path: root/text-clock-widget
diff options
authorstreetturtle <>2020-11-22 16:13:19 -0500
committerstreetturtle <>2020-11-22 16:13:19 -0500
commit19805d24124e5ddc3c63f14abb500b990222c22c (patch)
tree5255e15929ad45996560d6f45bc8963274d0e770 /text-clock-widget
parent035f3752ec7645cda6e7c41e45cf38087ffae427 (diff)
[text-clockl] improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'text-clock-widget')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/text-clock-widget/text-clock.lua b/text-clock-widget/text-clock.lua
index 98505a4..a22b8a1 100644
--- a/text-clock-widget/text-clock.lua
+++ b/text-clock-widget/text-clock.lua
@@ -18,8 +18,18 @@ local function tablelength(T)
return count
+local function split(string_to_split, separator)
+ if separator == nil then separator = "%s" end
+ local t = {}
+ for str in string.gmatch(string_to_split, "([^".. separator .."]+)") do
+ table.insert(t, str)
+ end
+ return t
local function convertNumberToName(num)
- num = tonumber(num)
local lowNames = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen",
"eighteen", "nineteen"};
@@ -49,28 +59,28 @@ local function worker(args)
local args = args or {}
+ local main_color = args.main_color or beautiful.fg_normal
+ local accent_color = args.accent_color or beautiful.fg_urgent
+ local font = args.font or beautiful.font
+ local mode = args.mode or 'human' -- human /
+ local military_time = args.military_time
+ if military_time == nil then military_time = false end
text_clock = wibox.widget {
- id = 'hours',
- font = 'Play 12',
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
- },
- {
- id = "minutes",
- font = 'Play 12',
+ id = 'clock',
+ font = font,
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
- set_text = function(self, hours, minutes)
- self:get_children_by_id('hours')[1]:set_text(hours)
- if string.match(minutes, " ") then
- local f,s = minutes:match("(%w+)%s(%w+)")
- self:get_children_by_id('minutes')[1]:set_markup('<span font_weight="bold" color="' .. beautiful.fg_urgent .. '">' .. f .. '</span>' .. s)
- else
- self:get_children_by_id('minutes')[1]:set_markup('<span font_weight="bold"> color="' .. beautiful.fg_urgent .. '">' .. minutes .. '</span>')
- end
+ set_text = function(self, time)
+ local t = split(time)
+ local res = ''
+ for i, v in ipairs(t) do
+ res = res .. '<span color="' .. ((i % 2 == 0) and accent_color or main_color) .. '">' .. v .. '</span>'
+ end
+ self:get_children_by_id('clock')[1]:set_markup(res)
@@ -79,13 +89,34 @@ local function worker(args)
call_now = true,
autostart = true,
callback = function()
- local time ="%I:%M")
+ local time = and '%H' or '%I') .. ':%M')
local h,m = time:match('(%d+):(%d+)')
- local hw = convertNumberToName(h)
- local mw = convertNumberToName(m)
- print(hw)
- print(mw)
- text_clock:set_text(hw, mw)
+ local min = tonumber(m)
+ local hour = tonumber(h)
+ if mode == 'human' then
+ local mm
+ if min == 15 or min == 45 then
+ mm = 'quater'
+ elseif min == 30 then
+ mm = 'half'
+ else
+ mm = convertNumberToName((min < 31) and min or 60 - min)
+ end
+ local to_past
+ if min < 31 then
+ to_past = 'past'
+ else
+ to_past = 'to'
+ hour = hour + 1
+ end
+ text_clock:set_text(mm .. ' ' .. to_past .. ' ' .. convertNumberToName(hour))
+ else
+ text_clock:set_text(convertNumberToName(hour) .. ' ' .. convertNumberToName(min))
+ end