# Autogenerated config.py
# NOTE: config.py is intended for advanced users who are comfortable
# with manually migrating the config file on qutebrowser upgrades. If
# you prefer, you can also configure qutebrowser using the
# :set/:bind/:config-* commands without having to write a config.py
# file.
# Documentation:
#   qute://help/configuring.html
#   qute://help/settings.html

import sys, os

    home = os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']
except KeyError:
    home = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.config'

sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'jmatrix'))
config.source(home + "/qutebrowser/jmatrix/jmatrix/integrations/qutebrowser.py")

# Change the argument to True to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml

# Backend to use to display websites. qutebrowser supports two different
# web rendering engines / backends, QtWebEngine and QtWebKit (not
# recommended). QtWebEngine is Qt's official successor to QtWebKit, and
# both the default/recommended backend. It's based on a stripped-down
# Chromium and regularly updated with security fixes and new features by
# the Qt project: https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebEngine QtWebKit was
# qutebrowser's original backend when the project was started. However,
# support for QtWebKit was discontinued by the Qt project with Qt 5.6 in
# 2016. The development of QtWebKit was picked up in an official fork:
# https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit - however, the project seems to
# have stalled again. The latest release (5.212.0 Alpha 4) from March
# 2020 is based on a WebKit version from 2016, with many known security
# vulnerabilities. Additionally, there is no process isolation and
# sandboxing. Due to all those issues, while support for QtWebKit is
# still available in qutebrowser for now, using it is strongly
# discouraged.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
#   - webengine: Use QtWebEngine (based on Chromium - recommended).
#   - webkit: Use QtWebKit (based on WebKit, similar to Safari - many known security issues!).
c.backend = 'webengine'

# Always restore open sites when qutebrowser is reopened. Without this
# option set, `:wq` (`:quit --save`) needs to be used to save open tabs
# (and restore them), while quitting qutebrowser in any other way will
# not save/restore the session. By default, this will save to the
# session which was last loaded. This behavior can be customized via the
# `session.default_name` setting.
# Type: Bool
c.auto_save.session = False

# Which cookies to accept. With QtWebEngine, this setting also controls
# other features with tracking capabilities similar to those of cookies;
# including IndexedDB, DOM storage, filesystem API, service workers, and
# AppCache. Note that with QtWebKit, only `all` and `never` are
# supported as per-domain values. Setting `no-3rdparty` or `no-
# unknown-3rdparty` per-domain on QtWebKit will have the same effect as
# `all`. If this setting is used with URL patterns, the pattern gets
# applied to the origin/first party URL of the page making the request,
# not the request URL. With QtWebEngine 5.15.0+, paths will be stripped
# from URLs, so URL patterns using paths will not match. With
# QtWebEngine 5.15.2+, subdomains are additionally stripped as well, so
# you will typically need to set this setting for `example.com` when the
# cookie is set on `somesubdomain.example.com` for it to work properly.
# To debug issues with this setting, start qutebrowser with `--debug
# --logfilter network --debug-flag log-cookies` which will show all
# cookies being set.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
#   - all: Accept all cookies.
#   - no-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only. This is known to break some sites, such as GMail.
#   - no-unknown-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only, unless a cookie is already set for the domain. On QtWebEngine, this is the same as no-3rdparty.
#   - never: Don't accept cookies at all.
config.set('content.cookies.accept', 'no-3rdparty')

# Value to send in the `Accept-Language` header. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: String
config.set('content.headers.accept_language', '', 'https://matchmaker.krunker.io/*')

# User agent to send.  The following placeholders are defined:  *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value   with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version.  The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine.  Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value. With QtWebEngine
# between 5.12 and 5.14 (inclusive), changing the value exposed to
# JavaScript requires a restart.
# Type: FormatString
config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) {upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} Safari/{webkit_version}', 'https://web.whatsapp.com/')

# User agent to send.  The following placeholders are defined:  *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value   with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version.  The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine.  Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value. With QtWebEngine
# between 5.12 and 5.14 (inclusive), changing the value exposed to
# JavaScript requires a restart.
# Type: FormatString
config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0', 'https://accounts.google.com/*')

# User agent to send.  The following placeholders are defined:  *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value   with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version.  The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine.  Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value. With QtWebEngine
# between 5.12 and 5.14 (inclusive), changing the value exposed to
# JavaScript requires a restart.
# Type: FormatString
config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99 Safari/537.36', 'https://*.slack.com/*')

# Load images automatically in web pages.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.images', True, 'chrome-devtools://*')

# Load images automatically in web pages.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.images', True, 'devtools://*')

# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome-devtools://*')

# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'devtools://*')

# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome://*/*')

# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'qute://*/*')

# List of user stylesheet filenames to use.
# Type: List of File, or File
c.content.user_stylesheets = []

# Editor (and arguments) to use for the `edit-*` commands. The following
# placeholders are defined:  * `{file}`: Filename of the file to be
# edited. * `{line}`: Line in which the caret is found in the text. *
# `{column}`: Column in which the caret is found in the text. *
# `{line0}`: Same as `{line}`, but starting from index 0. * `{column0}`:
# Same as `{column}`, but starting from index 0.
# Type: ShellCommand
c.editor.command = ['neovide', '{file}']

# Page to open if :open -t/-b/-w is used without URL. Use `about:blank`
# for a blank page.
# Type: FuzzyUrl
c.url.default_page = 'https://search.brave.com'

