From 3badd4e9cd54aa5e62c35e5da4209d8338ed9568 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zachir Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2024 12:39:00 -0600 Subject: Add testing Wayland progs.csv The new progs-wayland.csv will hopefully include everything necessary for running Hyprland as intended. --- progs-wayland.csv | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ wayland.txt | 27 +++++---- 2 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) create mode 100644 progs-wayland.csv diff --git a/progs-wayland.csv b/progs-wayland.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..238703b --- /dev/null +++ b/progs-wayland.csv @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +,base-devel,makes sure the right programs are installed for the rest of the installer +,bc,is a cli calculator and language interpreter +,cmake,is a cross-platform FOSS make system +,dnsmasq,is the DHCP client I use with NetworkManager and libvirt +,firejail,is a sandboxing system to isolate apps +,git,is a fast distributed version control system +,wireplumber,is the PipeWire session manager provided with ZIRLESS +,xdg-desktop-portal-gtk,provides the GTK implementation of the xdg-desktop-portal spec +,atool,provides scripts for managing archives +S,greetd,is a generic greeter daemon +,gst-plugins-bad,is the bad plugins from the multimedia graph framework +,gst-plugins-good,is the good plugins from the multimedia graph framework +,gst-plugins-ugly,is the ugly plugins from the multimedia graph framework +,hyprland,is the Wayland compositor supported by ZIRLESS +,hyprpaper,draws the wallpaper for Hyprland +,mpd,plays music as a (potentially network-accessible) media player +,pipewire-alsa,provides ALSA audio support for PipeWire +,pipewire-jack,provides JACK audio support for PipeWire +,pipewire-pulse,provides PulseAudio compatibility for PipeWire +S,wpa_supplicant,provides WiFi support +,acpi,battery and power indicator +,acpilight,controls backlight using ACPI +,alsa-utils,provides useful ALSA tools +,amd-ucode,provides AMD CPU microcode +,android-file-transfer,is a simple way to transfer files with Android MTP devices +,android-tools,provides useful tools for interacting with Android phones +S,apparmor,provides kernel-enforced restrictions for supported programs +S,bluez,provides the bluez bluetooth daemon +,bluez-utils,provides tools to use bluetooth via bluez +,calcurse,is a terminal calendar and events manager +,catdoc,reads MS word files to the standard output +S,chrony,is a lightweight NTP client and server +,cppcheck,is a tool for C/C++ static analysis +S,cronie,is a daemon for timers +S,cups,is the Common Unix Printing Service +,docx2txt,reads text from MS Word docx files with formatting +,dosfstools,provides tools for DOS (FAT) filesystems +,dunst,is the lightweight X11 notification included with ZIRLESS +,exfat-utils,provides support for the exfat filesystem +,ffmpegthumbnailer,generates thumbnails for videos +,flatpak,is a universal package manager for Linux +,greetd-tuigreet,is a console UI greeter for greetd +,grim,is a screenshot utility for wlroots compositors +,highlight, highlights source code (CLI version) +,intel-ucode,provides Intel CPU microcode +,irssi,is the IRC client included with ZIRLESS +,kid3,is a tag editor for mp3/ogg/flac files +,kitty,is a fast OpenGL accelerated terminal emulator +,lib32-alsa-plugins,provides alsa libs for wine +,lib32-openal,provides audio libraries for wine +,lib32-pipewire,provides pipewire libraries for wine +,lib32-pipewire-v4l2,provides pipewire v43l2 libraries for wine +,libva-mesa-driver,provides the mesa driver for libva +,nwg-look,sets the GTK3 theme +,lxqt-policykit,provides a GUI (Qt) polkit agent +,lynx,is the text-mode browser provided with ZIRLESS +,maim,takes screenshots in X11 +,man-db,is a man page reader +,mediainfo,gets info about media files +,mpc,provides a cli interface to mpd +,mpv,is the media player provided with ZIRLESS +,ncmpcpp,provides a TUI interface for mpd +,neovim,is the text editor for ZIRLESS +S,networkmanager,provides network connectivity +S,nftables,is the more advanced Linux kernel-level firewall +,nmap,scans networks and over the internet +,nsxiv,is the updated simple X image viewer +,ntfs-3g,provides a driver and utilities for the NTFS +,ntp,is the reference implementation of the Network Time Protocol +,odt2txt,prints the text from OpenDocument Texts +,openresolv,manages resolv.conf +,pacman-contrib,provides additional package utilities +,pandoc-bin,converts between various document types +,pass,is the password manager provided with ZIRLESS +,perl-image-exiftool,reads/writes EXIF metadata in files +,playerctl,controls MPRIS media players +,print-manager,makes managing printers easier +,pv,monitors data through a pipe +,python-adblock,implements Brave's adblock in Python (for qutebrowser) +,qpwgraph,provides a graph GUI (Qt) interface for PipeWire connections +,qt5ct,makes theming Qt5 apps easier +,qt6ct,makes theming Qt6 apps easier +,qutebrowser,is a browser with vim-inspired bindings +,rclone,allows mounting network/cloud filesystems to a local filesystem +,rsync,syncs local and remote filesystems very well +,sshfs,allows mounting a remote filesystem locally over ssh +,sxhkd,provides wm-independent hotkeys for X11 +,swayidle,is a lock screen timeout daemon for wlroots compositors +,swaylock,is a lock screen for wlroots compositors +,sysstat,gets system statistics such as resource usage +,termdown,provides a TUI countdown timer and stopwatch +,timeshift,is the backup system provided with ZIRLESS +,tmux,allows nesting virtual terminals within a terminal emulator +,ttf-mononoki-nerd,is the main font provided with ZIRLESS +,unclutter,hides the mouse cursor +,v4l2loopback-dkms,allows making loopback virtual camera devices +,valgrind,helps find memory issues in programs +,vdirsyncer,synchronizes calendars and contacts with a server +,waybar,is the status bar supported by ZIRLESS +,wget,gets and downloads files over the network +,wl-clipboard,interacts with the compositor clipboards from the cli +,xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland,provides many useful extensions for Hyprland over other portals +,xdotool,is an automation tool for X11 +,xf86-input-synaptics,provides the synaptic input drivers for X11 (the best) +,xf86-video-amdgpu,provides AMD X11 drivers +,xf86-video-intel,provides Intel X11 drivers +,xorg-server-xephyr,provides a nested X11 session within Xorg +,xorg-xev,prints the content of X events +,xorg-xinit,starts up the X server +,xorg-xinput,is a cli tool for configuring X input devices +,xorg-xkill,kills a selected X client +,xss-lock,allows locking the screen with an external locker as an X screen saver +,yt-dlp,downloads YouTube (and other website) video and audio +,ytfzf,provides a TUI interface to find YouTube videos and play with MPV +,zathura,is a basic but good document reader +,zathura-pdf-mupdf,provides PDF support for zathura +,zathura-ps,provides PS support for zathura +,zip,allows interacting with zip archives +,zsh,is the shell provided with ZIRLESS +A,abcde,CD ripper +A,abook-configdir,contact book patched for XDG dirs +A,bottles,makes managing multiple wine versions easier +A,brave-bin,is one of the browsers provided with ZIRLESS +A,cava,is the Console Audio Visualizer for ALSA +A,ctpv-git,provides fast image previews for lf +A,dmg2img,converts dmg disk images to the img format +A,dog,is a cli DNS client +A,dragon-drop,creates a graphical window for cli drag-and-drop support +A,epub-thumbnailer-git,generates a thumbnail for epub documents +A,firetools,makes firejail easier to use +A,fontpreview-ueberzug-git,allows previewing fonts in the terminal +A,htop-vim,is a fork of htop with vim keybindings +A,lf-bin,is a terminal file manager inspired by ranger +A,librewolf-bin,is a secure and private browser included with ZIRLESS +A,mint-x-icons,is the icon pack used with zirless +A,mpd-mpris,implements the MPRIS protocol for MPD +A,mpd-notification,sends notifications about tracks playing in mpd +A,mutt-wizard,makes setting up email with Mutt easy +A,nwg-bar,provides a logout bar for waybar +A,nwg-look,makes themes easier for wlroots compositors +A,paccache-hook,automates cleaning up the package cache +A,pam-gnupg,unlocks gpg keys on login +A,flat-remix-gtk,is the new GTK theme provided with ZIRLESS +A,profanity,is the XMPP instant messaging client provided with ZIRLESS +A,pulsemixer,controls PulseAudio input and output volumes and settings +A,qbpm-git,manages profiles for Qutebrowser +A,qt5gtk2,themes Qt5 apps to look like the current gtk2 theme +A,qt6gtk2,themes Qt6 apps to look like the current gtk2 theme +A,rar,manages rar archives +A,sc-im,is a TUI spreadsheet software with vim-inspired bindings +A,simple-mtpfs,allows mounting MTP devices with FUSE to a local filesystem +A,tofi,is the wlroots dmenu alternative supported by ZIRLESS +A,trash-cli,is the "recycle bin" software provided with ZIRLESS +A,ttf-symbola-free,is the emoji font provided with ZIRLESS +A,ueberzugpp,is the improved version of Ueberzug with Wayland* and X11 support +A,urlview-xdg-git,parses text for URLs +A,vimv-git,bulk renames files using a vim interface +A,wdisplays,is a GUI wlroots screen layout tool +A,wlr-randr,is the wlroots alternative to xrandr +A,wmctrl,controls EWMH window managers from the cli +A,xurls,gets URLs from text files +A,dashbinsh,automatically re-links /bin/sh to dash diff --git a/wayland.txt b/wayland.txt index 49763ad..86b5bf5 100644 --- a/wayland.txt +++ b/wayland.txt @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ -hyprland -hyprpaper -swayidle -waylock -grim -bemenu -bemenu-wayland -wlr-randr -wl-clipboard -nwg-bar -wdisplays -waybar-hyprland -wdisplays -xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git +,hyprland +,hyprpaper +,grim +,swayidle +,swaylock +,waybar +,wl-clipboard +,xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland +A,nwg-bar +A,nwg-look +A,tofi +A,wdisplays +A,wlr-randr -- cgit v1.2.3