draw the base of the bands (boolean)
-# Base pixel radius (integer)
-# Spectral sections (integer)
-# V-plane color (integer)
-# Draw bands in the spectrometer (boolean)
-# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)
-# Number of blank pixels between bands. (integer)
-# Amplification (integer)
-# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)
-# Peak extra width (integer)
-# Peak height (integer)
-[glspectrum] # 3D OpenGL spectrum visualization
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-[ps] # MPEG-PS demuxer
-# Trust MPEG timestamps (boolean)
-[es] # MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audio
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[mp4] # MP4 stream demuxer
-# M4A audio only (boolean)
-[rawaud] # Raw audio demuxer
-# Audio channels (integer)
-# Audio samplerate (Hz) (integer)
-# FOURCC code of raw input format (string)
-# Forces the audio language (string)
-[ts] # MPEG Transport Stream demuxer
-# Digital TV Standard (string)
-# Extra PMT (string)
-# Trust in-stream PCR (boolean)
-# Set id of ES to PID (boolean)
-# CSA Key (string)
-# Second CSA Key (string)
-# Packet size in bytes to decrypt (integer)
-# Separate sub-streams (boolean)
-# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)
-# Check packets continuity counter (boolean)
-# Only create ES on program sending data (boolean)
-# Try to generate PAT/PMT if missing (boolean)
-# Try to fix too early PCR (or late DTS) (boolean)
-[avi] # AVI demuxer
-# Force interleaved method (boolean)
-# Force index creation (integer)
-[playlist] # Playlist
-# Skip ads (boolean)
-# Show shoutcast adult content (boolean)
-[adaptive] # Unified adaptive streaming for DASH/HLS
-# Adaptive Logic (string)
-# Maximum device width (integer)
-# Maximum device height (integer)
-# Fixed Bandwidth in KiB/s (integer)
-# Use regular HTTP modules (boolean)
-# Live Playback delay (ms) (integer)
-# Max buffering (ms) (integer)
-# Low latency (integer)
-[mod] # MOD demuxer (libmodplug)
-# Noise reduction (boolean)
-# Reverb (boolean)
-# Reverberation level (integer)
-# Reverberation delay (integer)
-# Mega bass (boolean)
-# Mega bass level (integer)
-# Mega bass cutoff (integer)
-# Surround (boolean)
-# Surround level (integer)
-# Surround delay (ms) (integer)
-[avformat] # Avformat demuxer
-# Format name (string)
-# Advanced options (string)
-# Avformat mux (string)
-# Advanced options (string)
-# Reset timestamps (boolean)
-[rawdv] # DV (Digital Video) demuxer
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-[demuxdump] # File dumper
-# Dump module (string)
-# Dump filename (string)
-# Append to existing file (boolean)
-[vc1] # VC1 video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[rawvid] # Raw video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (string)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Force chroma (Use carefully) (string)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-[image] # Image demuxer
-# ES ID (integer)
-# Group (integer)
-# Decode (boolean)
-# Forced chroma (string)
-# Duration in seconds (float)
-# Frame rate (string)
-# Real-time (boolean)
-[mkv] # Matroska stream demuxer
-# Respect ordered chapters (boolean)
-# Chapter codecs (boolean)
-# Preload MKV files in the same directory (boolean)
-# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)
-# Dummy Elements (boolean)
-# Preload clusters (boolean)
-[h26x] # H264 video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[mjpeg] # M-JPEG camera demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[diracsys] # Dirac video demuxer
-# Value to adjust dts by (integer)
-[subtitle] # Text subtitle parser
-# Frames per Second (float)
-# Subtitle delay (integer)
-# Subtitle format (string)
-# Subtitle description (string)
-[prefetch] # Stream prefetch filter
-# Buffer size (integer)
-# Read size (integer)
-# Seek threshold (integer)
-[udp] # UDP input
-# UDP Source timeout (sec) (integer)
-[rist] # RIST input
-# RIST maximum packet size (bytes) (integer)
-# RIST demux/decode maximum jitter (default is 5ms) (integer)
-# RIST latency (ms) (integer)
-# RIST nack retry interval (ms) (integer)
-# RIST reorder buffer (ms) (integer)
-# RIST maximum retry count (integer)
-# RIST nack type, 0 = range, 1 = bitmask. Default is range (integer)
-# Disable NACK output packets (boolean)
-# Do not check for a valid rtcp message from the encoder (boolean)
-[v4l2] # Video4Linux input
-# Video capture device (string)
-# VBI capture device (string)
-# Standard (string)
-# Video input chroma format (string)
-# Input (integer)
-# Audio input (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Picture aspect-ratio n:m (string)
-# Frame rate (string)
-# Radio device (string)
-# Frequency (integer)
-# Audio mode (integer)
-# Reset controls (boolean)
-# Brightness (integer)
-# Automatic brightness (integer)
-# Contrast (integer)
-# Saturation (integer)
-# Hue (integer)
-# Automatic hue (integer)
-# White balance temperature (K) (integer)
-# Automatic white balance (integer)
-# Red balance (integer)
-# Blue balance (integer)
-# Gamma (integer)
-# Automatic gain (integer)
-# Gain (integer)
-# Sharpness (integer)
-# Chroma gain (integer)
-# Automatic chroma gain (integer)
-# Power line frequency (integer)
-# Backlight compensation (integer)
-# Band-stop filter (integer)
-# Horizontal flip (boolean)
-# Vertical flip (boolean)
-# Rotate (degrees) (integer)
-# Color killer (integer)
-# Color effect (integer)
-# Audio volume (integer)
-# Audio balance (integer)
-# Mute (boolean)
-# Bass level (integer)
-# Treble level (integer)
-# Loudness mode (boolean)
-# v4l2 driver controls (string)
-[concat] # Concatenated inputs
-# Inputs list (string)
-[cdda] # Audio CD input
-# Audio CD device (string)
-# CDDB Server (string)
-# CDDB port (integer)
-[access] # HTTPS input
-# Cookies forwarding (boolean)
-# User agent (string)
-[nfs] # NFS input
-# Set NFS uid/guid automatically (boolean)
-[timecode] # Time code subpicture elementary stream generator
-# Frame rate (string)
-[http] # HTTP input
-# Auto re-connect (boolean)
-[vdr] # VDR recordings
-# Chapter offset in ms (integer)
-# Frame rate (float)
-[smb] # SMB input
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# SMB domain (string)
-[vnc] # VNC client access
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# X.509 Certificate Authority (string)
-# X.509 Certificate Revocation List (string)
-# X.509 Client certificate (string)
-# X.509 Client private key (string)
-# Frame rate (float)
-# Frame buffer depth (string)
-# Compression level (integer)
-# Image quality (integer)
-[dvb] # DVB input with v4l2 support
-# Probe DVB card for capabilities (boolean)
-# Satellite scanning config (string)
-# Scan tuning list (string)
-# Use NIT for scanning services (boolean)
-[filesystem] # File input
-# List special files (boolean)
-[dvdread] # DVDRead Input (no menu support)
-# DVD angle (integer)
-[dtv] # Digital Television and Radio
-# DVB adapter (integer)
-# DVB device (integer)
-# Do not demultiplex (boolean)
-# Frequency (Hz) (integer)
-# Spectrum inversion (integer)
-# Bandwidth (MHz) (integer)
-# Transmission mode (integer)
-# Guard interval (string)
-# High-priority code rate (string)
-# Low-priority code rate (string)
-# Hierarchy mode (integer)
-# DVB-T2 Physical Layer Pipe (integer)
-# Layer A modulation (string)
-# Layer A code rate (string)
-# Layer A segments count (integer)
-# Layer A time interleaving (integer)
-# Layer B modulation (string)
-# Layer B code rate (string)
-# Layer B segments count (integer)
-# Layer B time interleaving (integer)
-# Layer C modulation (string)
-# Layer C code rate (string)
-# Layer C segments count (integer)
-# Layer C time interleaving (integer)
-# Modulation / Constellation (string)
-# Symbol rate (bauds) (integer)
-# FEC code rate (string)
-# Stream identifier (integer)
-# Pilot (integer)
