path: root/brightness-widget/brightness.svg
diff options
authorstreetturtle <>2021-01-16 14:50:54 -0500
committerstreetturtle <>2021-01-16 14:50:54 -0500
commit9b66b2ee444124df22543ccc38cd7b3b6302f994 (patch)
treeaae9f7dd8d458572d0dc9831449630875eec0cc5 /brightness-widget/brightness.svg
parentb28f55e538e6e19aeb74c3f22342b0602dd7fbee (diff)
[brightness] rework brightness widget
also remove brightnessarc widget, as now it's possible to create arcchart widget in brightness widget
Diffstat (limited to 'brightness-widget/brightness.svg')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/brightness-widget/brightness.svg b/brightness-widget/brightness.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d334372
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+++ b/brightness-widget/brightness.svg
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