# # wm independent hotkeys # # reload sxhkd config alt + Escape doas pkill -HUP -x swhkd # # dmenu interfaces # # program launcher alt + d tofi_run # desktop application launcher alt + r tofi-drun --drun-launch true # dmenu prompt for recording alt + control + r tofirecord # run dmenu interface for keepassxc alt + p tofikeepass --height 24 # run dmenu interface for pass alt + super + p passmenu # run dmenu interface for mpv alt + v tofimpv # run dmenu interface for ytfzf alt + y ytfzf-launcher -D 'tofi --height 24' # run dmenu interface to spawn browsers alt + super + 1 browser-tofi # run dmenu interface for qutebrowser profile chooser alt + super + q qbc-tofi #qbpm choose # run dmenu interface for librewolf profile chooser alt + super + w lwc-tofi # run dmenu interface for librewolf profile chooser alt + super + e fdc-tofi # run dmenu interface to open book alt + super + b tofi_books # run dmenu interface for mpris alt + super + u mprisctl-tofi # run dmenu interface for monattach alt + super + m monattach-tofi right # run dmenu interface for mondetach alt + super + n mondetach-tofi # run dmenu interface for mount alt + super + comma tofimount # run dmenu interface for umount alt + super + period tofiumount #run dmenu prompt for unicode chars alt + super + u tofiunicode # # utilities # # toggle x idle state alt + c swayidletog # toggle waybar alt + w waytoggle # warp cursor to left or right monitor alt + super + {Left,Right} mwarp.py {left,right} # lock the screen alt + q loginctl lock-session self # spawn file manager alt + super + f $TERMINAL -e lfrun # toggle touchpad alt + super + t toggletouchpad # notify-send firewall rules alt + super + o notify-iptables # mute volume alt + super + m volsv -t # mute microphone alt + super + shift + m volsv -m # # xf86 keys # # manipulate audio stream XF86Audio{Prev,Next,Play,Stop} mpc {prev,next,toggle,stop} # turn the brightness up XF86MonBrightnessUp xbacklight -inc 1 # light -A 1 # turn the brightness down XF86MonBrightnessDown xbacklight -dec 1 # light -U 1 # raise the volume XF86AudioRaiseVolume volsv -i # lower the volume XF86AudioLowerVolume volsv -d # toggle mute XF86AudioMute volsv -t # mute mic XF86AudioMicMute volsv -m