-# Roll-off factor (integer)
-# Transport stream ID (integer)
-# Polarization (Voltage) (string)
-# (integer)
-# High LNB voltage (boolean)
-# Local oscillator low frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# Local oscillator high frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# Universal LNB switch frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# DiSEqC LNB number (integer)
-# Uncommitted DiSEqC LNB number (integer)
-# Continuous 22kHz tone (integer)
-[linsys_sdi] # SDI Input
-# Link # (integer)
-# Video ID (integer)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-# Audio configuration (string)
-# Teletext configuration (string)
-# Teletext language (string)
-[libbluray] # Blu-ray Disc support (libbluray)
-# Blu-ray menus (boolean)
-# Region code (string)
-[access_alsa] # ALSA audio capture
-# Stereo (boolean)
-# Sample rate (integer)
-[access_mms] # Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
-# TCP/UDP timeout (ms) (integer)
-# Force selection of all streams (boolean)
-# Maximum bitrate (integer)
-[imem] # Memory input
-# ID (integer)
-# Group (integer)
-# Category (integer)
-# Codec (string)
-# Language (string)
-# Sample rate (integer)
-# Channels count (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Display aspect ratio (string)
-# Frame rate (string)
-# Size (integer)
-[ftp] # FTP input
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# FTP account (string)
-[xcb_screen] # Screen capture (with X11/XCB)
-# Frame rate (float)
-# Region left column (integer)
-# Region top row (integer)
-# Capture region width (integer)
-# Capture region height (integer)
-# Follow the mouse (boolean)
-[linsys_hdsdi] # HD-SDI Input
-# Link # (integer)
-# Video ID (integer)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-# Audio configuration (string)
-[avio] # libavformat AVIO access
-# Advanced options (string)
-# Advanced options (string)
-[dvdnav] # DVDnav Input
-# DVD angle (integer)
-# Start directly in menu (boolean)
-[shm] # Shared memory framebuffer
-# Frame rate (float)
-# Frame buffer depth (integer)
-# Frame buffer width (integer)
-# Frame buffer height (integer)
-[satip] # SAT>IP Receiver Plugin
-# Receive buffer (integer)
-# Request multicast stream (boolean)
-# Host (string)
-[sftp] # SFTP input
-# SFTP port (integer)
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-[rtp] # Real-Time Protocol (RTP) input
-# RTCP (local) port (integer)
-# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)
-# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)
-# Maximum RTP sources (integer)
-# RTP source timeout (sec) (integer)
-# Maximum RTP sequence number dropout (integer)
-# Maximum RTP sequence number misordering (integer)
-# RTP payload format assumed for dynamic payloads (string)
-[stream_out_rtp] # RTP stream output
-# Destination (string)
-# SDP (string)
-# Muxer (string)
-# SAP announcing (boolean)
-# Session name (string)
-# Session category (string)
-# Session description (string)
-# Session URL (string)
-# Session email (string)
-# Transport protocol (string)
-# Port (integer)
-# Audio port (integer)
-# Video port (integer)
-# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)
-# RTP/RTCP multiplexing (boolean)
-# Caching value (ms) (integer)
-# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)
-# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)
-# MP4A LATM (boolean)
-# RTSP session timeout (s) (integer)
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-[display] # Display stream output
-# Enable audio (boolean)
-# Enable video (boolean)
-# Delay (ms) (integer)
-[delay] # Delay a stream
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# Delay of the ES (ms) (integer)
-[stream_out_chromaprint] # Chromaprint stream output
-# Duration of the fingerprinting (integer)
-[stream_out_standard] # Standard stream output
-# Output access method (string)
-# Output muxer (string)
-# Output destination (string)
-# Address to bind to (helper setting for dst) (string)
-# Filename for stream (helper setting for dst) (string)
-# SAP announcing (boolean)
-# Session name (string)
-# Session description (string)
-# Session URL (string)
-# Session email (string)
-[stats] # Writes statistic info about stream
-# Output file (string)
-# Prefix to show on output line (string)
-[setid] # Change the id of an elementary stream
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# New ES ID (integer)
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# Language (string)
-[bridge] # Bridge stream output
-# ID (integer)
-# Destination bridge-in name (string)
-# Delay (integer)
-# ID Offset (integer)
-# Name of current instance (string)
-# Fallback to placeholder stream when out of data (boolean)
-# Placeholder delay (integer)
-# Wait for I frame before toggling placeholder (boolean)
-[es] # Elementary stream output
-# Output access method (string)
-# Output muxer (string)
-# Output URL (string)
-# Audio output access method (string)
-# Audio output muxer (string)
-# Audio output URL (string)
-# Video output access method (string)
-# Video output muxer (string)
-# Video output URL (string)
-[stream_out_transcode] # Transcode stream output
-# Video encoder (string)
-# Destination video codec (string)
-# Video bitrate (integer)
-# Video scaling (float)
-# Video frame-rate (string)
-# Deinterlace video (boolean)
-# Deinterlace module (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Maximum video width (integer)
-# Maximum video height (integer)
-# Video filter (string)
-# Audio encoder (string)
-# Destination audio codec (string)
-# Audio bitrate (integer)
-# Audio language (string)
-# Audio channels (integer)
-# Audio sample rate (integer)
-# Audio filter (string)
-# Subtitle encoder (string)
-# Destination subtitle codec (string)
-# Destination subtitle codec (boolean)
-# Overlays (string)
-# Number of threads (integer)
-# Picture pool size (integer)
-# High priority (boolean)
-[mosaic_bridge] # Mosaic bridge stream output
-# ID (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Sample aspect ratio (string)
-# Image chroma (string)
-# Video filter (string)
-# Transparency (integer)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-[record] # Record stream output
-# Destination prefix (string)
-[smem] # Stream output to memory buffer
-# Time Synchronized output (boolean)
-[stream_out_chromecast] # Chromecast stream output
-# ? (string)
-# ? (integer)
-# ? (boolean)
-# HTTP port (integer)
-# Performance warning (integer)
-# Enable Audio passthrough (boolean)
-# Conversion quality (integer)
-[lua] # Lua interpreter
-# Lua interface (string)
-# Lua interface configuration (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Source directory (string)
-# Directory index (boolean)
-# TCP command input (string)
-# CLI input (string)
-# Host (string)
-# Port (integer)
-# Password (string)
-[mux_ts] # TS muxer (libdvbpsi)
-# Digital TV Standard (string)
-# Video PID (integer)
-# Audio PID (integer)
-# SPU PID (integer)
-# PMT PID (integer)
-# TS ID (integer)
-# NET ID (integer)
-# PMT Program numbers (string)
-# Set PID to ID of ES (boolean)
-# Mux PMT (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
-# SDT Descriptors (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
-# Data alignment (boolean)
-# Shaping delay (ms) (integer)
-# Use keyframes (boolean)
-# PCR interval (ms) (integer)
-# Minimum B (deprecated) (integer)
-# Maximum B (deprecated) (integer)
-# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
-# Crypt audio (boolean)
-# Crypt video (boolean)
-# CSA Key (string)
-# Second CSA Key (string)
-# CSA Key in use (string)
-# Packet size in bytes to encrypt (integer)
-[mux_ogg] # Ogg/OGM muxer
-# Index interval (integer)
-# Index size ratio (float)
-[avi] # AVI muxer
-# Artist (string)
-# Date (string)
-# Genre (string)
-# Copyright (string)
-# Comment (string)
-# Name (string)
-# Subject (string)