# Search engines which can be used via the address bar.  Maps a search
# engine name (such as `DEFAULT`, or `ddg`) to a URL with a `{}`
# placeholder. The placeholder will be replaced by the search term, use
# `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` braces.  The following further
# placeholds are defined to configure how special characters in the
# search terms are replaced by safe characters (called 'quoting'):  *
# `{}` and `{semiquoted}` quote everything except slashes; this is the
# most   sensible choice for almost all search engines (for the search
# term   `slash/and&amp` this placeholder expands to `slash/and%26amp`).
# * `{quoted}` quotes all characters (for `slash/and&amp` this
# placeholder   expands to `slash%2Fand%26amp`). * `{unquoted}` quotes
# nothing (for `slash/and&amp` this placeholder   expands to
# `slash/and&amp`). * `{0}` means the same as `{}`, but can be used
# multiple times.  The search engine named `DEFAULT` is used when
# `url.auto_search` is turned on and something else than a URL was
# entered to be opened. Other search engines can be used by prepending
# the search engine name to the search term, e.g. `:open google
# qutebrowser`.
# Type: Dict
c.url.searchengines = {'DEFAULT': 'https://search.brave.com/search?q={}', 'dg': 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q={}', 'aw': 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/?search={}', 'sp': 'https://startpage.com/sp/search?q={}', 'yt': 'https://yewtu.be/search?q={}', 'lv': 'https://videos.lukesmith.xyz/search?search={}&searchTarget=local'}

# Page(s) to open at the start.
# Type: List of FuzzyUrl, or FuzzyUrl
c.url.start_pages = 'https://search.brave.com'

# Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's
# color).
# Type: QtColor
c.colors.webpage.bg = 'black'

# Render all web contents using a dark theme. Example configurations
# from Chromium's `chrome://flags`:  - "With simple HSL/CIELAB/RGB-based
# inversion": Set   `colors.webpage.darkmode.algorithm` accordingly.  -
# "With selective image inversion": Set
# `colors.webpage.darkmode.policy.images` to `smart`.  - "With selective
# inversion of non-image elements": Set
# `colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.text` to 150 and
# `colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.background` to 205.  - "With
# selective inversion of everything": Combines the two variants   above.
# Type: Bool
c.colors.webpage.darkmode.enabled = True

# Which algorithm to use for modifying how colors are rendered with
# darkmode. The `lightness-cielab` value was added with QtWebEngine 5.14
# and is treated like `lightness-hsl` with older QtWebEngine versions.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
#   - lightness-cielab: Modify colors by converting them to CIELAB color space and inverting the L value. Not available with Qt < 5.14.
#   - lightness-hsl: Modify colors by converting them to the HSL color space and inverting the lightness (i.e. the "L" in HSL).
#   - brightness-rgb: Modify colors by subtracting each of r, g, and b from their maximum value.
c.colors.webpage.darkmode.algorithm = 'lightness-cielab'

# Which images to apply dark mode to. With QtWebEngine 5.15.0, this
# setting can cause frequent renderer process crashes due to a
# https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtwebengine-
# chromium/+/304211[bug in Qt].
# Type: String
# Valid values:
#   - always: Apply dark mode filter to all images.
#   - never: Never apply dark mode filter to any images.
#   - smart: Apply dark mode based on image content. Not available with Qt 5.15.0.
c.colors.webpage.darkmode.policy.images = 'never'

# Threshold for inverting background elements with dark mode. Background
# elements with brightness above this threshold will be inverted, and
# below it will be left as in the original, non-dark-mode page. Set to
# 256 to never invert the color or to 0 to always invert it. Note: This
# behavior is the opposite of `colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.text`!
# Type: Int
c.colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.background = 48

# Map keys to other keys, so that they are equivalent in all modes. When
# the key used as dictionary-key is pressed, the binding for the key
# used as dictionary-value is invoked instead. This is useful for global
# remappings of keys, for example to map <Ctrl-[> to <Escape>. NOTE:
# This should only be used if two keys should always be equivalent, i.e.
# for things like <Enter> (keypad) and <Return> (non-keypad). For normal
# command bindings, qutebrowser works differently to vim: You always
# bind keys to commands, usually via `:bind` or `config.bind()`. Instead
# of using this setting, consider finding the command a key is bound to
# (e.g. via `:bind gg`) and then binding the same command to the desired
# key. Note that when a key is bound (via `bindings.default` or
# `bindings.commands`), the mapping is ignored.
# Type: Dict
c.bindings.key_mappings = {'<Ctrl+6>': '<Ctrl+^>', '<Ctrl+Enter>': '<Ctrl+Return>', '<Ctrl+i>': '<Tab>', '<Ctrl+j>': '<Return>', '<Ctrl+m>': '<Return>', '<Ctrl+[>': '<Escape>', '<Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift+Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift+Return>': '<Return>'}

# Bindings for normal mode
config.bind('<Ctrl+0>', 'tab-select 10')
config.bind('<Ctrl+1>', 'tab-select 1')
config.bind('<Ctrl+2>', 'tab-select 2')
config.bind('<Ctrl+3>', 'tab-select 3')
config.bind('<Ctrl+4>', 'tab-select 4')
config.bind('<Ctrl+5>', 'tab-select 5')
config.bind('<Ctrl+6>', 'tab-select 6')
config.bind('<Ctrl+7>', 'tab-select 7')
config.bind('<Ctrl+8>', 'tab-select 8')
config.bind('<Ctrl+9>', 'tab-select 9')
config.bind('X', 'hint links spawn mpv {hint-url}')
config.bind('ar', 'download-retry')
config.bind('pa', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass')