# ZHTTPD zhttpd is a very basic http server I took on as a project to learn Zig. As such, there may be many things you find that look silly, or un-Zig; I will gladly accept suggestions on how to make it better. zhttpd is not really production ready: - it is single-threaded - it does not support encryption at all - it does not support every HTTP code - it does not even have a config file (yet) However, I am hoping to make it actually usable as time goes on. # COPYRIGHT ## ZHTTPD - zhttpd is copyleft under the GPLv2 (license included). ## SUBMODULES - [mime](https://github.com/andrewrk/mime.git) is included as a submodule, it is licensed under the MIT license by [Andrew Kelley](https://github.com/andrewrk)