-# Encoder (string)
-#sout-avi-encoder=VLC Media Player - 3.0.16 Vetinari
-# Keywords (string)
-[ps] # PS muxer
-# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
-# PES maximum size (integer)
-[asf] # ASF muxer
-# Title (string)
-# Author (string)
-# Copyright (string)
-# Comment (string)
-# Rating (string)
-# Packet Size (integer)
-# Bitrate override (integer)
-[mp4] # MP4/MOV muxer
-# Create "Fast Start" files (boolean)
-[access_output_livehttp] # HTTP Live streaming output
-# Segment length (integer)
-# Number of segments (integer)
-# Number of first segment (integer)
-# Split segments anywhere (boolean)
-# Delete segments (boolean)
-# Use muxers rate control mechanism (boolean)
-# Allow cache (boolean)
-# Use randomized IV for encryption (boolean)
-# Index file (string)
-# Full URL to put in index file (string)
-# AES key URI to place in playlist (string)
-# AES key file (string)
-# File where vlc reads key-uri and keyfile-location (string)
-[access_output_rist] # RIST stream output
-# RIST target packet size (bytes) (integer)
-# RIST data output caching size (ms) (integer)
-# RIST retry-buffer queue size (ms) (integer)
-# SSRC used in RTP output (default is random, i.e. 0) (integer)
-# Stream name (string)
-[udp] # UDP stream output
-# Caching value (ms) (integer)
-# Group packets (integer)
-[access_output_shout] # IceCAST output
-# Stream name (string)
-#sout-shout-name=VLC media player - Live stream
-# Stream description (string)
-#sout-shout-description=Live stream from VLC media player
-# Stream MP3 (boolean)
-# Genre description (string)
-# URL description (string)
-# Bitrate (string)
-# Samplerate (string)
-# Number of channels (string)
-# Ogg Vorbis Quality (string)
-# Stream public (boolean)
-[http] # HTTP stream output
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Mime (string)
-# Metacube (boolean)
-[file] # File stream output
-# Overwrite existing file (boolean)
-# Append to file (boolean)
-# Format time and date (boolean)
-# Synchronous writing (boolean)
-[panoramix] # Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# length of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)
-# height of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation (boolean)
-# Attenuation, begin (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation, middle (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation, end (in %) (integer)
-# middle position (in %) (integer)
-# Gamma (Red) correction (float)
-# Gamma (Green) correction (float)
-# Gamma (Blue) correction (float)
-# Black Crush for Red (integer)
-# Black Crush for Green (integer)
-# Black Crush for Blue (integer)
-# White Crush for Red (integer)
-# White Crush for Green (integer)
-# White Crush for Blue (integer)
-# Black Level for Red (integer)
-# Black Level for Green (integer)
-# Black Level for Blue (integer)
-# White Level for Red (integer)
-# White Level for Green (integer)
-# White Level for Blue (integer)
-# Active windows (string)
-[clone] # Clone video filter
-# Number of clones (integer)
-# Video output modules (string)
-[wall] # Wall video filter
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# Active windows (string)
-# Element aspect ratio (string)
-[fb] # GNU/Linux framebuffer video output
-# Framebuffer device (string)
-# Run fb on current tty (boolean)
-# Image format (default RGB) (string)
-# Framebuffer resolution to use (integer)
-# Framebuffer uses hw acceleration (boolean)
-[gles2] # OpenGL for Embedded Systems 2 video output
-# OpenGL ES 2 extension (string)
-# Open GL/GLES hardware converter (string)
-# Rendering intent for color conversion (integer)
-# Display primaries (integer)
-# Display gamma / transfer function (integer)
-# Tone-mapping algorithm (integer)
-# Tone-mapping parameter (float)
-# Highlight clipped pixels (boolean)
-# Dithering algorithm (integer)
-# Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth) (integer)
-# Desaturation strength (float)
-# Desaturation exponent (float)
-# Desaturation base (float)
-# Maximum brightness boost (float)
-[xcb_window] # X11 video window (XCB)
-# X11 display (string)
-[flaschen] # Flaschen-Taschen video output
-# Flaschen-Taschen display address (string)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-[wl_shell] # Wayland shell surface
-# Wayland display (string)
-[yuv] # YUV video output
-# device, fifo or filename (string)
-# Chroma used (string)
-# Add a YUV4MPEG2 header (boolean)
-[vdummy] # Dummy video output
-# Dummy image chroma format (string)
-[vmem] # Video memory output
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Pitch (integer)
-# Chroma (string)
-[xcb_xv] # XVideo output (XCB)
-# XVideo adaptor number (integer)
-# XVideo format id (integer)
-[xcb_x11] # X11 video output (XCB)
-[gl] # OpenGL video output
-# OpenGL extension (string)
-# Open GL/GLES hardware converter (string)
-# Rendering intent for color conversion (integer)
-# Display primaries (integer)
-# Display gamma / transfer function (integer)
-# Tone-mapping algorithm (integer)
-# Tone-mapping parameter (float)
-# Highlight clipped pixels (boolean)
-# Dithering algorithm (integer)
-# Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth) (integer)
-# Desaturation strength (float)
-# Desaturation exponent (float)
-# Desaturation base (float)
-# Maximum brightness boost (float)
-[xdg_shell] # XDG shell surface
-# Wayland display (string)
-[vdpau_chroma] # VDPAU surface conversions
-# Deinterlace (integer)
-# Inverse telecine (boolean)
-# Deinterlace chroma skip (boolean)
-# Noise reduction level (float)
-# Scaling quality (integer)
-[twolame] # Libtwolame audio encoder
-# Encoding quality (float)
-# Stereo mode (integer)
-# VBR mode (boolean)
-# Psycho-acoustic model (integer)
-[subsdec] # Text subtitle decoder
-# Subtitle justification (integer)
-# Subtitle text encoding (string)
-# UTF-8 subtitle autodetection (boolean)
-[x26410b] # H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264 10-bit)
-# Maximum GOP size (integer)
-# Minimum GOP size (integer)
-# Use recovery points to close GOPs (boolean)
-# Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support (boolean)
-# Extra I-frames aggressivity (integer)
-# B-frames between I and P (integer)
-# Adaptive B-frame decision (integer)
-# Influence (bias) B-frames usage (integer)
-# Keep some B-frames as references (string)
-# CABAC (boolean)
-# Use fullrange instead of TV colorrange (boolean)
-# Number of reference frames (integer)
-# Skip loop filter (boolean)
-# Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:beta (string)
-# Strength of psychovisual optimization, default is "1.0:0.0" (string)
-# Use Psy-optimizations (boolean)
-# H.264 level (string)
-# H.264 profile (string)
-# Interlaced mode (boolean)
-# Frame packing (integer)
-# Force number of slices per frame (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in bytes (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (integer)
-# HRD-timing information (string)
-# Set QP (integer)
-# Quality-based VBR (integer)
-# Min QP (integer)
-# Max QP (integer)
-# Max QP step (integer)
-# Average bitrate tolerance (float)
-# Max local bitrate (integer)
-# VBV buffer (integer)
-# Initial VBV buffer occupancy (float)
-# QP factor between I and P (float)
-# QP factor between P and B (float)
-# QP difference between chroma and luma (integer)
-# Multipass ratecontrol (integer)
-# QP curve compression (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# How AQ distributes bits (integer)
-# Strength of AQ (float)
-# Partitions to consider (string)
-# Direct MV prediction mode (string)
-# Direct prediction size (integer)
-# Weighted prediction for B-frames (boolean)
-# Weighted prediction for P-frames (integer)
-# Integer pixel motion estimation method (string)
-# Maximum motion vector search range (integer)
-# Maximum motion vector length (integer)
