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3 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerrit-widget/ b/gerrit-widget/
index 7c9f32d..5682b9b 100644
--- a/gerrit-widget/
+++ b/gerrit-widget/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ It is possible to customize widget by providing a table with all or some of the
| Name | Default | Description |
+| `icon`| `/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/gerrit-widget/gerrit_icon.svg| Path to the icon|
| `host` | Required | Ex |
| `query` | `is:reviewer AND status:open AND NOT is:wip` | Query to retrieve reviews |
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ It is possible to customize widget by providing a table with all or some of the
## Installation
+1. This widget relies on Gerrit [REST API](, so you need to have a permission to access it. You also need to setup [netrc](, as widget uses curl to communicate with API and you have to be authenticated.
1. Download json parser for lua from []( and place it under **~/.config/awesome/** (don't forget to star a repo):
diff --git a/jira-widget/jira-mark-gradient-blue.svg b/jira-widget/jira-mark-gradient-blue.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ea729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jira-widget/jira-mark-gradient-blue.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg id="Logos" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#2684ff;}.cls-2{fill:url(#New_Gradient_Swatch_1);}.cls-3{fill:url(#New_Gradient_Swatch_1-2);}</style><linearGradient id="New_Gradient_Swatch_1" x1="57.65" y1="21.92" x2="43.31" y2="36.7" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0.18" stop-color="#0052cc"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#2684ff"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="New_Gradient_Swatch_1-2" x1="41.91" y1="38.81" x2="25.34" y2="54.94" xlink:href="#New_Gradient_Swatch_1"/></defs><title>jira-icon-gradient-blue</title><path class="cls-1" d="M72.12,5.07H38.41A15.21,15.21,0,0,0,53.62,20.28h6.21v6A15.21,15.21,0,0,0,75,41.48V8A2.92,2.92,0,0,0,72.12,5.07Z"/><path class="cls-2" d="M55.44,21.86H21.73A15.21,15.21,0,0,0,36.94,37.07h6.21v6A15.22,15.22,0,0,0,58.36,58.28V24.78A2.92,2.92,0,0,0,55.44,21.86Z"/><path class="cls-3" d="M38.75,38.65H5A15.22,15.22,0,0,0,20.26,53.86h6.21v6A15.21,15.21,0,0,0,41.68,75.07V41.58A2.93,2.93,0,0,0,38.75,38.65Z"/></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jira-widget/jira.lua b/jira-widget/jira.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60aa77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jira-widget/jira.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+-- Jira Widget for Awesome Window Manager
+-- Shows the number of currently assigned issues
+-- More details could be found here:
+-- @author Pavel Makhov
+-- @copyright 2019 Pavel Makhov
+local awful = require("awful")
+local wibox = require("wibox")
+local watch = require("")
+local json = require("json")
+local spawn = require("awful.spawn")
+local naughty = require("naughty")
+local gears = require("gears")
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+local gfs = require("gears.filesystem")
+local gs = require("gears.string")
+local HOME_DIR = os.getenv("HOME")
+local GET_ISSUES_CMD = [[bash -c "curl -s -X GET -n %s/rest/api/2/search?%s"]]
+local DOWNLOAD_AVATAR_CMD = [[bash -c "curl -n --create-dirs -o %s/.cache/awmw/jira-widget/avatars/%s %s"]]
+local jira_widget = {}
+local function worker(args)
+ local args = args or {}
+ local icon = args.icon or HOME_DIR .. '/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/jira-widget/jira-mark-gradient-blue.svg'
+ local host = or naughty.notify{preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, text = 'Gerrit host is unknown'}
+ local query = args.query or 'jql=assignee=currentuser()+AND+resolution=Unresolved'
+ local current_number_of_reviews
+ local previous_number_of_reviews = 0
+ local rows = {
+ { widget = wibox.widget.textbox },
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
+ }
+ local popup = awful.popup{
+ visible = true,
+ ontop = true,
+ visible = false,
+ shape = gears.shape.rounded_rect,
+ border_width = 1,
+ border_color = beautiful.bg_focus,
