path: root/spectrwm
diff options
authorzachir <>2023-02-10 12:32:43 -0600
committerzachir <>2023-02-10 12:32:43 -0600
commit5e74241bb8b2a672a7adcc4a8b6e1dea03f2f5a2 (patch)
tree24768273a6578345dfe530918c54c86db90a3e11 /spectrwm
parent7a2dd5235800003487d43c57d1b76847c692bce4 (diff)
remove unnecessary cruftminor
Diffstat (limited to 'spectrwm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/spectrwm/spectrwm.conf b/spectrwm/spectrwm.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c87d40f..0000000
--- a/spectrwm/spectrwm.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# NOTE: all rgb color values in this file are in hex! see XQueryColor for examples
-workspace_limit = 22
-focus_mode = follow
-focus_close = previous
-focus_close_wrap = 1
-focus_default = last
-spawn_position = next
-workspace_clamp = 1
-warp_focus = 1
-warp_pointer = 1
-# Window Decoration
-border_width = 1
-color_focus = black
-color_focus_maximized = black
-color_unfocus = rgb:22/22/22
-color_unfocus_maximized = rgb:22/22/22
-region_padding = 2
-tile_gap = 5
-# Region containment
-# Distance window must be dragged/resized beyond the region edge before it is
-# allowed outside the region.
-boundary_width = 50
-# Remove window border when bar is disabled and there is only one window in workspace
-disable_border = 1
-# Bar Settings
-bar_enabled = 1
-# bar_enabled_ws[1] = 1
-bar_border_width = 1
-bar_border[1] = rgb:22/22/22
-bar_border_unfocus[1] = rgb:22/22/22
-bar_color[1] = black
-bar_color_selected[1] = rgb:00/80/80
-bar_font_color[1] = rgb:a0/a0/a0
-bar_font_color_selected = white
-bar_font = mononoki Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=true
-bar_font_pua = Symbola:pixelsize=12:antialias=true
-bar_action = conky
-bar_action_expand = 1
-bar_justify = left
-bar_format = +N:+I +W +|R+A
-workspace_indicator = listcurrent,listactive,markcurrent,printnames
-bar_at_bottom = 0
-# stack_enabled = 0
-# clock_enabled = 1
-# clock_format = %a %b %d %R %Z %Y
-# iconic_enabled = 0
-maximize_hide_bar = 1
-# window_class_enabled = 0
-# window_instance_enabled = 0
-# window_name_enabled = 0
-# verbose_layout = 1
-# urgent_enabled = 1
-# urgent_collapse = 0
-# Dialog box size ratio when using TRANSSZ quirk; 0.3 < dialog_ratio <= 1.0
-dialog_ratio = 0.6
-# Split a non-RandR dual head setup into one region per monitor
-# (non-standard driver-based multihead is not seen by spectrwm)
-# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+0+0
-# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+1280+0
-# Launch applications in a workspace of choice
-# autorun = ws[1]:xterm
-# autorun = ws[2]:xombrero
-# Customize workspace layout at start
-layout = ws[1]:4:0:0:0:vertical
-# layout = ws[2]:0:0:0:0:horizontal
-# layout = ws[3]:0:0:0:0:fullscreen
-# layout = ws[4]:4:0:0:0:vertical_flip
-# layout = ws[5]:0:0:0:0:horizontal_flip
-# Set workspace name at start
-# name = ws[1]:IRC
-# name = ws[2]:Email
-# name = ws[3]:Browse
-# name = ws[10]:Music
-# Mod key, (Windows key is Mod4) (Apple key on OSX is Mod2)
-modkey = Mod1
-# This allows you to include pre-defined key bindings for your keyboard layout.
-# keyboard_mapping = ~/.spectrwm_us.conf
-# Validated default programs:
-program[lock] = slock
-program[term] = tabbed -c st -w
-program[menu] = dmenu_run $dmenu_bottom -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf $bar_font_color -sb $bar_color_selected -sf $bar_font_color_selected
-program[search] = dmenu $dmenu_bottom -i -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf $bar_font_color -sb $bar_color_selected -sf $bar_font_color_selected
-program[name_workspace] = dmenu $dmenu_bottom -p Workspace -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf $bar_font_color -sb $bar_color_selected -sf $bar_font_color_selected
-# To disable validation of the above, free the respective binding(s):
-bind[] = MOD+Shift+Delete # disable lock
-bind[] = MOD+Shift+Return # disable term
-bind[] = MOD+p # disable menu
-#Rebind WM Keys
-bind[wind_kill] = MOD+Shift+q # remap close window command
-bind[quit] = MOD+Shift+e # remap quit command
-bind[term] = MOD+Return # remap terminal command
-bind[swap_main] = MOD+Shift+Return # remap swap master command
-bind[restart] = MOD+Shift+r # remap restart command
-bind[lock] = MOD+q # remap lock command
-bind[float_toggle] = MOD+space # map toggle float command
-#Bind WM Keys
-bind[layout_vertical] = MOD+t # set vertical layout
-bind[layout_horizontal] = MOD+y # set horizontal layout
-bind[fullscreen_toggle] = MOD+f # set max layout
-# Optional default programs that will only be validated if you override:
-program[screenshot_all] = maim # optional
-# program[screenshot_wind] = window # optional
-# program[initscr] = # optional
-# EXAMPLE: Define 'firefox' action and bind to key.
-# program[firefox] = firefox
-# bind[firefox] = MOD+Shift+b
-# Default quirks, remove with: quirk[class:name] = NONE
-# quirk[MPlayer:xv] = FLOAT + FULLSCREEN + FOCUSPREV
-# quirk[ 2.4:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
-# quirk[ 3.0:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
-# quirk[ 3.1:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
-# quirk[Firefox-bin:firefox-bin] = TRANSSZ
-# quirk[Firefox:Dialog] = FLOAT
-# quirk[Gimp:gimp] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
-# quirk[XTerm:xterm] = XTERM_FONTADJ
-# quirk[xine:Xine Window] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
-# quirk[Xitk:Xitk Combo] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
-# quirk[xine:xine Panel] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
-# quirk[Xitk:Xine Window] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
-# quirk[xine:xine Video Fullscreen Window] = FULLSCREEN + FLOAT
-# quirk[pcb:pcb] = FLOAT