-# Minimum buffer space between threads (integer)
-# Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality (integer)
-# Decide references on a per partition basis (boolean)
-# Chroma in motion estimation (boolean)
-# Adaptive spatial transform size (boolean)
-# Trellis RD quantization (integer)
-# Framecount to use on frametype lookahead (integer)
-# Use Periodic Intra Refresh (boolean)
-# Use mb-tree ratecontrol (boolean)
-# Early SKIP detection on P-frames (boolean)
-# Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (boolean)
-# Noise reduction (integer)
-# Inter luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Intra luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded (boolean)
-# CPU optimizations (boolean)
-# PSNR computation (boolean)
-# SSIM computation (boolean)
-# Quiet mode (boolean)
-# SPS and PPS id numbers (integer)
-# Access unit delimiters (boolean)
-# Statistics (boolean)
-# Filename for 2 pass stats file (string)
-# Default preset setting used (string)
-# Default tune setting used (string)
-# x264 advanced options (string)
-[zvbi] # VBI and Teletext decoder
-# Teletext page (integer)
-# Opacity (boolean)
-# Teletext alignment (integer)
-# Teletext text subtitles (boolean)
-# Presentation Level (integer)
-[theora] # Theora video decoder
-# Post processing quality (integer)
-# Encoding quality (integer)
-[subsusf] # USF subtitles decoder
-# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)
-[avcodec] # FFmpeg audio/video decoder
-# Direct rendering (boolean)
-# Show corrupted frames (boolean)
-# Error resilience (integer)
-# Workaround bugs (integer)
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-# Skip frame (default=0) (integer)
-# Skip idct (default=0) (integer)
-# Allow speed tricks (boolean)
-# Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding (integer)
-# Debug mask (integer)
-# Codec name (string)
-# Hardware decoding (string)
-# Threads (integer)
-# Advanced options (string)
-# Codec name (string)
-# Quality level (string)
-# Ratio of key frames (integer)
-# Ratio of B frames (integer)
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-# Interlaced encoding (boolean)
-# Interlaced motion estimation (boolean)
-# Video bitrate tolerance (integer)
-# Pre-motion estimation (boolean)
-# Rate control buffer size (integer)
-# Rate control buffer aggressiveness (float)
-# I quantization factor (float)
-# Noise reduction (integer)
-# MPEG4 quantization matrix (boolean)
-# Minimum video quantizer scale (integer)
-# Maximum video quantizer scale (integer)
-# Trellis quantization (boolean)
-# Fixed quantizer scale (float)
-# Strict standard compliance (integer)
-# Luminance masking (float)
-# Darkness masking (float)
-# Motion masking (float)
-# Border masking (float)
-# Luminance elimination (integer)
-# Chrominance elimination (integer)
-# Specify AAC audio profile to use (string)
-# Advanced options (string)
-[dvbsub] # DVB subtitles decoder
-# Subpicture position (integer)
-# Decoding X coordinate (integer)
-# Decoding Y coordinate (integer)
-# Encoding X coordinate (integer)
-# Encoding Y coordinate (integer)
-[vorbis] # Vorbis audio decoder
-# Encoding quality (integer)
-# Maximum encoding bitrate (integer)
-# Minimum encoding bitrate (integer)
-# CBR encoding (boolean)
-[svcdsub] # Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder
-[cc] # Closed Captions decoder
-# Opacity (boolean)
-[ddummy] # Dummy decoder
-# Save raw codec data (boolean)
-[ttml] # TTML subtitles decoder
-# Subtitle justification (integer)
-[spudec] # DVD subtitles decoder
-# Disable DVD subtitle transparency (boolean)
-[a52] # ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
-# A/52 dynamic range compression (boolean)
-[dca] # DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
-# DTS dynamic range compression (boolean)
-[speex] # Speex audio decoder
-# Mode (integer)
-# Encoding complexity (integer)
-# CBR encoding (boolean)
-# Encoding quality (float)
-# Maximal bitrate (integer)
-# Voice activity detection (boolean)
-# Discontinuous Transmission (boolean)
-[libass] # Subtitle renderers using libass
-# Additional fonts directory (string)
-[x264] # H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264)
-# Maximum GOP size (integer)
-# Minimum GOP size (integer)
-# Use recovery points to close GOPs (boolean)
-# Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support (boolean)
-# Extra I-frames aggressivity (integer)
-# B-frames between I and P (integer)
-# Adaptive B-frame decision (integer)
-# Influence (bias) B-frames usage (integer)
-# Keep some B-frames as references (string)
-# CABAC (boolean)
-# Use fullrange instead of TV colorrange (boolean)
-# Number of reference frames (integer)
-# Skip loop filter (boolean)
-# Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:beta (string)
-# Strength of psychovisual optimization, default is "1.0:0.0" (string)
-# Use Psy-optimizations (boolean)
-# H.264 level (string)
-# H.264 profile (string)
-# Interlaced mode (boolean)
-# Frame packing (integer)
-# Force number of slices per frame (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in bytes (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (integer)
-# HRD-timing information (string)
-# Set QP (integer)
-# Quality-based VBR (integer)
-# Min QP (integer)
-# Max QP (integer)
-# Max QP step (integer)
-# Average bitrate tolerance (float)
-# Max local bitrate (integer)
-# VBV buffer (integer)
-# Initial VBV buffer occupancy (float)
-# QP factor between I and P (float)
-# QP factor between P and B (float)
-# QP difference between chroma and luma (integer)
-# Multipass ratecontrol (integer)
-# QP curve compression (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# How AQ distributes bits (integer)
-# Strength of AQ (float)
-# Partitions to consider (string)
-# Direct MV prediction mode (string)
-# Direct prediction size (integer)
-# Weighted prediction for B-frames (boolean)
-# Weighted prediction for P-frames (integer)
-# Integer pixel motion estimation method (string)
-# Maximum motion vector search range (integer)
-# Maximum motion vector length (integer)
-# Minimum buffer space between threads (integer)
-# Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality (integer)
-# Decide references on a per partition basis (boolean)
-# Chroma in motion estimation (boolean)
-# Adaptive spatial transform size (boolean)
-# Trellis RD quantization (integer)
-# Framecount to use on frametype lookahead (integer)
-# Use Periodic Intra Refresh (boolean)
-# Use mb-tree ratecontrol (boolean)
-# Early SKIP detection on P-frames (boolean)
-# Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (boolean)
-# Noise reduction (integer)
-# Inter luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Intra luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded (boolean)
-# CPU optimizations (boolean)
-# PSNR computation (boolean)
-# SSIM computation (boolean)
-# Quiet mode (boolean)
-# SPS and PPS id numbers (integer)
-# Access unit delimiters (boolean)
-# Statistics (boolean)
-# Filename for 2 pass stats file (string)
-# Default preset setting used (string)
-# Default tune setting used (string)
-# x264 advanced options (string)
-[kate] # Kate overlay decoder
-# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)
-[svgdec] # SVG video decoder
-# Image width (integer)
-# Image height (integer)
-# Scale factor (float)
-[jpeg] # JPEG image decoder
-# Quality level (integer)
-[aribsub] # ARIB subtitles decoder
-# Ignore ruby (furigana) (boolean)
-# Use Core Text renderer (boolean)
-[dav1d] # Dav1d video decoder
-# Frames Threads (integer)
-# Tiles Threads (integer)
-[swscale] # Video scaling filter
-# Scaling mode (integer)
-[skins2] # Skinnable Interface
-# Skin to use (string)
-# Config of last used skin (string)
-# Enable transparency effects (boolean)
-# Use a skinned playlist (boolean)
-# Display video in a skinned window if any (boolean)