+ maximum_width = 400,
+ preferred_positions = top,
+ offset = { y = 5 },
+ widget = {}
+ }
+ jira_widget = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ image = icon,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ margins = 4,
+ layout = wibox.container.margin
+ },
+ {
+ id = "txt",
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox
+ },
+ {
+ id = "new_rev",
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox
+ },
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
+ set_text = function(self, new_value)
+ self.txt.text = new_value
+ end,
+ set_unseen_review = function(self, is_new_review)
+ self.new_rev.text = is_new_review and '*' or ''
+ end
+ }
+ local update_widget = function(widget, stdout, stderr, _, _)
+ local result = json.decode(stdout)
+ current_number_of_reviews = rawlen(result.issues)
+ --if current_number_of_reviews > previous_number_of_reviews then
+ -- widget:set_unseen_review(true)
+ -- naughty.notify{
+ -- icon = HOME_DIR ..'/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/gerrit-widget/gerrit_icon.svg',
+ -- title = 'New Incoming Review',
+ -- text = reviews[1].project .. '\n' .. get_name_by_id(reviews[1].owner._account_id) .. reviews[1].subject .. '\n',
+ -- run = function() spawn.with_shell("google-chrome https://" .. host .. '/' .. reviews[1]._number) end
+ -- }
+ ----end
+ --
+ --previous_number_of_reviews = current_number_of_reviews
+ widget:set_text(current_number_of_reviews)
+ --
+ for i = 0, #rows do rows[i]=nil end
+ for _, issue in ipairs(result.issues) do
+ local path_to_avatar = os.getenv("HOME") ..'/.cache/awmw/jira-widget/avatars/' .. issue.fields.assignee.key
+ if not gfs.file_readable(path_to_avatar) then
+ spawn.easy_async(string.format(
+ issue.fields.assignee.key,
+ issue.fields.assignee.avatarUrls['48x48']))
+ end
+ local row = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ resize = true,
+ image = path_to_avatar,
+ forced_width = 40,
+ forced_height = 40,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ margins = 8,
+ layout = wibox.container.margin
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ markup = '<b>' .. issue.key .. '</b>',
+ align = 'center',
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox
+ },
+ {
+ text = issue.fields.summary,
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox
+ },
+ {
+ text =,
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox
+ },
+ layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical
+ },
+ spacing = 8,
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
+ },
+ margins = 8,
+ layout = wibox.container.margin
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ }
+ row:connect_signal("button::release", function(_, _, _, button)
+ spawn.with_shell("google-chrome https://" .. host .. '/' .. issue._number)
+ end)
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_focus) end)
+ row:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) c:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal) end)
+ row:buttons(
+ awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({}, 1, function()
+ spawn.with_shell("google-chrome " .. host .. '/browse/' .. issue.key)
+ popup.visible = false
+ end),
+ awful.button({}, 3, function()
+ spawn.with_shell("echo 'git-review -d " .. issue._number .."' | xclip -selection clipboard")
+ popup.visible = false
+ end)
+ )
+ )
+ table.insert(rows, row)
+ end
+ popup:setup(rows)
+ end
+ jira_widget:buttons(
+ awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({}, 1, function()
+ --jira_widget:set_unseen_review(false)
+ if popup.visible then
+ popup.visible = not popup.visible
+ else
+ popup:move_next_to(mouse.current_widget_geometry)
+ end
+ end)
+ )
+ )
+ --naughty.notify{
+ -- text = string.format(GET_ISSUES_CMD, host, query:gsub(" ", "+")),
+ -- run = function() spawn.with_shell("echo '" .. string.format(GET_ISSUES_CMD, host, query:gsub(" ", "+")) .. "' | xclip -selection clipboard") end
+ --}
+ watch(string.format(GET_ISSUES_CMD, host, query:gsub(' ', '+')
+ :gsub('%(', '\\(')
+ :gsub('%)', '\\)')),
+ 10, update_widget, jira_widget)
+ return jira_widget
+return setmetatable(jira_widget, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })