path: root/sxhkd
diff options
authorzachir <>2023-05-23 13:34:44 -0500
committerzachir <>2023-05-23 13:34:44 -0500
commiteca9815fc719182ad8cddf683ef20f6cb3b4e90a (patch)
tree97c76a4abca5428ead5b9b5eada1100de39bb497 /sxhkd
parent1fa39708a670cc4ca47d6cd7254b9b5035789661 (diff)
fix gtk themes, and remove x11 wm configs
Diffstat (limited to 'sxhkd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
deleted file mode 100755
index 6919d3d..0000000
--- a/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# wm independent hotkeys
-# reload sxhkd config
-alt + Escape
- pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
-# dmenu interfaces
-# program launcher
-alt + d
- dmenu_run
-# desktop application launcher
-alt + r
- j4-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -i -l 15"
-# dmenu prompt for recording
-alt + control + r
- dmenurecord
-# run dmenu interface for keepassxc
-alt + p
- dmenu_keepass -H 24
-# run dmenu interface for pass
-alt + super + p
- passmenu
-# run dmenu interface for mpv
-alt + v
- dmpv
-# get xprop
-alt + grave
- notifyprop
-# run dmenu interface for ytfzf
-alt + y
- ytfzf-launcher -D 'dmenu -l 15'
-# run dmenu interface to spawn browsers
-alt + super + 1
- browser
-# run dmenu interface for qutebrowser profile chooser
-alt + super + q
- qbc -x
- #qbpm choose
-# run dmenu interface for librewolf profile chooser
-alt + super + w
- lwc -x
-# run dmenu interface for librewolf profile chooser
-alt + super + e
- fdc -x
-# run dmenu interface to open book
-alt + super + b
- dmenu_books -x
-# run dmenu interface for mpris
-alt + super + u
- mprisctl -x
-# run dmenu interface for monattach
-alt + super + m
- monattach right
-# run dmenu interface for mondetach
-alt + super + n
- mondetach
-# run dmenu interface for mount
-alt + super + comma
- dmount -x
-# run dmenu interface for umount
-alt + super + period
- dmenuumount -x
-#run dmenu prompt for unicode chars
-alt + super + u
- dmenuunicode -x
-# utilities
-# toggle x idle state
-alt + c
- xidletog
-# warp cursor to left or right monitor
-alt + {Left,Right}
- {left,right}
-# lock the screen
-alt + q
- loginctl lock-session self
-# restart dwmblocks
-alt + super + 9
- toggle dwmblocks
-# signal all dwmblocks modules
-alt + super + 0
- sigdwmb all
-# spawn file manager
-alt + super + f
- $TERMINAL -e lfrun
-# toggle touchpad
-alt + super + t
- toggletouchpad
-# notify-send firewall rules
-alt + super + f
- notify-iptables
-# mute volume
-alt + super + m
- volsv -t
-# mute microphone
-alt + super + shift + m
- volsv -m
-# load nsxiv for backgrounds
-alt + super + x
- nsxiv ~/.local/src/wallpapers
-# xkill
-alt + x
- xkill
-# pause mpd
-super + p
- playerctl play-pause
-# toggle picom
-alt + super + c
- t -t picom
-# xf86 keys
-# manipulate audio stream
- mpc {prev,next,toggle,stop}
-# turn the brightness up
- bl -i 1
-# turn the brightness down
- bl -d 1
-# raise the volume
- volsv -i
-# lower the volume
- volsv -d
-# toggle mute
- volsv -t
-# mute mic
- volsv -m