-[ncurses] # Ncurses interface
-# Filebrowser starting point (string)
-[qt] # Qt interface
-# Start in minimal view (without menus) (boolean)
-# Systray icon (boolean)
-# Show notification popup on track change (integer)
-# Start VLC with only a systray icon (boolean)
-# Pause the video playback when minimized (boolean)
-# Windows opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)
-# Fullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)
-# Resize interface to the native video size (boolean)
-# Show playing item name in window title (boolean)
-# Show a controller in fullscreen mode (boolean)
-# Save the recently played items in the menu (boolean)
-# List of words separated by | to filter (string)
-# Continue playback? (integer)
-# Embed the file browser in open dialog (boolean)
-# Show advanced preferences over simple ones (boolean)
-# Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs (boolean)
-# Define the colors of the volume slider (string)
-# Ask for network policy at start (boolean)
-# Define which screen fullscreen goes (integer)
-# Load extensions on startup (boolean)
-# Display background cone or art (boolean)
-# Expanding background cone or art (boolean)
-# Allow automatic icon changes (boolean)
-# Maximum Volume displayed (integer)
-# Fullscreen controller mouse sensitivity (integer)
-# When to raise the interface (integer)
-[file] # Secrets are stored on a file without any encryption
-# ? (string)
-[folder] # Folder meta data
-# Album art filename (string)
-[motion] # motion control interface
-[lirc] # Infrared remote control interface
-# Change the lirc configuration file (string)
-[oldrc] # Remote control interface
-# Show stream position (boolean)
-# Fake TTY (boolean)
-# UNIX socket command input (string)
-# TCP command input (string)
-[netsync] # Network synchronization
-# Network master clock (boolean)
-# Master server IP address (string)
-# UDP timeout (in ms) (integer)
-[gestures] # Mouse gestures control interface
-# Motion threshold (10-100) (integer)
-# Trigger button (string)
-[vaapi_filters] # Video Accelerated API filters
-# Denoise strength (0-2) (float)
-[alsa] # ALSA audio output
-# Audio output device (string)
-# Audio output channels (integer)
-# Software gain (float)
-[afile] # File audio output
-# Output file (string)
-# Output format (string)
-# Number of output channels (integer)
-# Add WAVE header (boolean)
-[amem] # Audio memory output
-# Sample format (string)
-# Sample rate (integer)
-# Channels count (integer)
-[notify] # LibNotify Notification Plugin
-# Timeout (ms) (integer)
-[rtsp] # Legacy RTSP VoD server
-# MUX for RAW RTSP transport (string)
-# Maximum number of connections (integer)
-# Sets the timeout option in the RTSP session string (integer)
-[logger] # File logging
-[gnutls] # GNU TLS transport layer security
-# Use system trust database (boolean)
-# Trust directory (string)
-# TLS cipher priorities (string)
-[audioscrobbler] # Submission of played songs to
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Scrobbler URL (string)
-[remoteosd] # Remote-OSD over VNC
-# VNC Host (string)
-# VNC Port (integer)
-# VNC Password (string)
-# VNC poll interval (integer)
-# VNC polling (boolean)
-# Mouse events (boolean)
-# Key events (boolean)
-# Alpha transparency value (default 255) (integer)
-[dynamicoverlay] # Dynamic video overlay
-# Input FIFO (string)
-# Output FIFO (string)
-[logo] # Logo sub source
-# Logo filenames (string)
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-# Logo individual image time in ms (integer)
-# Logo animation # of loops (integer)
-# Opacity of the logo (integer)
-# Logo position (integer)
-[marq] # Marquee display
-# Text (string)
-# Text file (string)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-# Marquee position (integer)
-# Opacity (integer)
-# Color (integer)
-# Font size, pixels (integer)
-# Timeout (integer)
-# Refresh period in ms (integer)
-[mosaic] # Mosaic video sub source
-# Transparency (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Mosaic alignment (integer)
-# Top left corner X coordinate (integer)
-# Top left corner Y coordinate (integer)
-# Border width (integer)
-# Border height (integer)
-# Positioning method (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Keep aspect ratio (boolean)
-# Keep original size (boolean)
-# Elements order (string)
-# Offsets in order (string)
-# Delay (integer)
-[rss] # RSS and Atom feed display
-# Feed URLs (string)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-# Text position (integer)
-# Opacity (integer)
-# Color (integer)
-# Font size, pixels (integer)
-# Speed of feeds (integer)
-# Max length (integer)
-# Refresh time (integer)
-# Feed images (boolean)
-# Title display mode (integer)
-[subsdelay] # Subtitle delay
-# Delay calculation mode (integer)
-# Calculation factor (float)
-# Maximum overlapping subtitles (integer)
-# Minimum alpha value (integer)
-# Interval between two disappearances (integer)
-# Interval between appearance and disappearance (integer)
-# Interval between disappearance and appearance (integer)
-[audiobargraph_v] # Audio Bar Graph Video sub source
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-# Transparency of the bargraph (integer)
-# Bargraph position (integer)
-# Bar width in pixel (integer)
-# Bar Height in pixel (integer)
-[mpegvideo] # MPEG-I/II video packetizer
-# Sync on Intra Frame (boolean)
-[freetype] # Freetype2 font renderer
-# Font (string)
-#freetype-font=Serif Bold
-# Monospace Font (string)
-# Font size in pixels (integer)
-# Relative font size (integer)
-# Text opacity (integer)
-# Text default color (integer)
-# Force bold (boolean)
-# Background opacity (integer)
-# Background color (integer)
-# Outline opacity (integer)
-# Outline color (integer)
-# Outline thickness (integer)
-# Shadow opacity (integer)
-# Shadow color (integer)
-# Shadow angle (float)
-# Shadow distance (float)
-# Use YUVP renderer (boolean)
-# Text direction (integer)
-[core] # core program
-# Enable audio (boolean)
-# Audio gain (float)
-# Audio output volume step (float)
-# Remember the audio volume (boolean)
-# Force S/PDIF support (boolean)
-# Force detection of Dolby Surround (integer)
-# Stereo audio output mode (integer)
-# Audio desynchronization compensation (integer)
-# Replay gain mode (string)
-# Replay preamp (float)
-# Default replay gain (float)
-# Peak protection (boolean)
-# Enable time stretching audio (boolean)
-# Audio output module (string)
-# Media role (string)
-# Audio filters (string)
-# Audio visualizations (string)
-# Audio resampler (string)
-# Enable video (boolean)
-# Grayscale video output (boolean)
-# Fullscreen video output (boolean)
-# Embedded video (boolean)
-# (boolean)
-# Drop late frames (boolean)
-# Skip frames (boolean)
-# Quiet synchro (boolean)
-# Key press events (boolean)
-# Mouse events (boolean)
-# Always on top (boolean)
-# Enable wallpaper mode (boolean)
-# Disable screensaver (boolean)
-# Show media title on video (boolean)
-# Show video title for x milliseconds (integer)
-# Position of video title (integer)
-# Hide cursor and fullscreen controller after x milliseconds (integer)
-# Video snapshot directory (or filename) (string)
-# Video snapshot file prefix (string)
-# Video snapshot format (string)
-# Display video snapshot preview (boolean)
-# Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps (boolean)
-# Video snapshot width (integer)
-# Video snapshot height (integer)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Video X coordinate (integer)
-# Video Y coordinate (integer)
-# Video cropping (string)
-# Custom crop ratios list (string)
-# Source aspect ratio (string)
-# Video Auto Scaling (boolean)
-# Monitor pixel aspect ratio (string)
-# Custom aspect ratios list (string)
-# Fix HDTV height (boolean)
-# Window decorations (boolean)
-# Video title (string)
-# Video alignment (integer)
