SCRIPTS_DIR := ~/.local/bin/scripts AMBIG_SCRIPTS := barmenu barmenu_run slockd WM_SCRIPTS := bspt herbsttags hwinmv INTER_SCRIPTS := browser bsc dmpv fdc ffc lwc mprisctl qbc BLOCKS_SCRIPTS := battery clock cpu disk internet memory mpdup music sigdwmb volume GENERAL_SCRIPTS := crcparse gettags notify-fw songgrab sortsongs startvm startxw tagimg tagmp3 todo toggle XORG_SCRIPTS := liberclip monattach mondetach toggletouchpad tsoff tson xidlechk xidletog WAY_SCRIPTS := swayidlechk swayidletog waytoggle RUNIT_SCRIPTS := svlogc all: install: ambig-scripts wm-scripts inter-scripts blocks-scripts general-scripts xorg-scripts way-scripts runit-scripts @echo "Copying scripts to the appropriate dir..." ambig-scripts: $(AMBIG_SCRIPTS) ifdef AMBIG_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'ambiguous' scripts (scripts that run one option or the other, depending on display server)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(AMBIG_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif wm-scripts: $(WM_SCRIPTS) ifdef WM_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing wm scripts, which are specific to window managers..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(WM_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif inter-scripts: $(INTER_SCRIPTS) ifdef INTER_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'interface' scripts (scripts that use barmenu as an interface to open another application)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(INTER_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif blocks-scripts: $(BLOCKS_SCRIPTS) ifdef BLOCKS_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'dwmblocks' scripts (scripts that are modules for dwmblocks)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(BLOCKS_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif general-scripts: $(GENERAL_SCRIPTS) ifdef GENERAL_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'general' scripts (scripts that don't depend on my other scripts)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(GENERAL_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif xorg-scripts: $(XORG_SCRIPTS) ifdef XORG_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'xorg' scripts (scripts designed for use with xorg)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(XORG_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif way-scripts: $(WAY_SCRIPTS) ifdef WAY_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'Wayland' scripts (scripts designed for use with Wayland)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(WAY_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif runit-scripts: $(RUNIT_SCRIPTS) ifdef RUNIT_SCRIPTS @echo "Installing 'runit' scripts (scripts designed for use with the Runit init system)..." @mkdir -p $(SCRIPTS_DIR) @$(foreach script,$(RUNIT_SCRIPTS),\ $(cp $(script) $(SCRIPTS_DIR))) @echo "Done." endif