-# Zoom video (float)
-# Deinterlace (integer)
-# Deinterlace mode (string)
-# Video output module (string)
-# Video filter module (string)
-# Video splitter module (string)
-# Enable sub-pictures (boolean)
-# On Screen Display (boolean)
-# Text rendering module (string)
-# Use subtitle file (string)
-# Autodetect subtitle files (boolean)
-# Subtitle autodetection fuzziness (integer)
-# Subtitle autodetection paths (string)
-#sub-autodetect-path=./Subtitles, ./subtitles, ./Subs, ./subs
-# Force subtitle position (integer)
-# Subpictures source module (string)
-# Subpictures filter module (string)
-# Program (integer)
-# Programs (string)
-# Audio track (integer)
-# Subtitle track (integer)
-# Audio language (string)
-# Subtitle language (string)
-# Menu language (string)
-# Audio track ID (integer)
-# Subtitle track ID (integer)
-# Preferred Closed Captions decoder (integer)
-# Preferred video resolution (integer)
-# Input repetitions (integer)
-# Start time (float)
-# Stop time (float)
-# Run time (float)
-# Fast seek (boolean)
-# Playback speed (float)
-# Input list (string)
-# Input slave (experimental) (string)
-# Bookmarks list for a stream (string)
-# DVD device (string)
-# VCD device (string)
-# MTU of the network interface (integer)
-# TCP connection timeout (integer)
-# HTTP server address (string)
-# HTTP server port (integer)
-# HTTPS server port (integer)
-# RTSP server address (string)
-# RTSP server port (integer)
-# HTTP/TLS server certificate (string)
-# HTTP/TLS server private key (string)
-# SOCKS server (string)
-# SOCKS user name (string)
-# SOCKS password (string)
-# Title metadata (string)
-# Author metadata (string)
-# Artist metadata (string)
-# Genre metadata (string)
-# Copyright metadata (string)
-# Description metadata (string)
-# Date metadata (string)
-# URL metadata (string)
-# File caching (ms) (integer)
-# Live capture caching (ms) (integer)
-# Disc caching (ms) (integer)
-# Network caching (ms) (integer)
-# Clock reference average counter (integer)
-# Clock synchronisation (integer)
-# Clock jitter (integer)
-# Network synchronisation (boolean)
-# Record directory (string)
-# Prefer native stream recording (boolean)
-# Timeshift directory (string)
-# Timeshift granularity (integer)
-# Change title according to current media (string)
-# Disable all lua plugins (boolean)
-# Preferred decoders list (string)
-# Preferred encoders list (string)
-# Access module (string)
-# Demux module (string)
-# Stream filter module (string)
-# Demux filter module (string)
-# Default stream output chain (string)
-# Display while streaming (boolean)
-# Keep stream output open (boolean)
-# Enable streaming of all ES (boolean)
-# Enable audio stream output (boolean)
-# Enable video stream output (boolean)
-# Enable SPU stream output (boolean)
-# Stream output muxer caching (ms) (integer)
-# VLM configuration file (string)
-# SAP announcement interval (integer)
-# Mux module (string)
-# Access output module (string)
-# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)
-# Multicast output interface (string)
-# DiffServ Code Point (integer)
-# Preferred packetizer list (string)
-# VoD server module (string)
-# Use a plugins cache (boolean)
-# Scan for new plugins (boolean)
-# Preferred keystore list (string)
-# Allow real-time priority (boolean)
-# Adjust VLC priority (integer)
-# Play files randomly forever (boolean)
-# Repeat all (boolean)
-# Repeat current item (boolean)
-# Play and exit (boolean)
-# Play and stop (boolean)
-# Play and pause (boolean)
-# Start paused (boolean)
-# Auto start (boolean)
-# Pause on audio communication (boolean)
-# Allow only one running instance (boolean)
-# Use only one instance when started from file manager (boolean)
-# Enqueue items into playlist in one instance mode (boolean)
-# Expose media player via D-Bus (boolean)
-# Use media library (boolean)
-# Display playlist tree (boolean)
-# Default stream (string)
-# Automatically preparse items (boolean)
-# Preparsing timeout (integer)
-# Allow metadata network access (boolean)
-# Subdirectory behavior (string)
-# Ignored extensions (string)
-# Show hidden files (boolean)
-# Services discovery modules (string)
-# Run as daemon process (boolean)
-# Write process id to file (string)
-# Show advanced options (boolean)
-# Interface interaction (boolean)
-# Locally collect statistics (boolean)
-# Interface module (string)
-# Extra interface modules (string)
-# Control interfaces (string)
-# Mouse wheel vertical axis control (integer)
-# Mouse wheel horizontal axis control (integer)
-# Fullscreen (string)
-# Fullscreen (string)
-# Exit fullscreen (string)
-# Exit fullscreen (string)
-# Play/Pause (string)
-# Play/Pause (string)
-#key-play-pause=Space Media Play Pause
-# Pause only (string)
-# Pause only (string)
-#key-pause=Browser Stop
-# Play only (string)
-# Play only (string)
-#key-play=Browser Refresh
-# Faster (string)
-# Faster (string)
-# Slower (string)
-# Slower (string)
-# Normal rate (string)
-# Normal rate (string)
-# Faster (fine) (string)
-# Faster (fine) (string)
-# Slower (fine) (string)
-# Slower (fine) (string)
-# Next (string)
-# Next (string)
-#key-next=n Media Next Track
-# Previous (string)
-# Previous (string)
-#key-prev=p Media Prev Track
-# Stop (string)
-# Stop (string)
-#key-stop=s Media Stop
-# Position (string)
-# Position (string)
-# Very short backwards jump (string)
-# Very short backwards jump (string)
-# Very short forward jump (string)
-# Very short forward jump (string)
-# Short backwards jump (string)
-# Short backwards jump (string)
-# Short forward jump (string)
-# Short forward jump (string)
-# Medium backwards jump (string)
-# Medium backwards jump (string)
-# Medium forward jump (string)
-# Medium forward jump (string)
-# Long backwards jump (string)
-# Long backwards jump (string)
-# Long forward jump (string)
-# Long forward jump (string)
-# Next frame (string)
-# Next frame (string)
-#key-frame-next=e Browser Next
-# Activate (string)
-# Activate (string)
-# Navigate up (string)
-# Navigate up (string)
-# Navigate down (string)
-# Navigate down (string)
-# Navigate left (string)
-# Navigate left (string)
-# Navigate right (string)
-# Navigate right (string)
-# Go to the DVD menu (string)
-# Go to the DVD menu (string)
-# Select previous DVD title (string)
-# Select previous DVD title (string)
-# Select next DVD title (string)
-# Select next DVD title (string)
-# Select prev DVD chapter (string)
-# Select prev DVD chapter (string)
-# Select next DVD chapter (string)
-# Select next DVD chapter (string)
-# Quit (string)
-# Quit (string)
-# Volume up (string)
-# Volume up (string)
-#key-vol-up=Ctrl+Up Volume Up
-# Volume down (string)
-# Volume down (string)
-#key-vol-down=Ctrl+Down Volume Down
-# Mute (string)
-# Mute (string)
-#key-vol-mute=m Volume Mute
-# Subtitle delay up (string)
-# Subtitle delay up (string)
-# Subtitle delay down (string)
-# Subtitle delay down (string)
-# Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp (string)
-# Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp (string)
-# Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp (string)
-# Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp (string)
-# Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps (string)
-# Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps (string)
-# Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization (string)
-# Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization (string)
-# Subtitle position up (string)
-# Subtitle position up (string)
-# Subtitle position down (string)
-# Subtitle position down (string)
-# Audio delay up (string)
-# Audio delay up (string)
-# Audio delay down (string)
-# Audio delay down (string)
-# Cycle audio track (string)
-# Cycle audio track (string)
-# Cycle through audio devices (string)
-# Cycle through audio devices (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track in reverse order (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track in reverse order (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track (string)
-# Toggle subtitles (string)
-# Toggle subtitles (string)
-# Cycle next program Service ID (string)
-# Cycle next program Service ID (string)
-# Cycle previous program Service ID (string)
-# Cycle previous program Service ID (string)
-# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)
-# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)
-# Cycle video crop (string)
-# Cycle video crop (string)
-# Toggle autoscaling (string)
-# Toggle autoscaling (string)
-# Increase scale factor (string)
-# Increase scale factor (string)
-# Decrease scale factor (string)
-# Decrease scale factor (string)
-# Toggle deinterlacing (string)
-# Toggle deinterlacing (string)
-# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)
-# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)
-# Show controller in fullscreen (string)
-# Show controller in fullscreen (string)
-# Boss key (string)
-# Boss key (string)
-# Context menu (string)
-# Context menu (string)
-# Take video snapshot (string)
-# Take video snapshot (string)
-# Record (string)
-# Record (string)
-# Zoom (string)
-# Zoom (string)
-# Un-Zoom (string)
-# Un-Zoom (string)
-# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)
-# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Random (string)
-# Random (string)
-# Normal/Loop/Repeat (string)
-# Normal/Loop/Repeat (string)
-# Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°) (string)
-# Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°) (string)
-#key-viewpoint-fov-in=Page Up
-# Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°) (string)
-# Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°) (string)
-#key-viewpoint-fov-out=Page Down
-# Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°) (string)
-# Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°) (string)
-# Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°) (string)
-# Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°) (string)
-# 1:4 Quarter (string)
-# 1:4 Quarter (string)
-# 1:2 Half (string)
-# 1:2 Half (string)
-# 1:1 Original (string)
-# 1:1 Original (string)
-# 2:1 Double (string)
-# 2:1 Double (string)
-# Very short jump length (integer)
-# Short jump length (integer)
-# Medium jump length (integer)
-# Long jump length (integer)
-# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Clear the playlist (string)
-# Clear the playlist (string)
-# Reset subtitles text scale (string)
-# Reset subtitles text scale (string)
-# Scale down subtitles text (string)
-# Scale down subtitles text (string)
-#key-subtitle-text-scale-up=Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up
-# Scale up subtitles text (string)
-# Scale up subtitles text (string)
-#key-subtitle-text-scale-down=Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down
-# Playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 10 (string)
diff --git a/waybar/config-dwl b/waybar/config-dwl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de8b732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waybar/config-dwl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
+ // "position": "bottom", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
+ "height": 20, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
+ // "width": 1280, // Waybar width
+ // Choose the order of the modules
+ "output": "%%DISPLAY%%",
+ "modules-left": ["custom/dwl_tag#0", "custom/dwl_tag#1", "custom/dwl_tag#2", "custom/dwl_tag#3", "custom/dwl_tag#4", "custom/dwl_tag#5", "custom/dwl_tag#6", "custom/dwl_tag#7", "custom/dwl_tag#8", "custom/dwl_layout", "custom/dwl_title"],
+ "modules-center": [],
+ "modules-right": ["custom/swayidle", "mpd", "pulseaudio", "network", "cpu", "memory", "backlight", "battery", "tray", "clock"],
+ // Modules configuration
+ "custom/dwl_tag#0": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 0",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#1": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 1",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#2": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 2",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#3": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 3",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#4": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 4",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#5": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 5",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#6": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 6",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#7": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 7",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#8": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 8",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_tag#9": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% 9",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_layout": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% layout",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "escape": true,
+ "return-type": "json"
+ },
+ "custom/dwl_title": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/ %%DISPLAY%% title",
+ "format": "{}",
+ "escape": true,
+ "return-type": "json",
+ "max-length": 200
+ },
+ "custom/swayidle": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/scripts/swayidlechk",
+ "signal": 8,
+ "interval": "once",
+ "format": " {} ",
+ "on-click": "~/.local/scripts/swayidletog"
+ },
+ "mpd": {
+ "signal": 7,
+ "server": "/home/zachir/.config/mpd/socket",
+ "format": "{stateIcon} {consumeIcon}{randomIcon}{repeatIcon}{singleIcon}{artist:.15} - {title:.15}",
+ // ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%M:%S})
+ "format-disconnected": "Disconnected",
+ "format-stopped": "{consumeIcon}{randomIcon}{repeatIcon}{singleIcon}Stopped",
+ "unknown-tag": "N/A",
+ "interval": 2,
+ "consume-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "random-icons": {
+ "off": " ",
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "repeat-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "single-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\">1</span> "
+ },
+ "state-icons": {
+ "paused": "",
+ "playing": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span>"
+ },
+ "tooltip-format": "MPD (connected)",
+ "tooltip-format-disconnected": "MPD (disconnected)",
+// "max-length": 50
+ },
+ "idle_inhibitor": {
+ "format": "{icon}",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "activated": "",
+ "deactivated": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "tray": {
+ // "icon-size": 21,
+ "spacing": 10
+ },
+ "clock": {
+ // "timezone": "America/New_York",
+ "tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
+ "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}"
+ },
+ "cpu": {
+ "format": "{usage}% ",
+ "tooltip": false
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "format": "{}% "
+ },
+ "temperature": {
+ // "thermal-zone": 2,
+ // "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input",
+ "critical-threshold": 80,
+ // "format-critical": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
+ "format": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", ""]
+ },
+ "backlight": {
+ // "device": "acpi_video1",
+ "format": "{percent}% {icon}",
+ "format-icons": ["", ""]
+ },
+ "battery": {
+ "states": {
+ // "good": 95,
+ "warning": 30,
+ "critical": 15
+ },
+ "format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
+ "format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
+ // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
+ // "format-full": "",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
+ },
+ "battery#bat2": {
+ "bat": "cw2015-battery",
+ "states": {
+ // "good": 95,
+ "warning": 30,
+ "critical": 15
+ },
+ "format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
+ "format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
+ // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
+ // "format-full": "",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
+ },
+ "network": {
+ //"interface": "wl*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface
+ "format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ",
+ "format-ethernet": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
+ "format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ",
+ "format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
+ "format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}",
+ "signal": 6
+ },
+ "pulseaudio": {
+ // "scroll-step": 1, // %, can be a float
+ "format": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-bluetooth": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-bluetooth-muted": " {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-muted": " {format_source}",
+ "format-source": "{volume}% ",
+ "format-source-muted": "",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "headphone": "",
+ "hands-free": "",
+ "headset": "",
+ "phone": "",
+ "portable": "",
+ "car": "",
+ "default": ["", "", ""]
+ },
+ "on-click": "pavucontrol"
+ },
+ "custom/media": {
+ "format": "{icon} {}",
+ "return-type": "json",
+ "max-length": 40,
+ "format-icons": {
+ "spotify": "",
+ "default": "🎜"
+ },
+ "escape": true,
+ "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/ 2> /dev/null" // Script in resources folder
+ // "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/ --player spotify 2> /dev/null" // Filter player based on name
+ }
diff --git a/waybar/config-river b/waybar/config-river
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b70f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waybar/config-river
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
+ // "position": "bottom", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
+ "height": 20, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
+ // "width": 1280, // Waybar width
+ // Choose the order of the modules
+ "output": "%%DISPLAY%%",
+ "modules-left": ["river/tags", "river/window"],
+ "modules-center": [],
+ "modules-right": ["custom/swayidle", "mpd", "pulseaudio", "network", "cpu", "memory", "backlight", "battery", "tray", "clock"],
+ // Modules configuration
+ "river/window": {
+ "max-length": 60
+ },
+ "custom/swayidle": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/scripts/swayidlechk",
+ "signal": 8,
+ "interval": "once",
+ "format": " {} ",
+ "on-click": "~/.local/scripts/swayidletog"
+ },
+ "mpd": {
+ "signal": 7,
+ "server": "/home/zachir/.config/mpd/socket",
+ "format": "{stateIcon} {consumeIcon}{randomIcon}{repeatIcon}{singleIcon}{artist:.15} - {title:.15}",
+ // ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%M:%S})
+ "format-disconnected": "Disconnected",
+ "format-stopped": "{consumeIcon}{randomIcon}{repeatIcon}{singleIcon}Stopped",
+ "unknown-tag": "N/A",
+ "interval": 2,
+ "consume-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "random-icons": {
+ "off": " ",
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "repeat-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span> "
+ },
+ "single-icons": {
+ "on": "<span color=\"#dddddd\">1</span> "
+ },
+ "state-icons": {
+ "paused": "",
+ "playing": "<span color=\"#dddddd\"></span>"
+ },
+ "tooltip-format": "MPD (connected)",
+ "tooltip-format-disconnected": "MPD (disconnected)",
+// "max-length": 50
+ },
+ "idle_inhibitor": {
+ "format": "{icon}",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "activated": "",
+ "deactivated": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "tray": {
+ // "icon-size": 21,
+ "spacing": 10
+ },
+ "clock": {
+ // "timezone": "America/New_York",
+ "tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
+ "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}"
+ },
+ "cpu": {
+ "format": "{usage}% ",
+ "tooltip": false
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "format": "{}% "
+ },
+ "temperature": {
+ // "thermal-zone": 2,
+ // "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input",
+ "critical-threshold": 80,
+ // "format-critical": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
+ "format": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", ""]
+ },
+ "backlight": {
+ // "device": "acpi_video1",
+ "format": "{percent}% {icon}",
+ "format-icons": ["", ""]
+ },
+ "battery": {
+ "states": {
+ // "good": 95,
+ "warning": 30,
+ "critical": 15
+ },
+ "format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
+ "format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
+ // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
+ // "format-full": "",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
+ },
+ "battery#bat2": {
+ "bat": "cw2015-battery",
+ "states": {
+ // "good": 95,
+ "warning": 30,
+ "critical": 15
+ },
+ "format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
+ "format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
+ "format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
+ // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
+ // "format-full": "",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
+ },
+ "network": {
+ //"interface": "wl*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface
+ "format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ",
+ "format-ethernet": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
+ "format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ",
+ "format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
+ "format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}",
+ "signal": 6
+ },
+ "pulseaudio": {
+ // "scroll-step": 1, // %, can be a float
+ "format": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-bluetooth": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-bluetooth-muted": " {icon} {format_source}",
+ "format-muted": " {format_source}",
+ "format-source": "{volume}% ",
+ "format-source-muted": "",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "headphone": "",
+ "hands-free": "",
+ "headset": "",
+ "phone": "",
+ "portable": "",
+ "car": "",
+ "default": ["", "", ""]
+ },
+ "on-click": "pavucontrol"
+ },
+ "custom/media": {
+ "format": "{icon} {}",
+ "return-type": "json",
+ "max-length": 40,
+ "format-icons": {
+ "spotify": "",
+ "default": "🎜"
+ },
+ "escape": true,
+ "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/ 2> /dev/null" // Script in resources folder
+ // "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/ --player spotify 2> /dev/null" // Filter player based on name
+ }
diff --git a/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-custom.lua b/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-custom.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2340e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-custom.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ {
+ -- Rules for matching a device or node. It is an array of
+ -- properties that all need to match the regexp. If any of the
+ -- matches work, the actions are executed for the object.
+ matches = {
+ {
+ { "", "matches", "alsa_card.usb-Audient_Audient_iD4-00" },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Apply properties on the matched object.
+ apply_properties = {
+ -- Use UCM instead of profile when available. Can be
+ -- disabled to skip trying to use the UCM profile.
+ ["api.alsa.use-ucm"] = false,
+ -- The default active profile. Is by default set to "Off".
+ ["device.profile"] = "Pro Audio",
+ },
+ }
diff --git a/zsh/.zshenv b/zsh/.zshenv
index b82b6b7..02e9c8c 100644
--- a/zsh/.zshenv
+++ b/zsh/.zshenv
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-typeset -U PATH path