# $Id$ # $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/dot.mkshrc,v 1.128 2020/04/13 18:39:03 tg Exp $ #- # Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, # 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, # 2020 # mirabilos <m@mirbsd.org> # # Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices # are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission # is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un- # limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify, # merge, give away, or sublicence. # # This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to # the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor # implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event # may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect, # direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out # of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such # damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out # of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended. #- # ${ENV:-~/.mkshrc}: mksh initialisation file for interactive shells # catch non-mksh, non-lksh, trying to run this file case ${KSH_VERSION:-} in *LEGACY\ KSH*|*MIRBSD\ KSH*) ;; *) \return 0 ;; esac # give MidnightBSD's laffer1 a bit of csh feeling function setenv { if (( $# )); then \\builtin eval '\\builtin export "$1"="${2:-}"' else \\builtin typeset -x fi } # pager (not control character safe) smores() ( \\builtin set +m \\builtin cat "$@" |& \\builtin trap "rv=\$?; \\\\builtin kill $! >/dev/null 2>&1; \\\\builtin exit \$rv" EXIT while IFS= \\builtin read -pr line; do llen=${%line} (( llen == -1 )) && llen=${#line} (( llen = llen ? (llen + COLUMNS - 1) / COLUMNS : 1 )) if (( (curlin += llen) >= LINES )); then \\builtin print -nr -- $'\e[7m--more--\e[0m' \\builtin read -u1 || \\builtin exit $? [[ $REPLY = [Qq]* ]] && \\builtin exit 0 curlin=$llen fi \\builtin print -r -- "$line" done ) # customise your favourite editor here; the first one found is used for EDITOR in "${EDITOR:-}" jupp jstar mcedit ed vi; do EDITOR=$(\\builtin whence -p "$EDITOR") || EDITOR= [[ -n $EDITOR && -x $EDITOR ]] && break EDITOR=nvim done \\builtin alias ls=ls l='ls -F' la='l -a' ll='l -l' lo='l -alo' \: "${EDITOR:=/bin/ed}${TERM:=vt100}${USER:=$(\\builtin ulimit -c 0; id -un \ 2>/dev/null)}${HOSTNAME:=$(\\builtin ulimit -c 0; hostname 2>/dev/null)}" [[ $HOSTNAME = ?(?(ip6-)localhost?(6)) ]] && HOSTNAME=nil; \\builtin unalias ls \\builtin export EDITOR HOSTNAME TERM USER="${USER:-?}" # minimal support for lksh users if [[ $KSH_VERSION = *LEGACY\ KSH* ]]; then PS1='$USER@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:$PWD>' \\builtin return 0 else PS1='$(print -n "\E[1;32m[`logname`@`hostname`]:\E[1;37m";if [ "${PWD#$HOME}" = "$PWD" ]; then print -n "$PWD"; else print -n "~${PWD#$HOME}"; fi; print "\E[1;32m$\E[0m ")' fi # mksh-specific from here \: "${MKSH:=$(\\builtin whence -p mksh)}${MKSH:=/bin/mksh}" \\builtin export MKSH # prompts #PS4='[$EPOCHREALTIME] '; PS1='#'; (( USER_ID )) && PS1='$'; PS1=$'\001\r''${| # \\builtin typeset e=$? # # (( e )) && REPLY+="$e|" # REPLY+=${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}: # # \\builtin typeset d=${PWD:-?}/ p=~; [[ $p = ?(*/) ]] || d=${d/#$p\//\~/} # d=${d%/}; \\builtin typeset m=${%d} n p=...; (( m > 0 )) || m=${#d} # (( m > (n = (COLUMNS/3 < 7 ? 7 : COLUMNS/3)) )) && d=${d:(-n)} || p= # REPLY+=$p$d # # \\builtin return $e #} '"$PS1 " # utilities \\builtin alias doch='sudo mksh -c "$(\\builtin fc -ln -1)"' \\builtin command -v rot13 >/dev/null || \\builtin alias rot13='tr \ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ \ nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM' if \\builtin command -v hd >/dev/null; then \: elif \\builtin command -v hexdump >/dev/null; then function hd { hexdump -e '"%08.8_ax " 8/1 "%02X " " - " 8/1 "%02X "' \ -e '" |" "%_p"' -e '"|\n"' "$@" } else function hd { \\builtin cat "$@" | hd_mksh } fi # NUL-safe and EBCDIC-safe hexdump (from stdin) function hd_mksh { \\builtin typeset -Uui16 -Z11 pos=0 \\builtin typeset -Uui16 -Z5 hv=2147483647 \\builtin typeset dasc dn line i \\builtin set +U while \\builtin read -arn 512 line; do \\builtin typeset -i1 'line[*]' i=0 while (( i < ${#line[*]} )); do dn= (( (hv = line[i++]) != 0 )) && dn=${line[i-1]#1#} if (( (pos & 15) == 0 )); then (( pos )) && \ \\builtin print -r -- "$dasc|" \\builtin print -nr "${pos#16#} " dasc=' |' fi \\builtin print -nr "${hv#16#} " if [[ $dn = [[:print:]] ]]; then dasc+=$dn else dasc+=. fi (( (pos++ & 15) == 7 )) && \ \\builtin print -nr -- '- ' done done while (( pos & 15 )); do \\builtin print -nr ' ' (( (pos++ & 15) == 7 )) && \ \\builtin print -nr -- '- ' done (( hv == 2147483647 )) || \\builtin print -r -- "$dasc|" } function which { \\builtin typeset p x c \\builtin typeset -i a=0 rv=2 e \\builtin set +e \\builtin set -o noglob while \\builtin getopts "a" x; do case $x { (a) a=1 ;; (+a) a=0 ;; (*) \\builtin print -ru2 'Usage: which [-a] name [...]' \\builtin return 255 ;; } done \\builtin shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv should be def_path p=${PATH-/usr/bin$PATHSEP/bin} # ^ no colon! # trailing PATHSEP vs field splitting [[ $p = *"$PATHSEP" ]] && p+=. IFS=$PATHSEP \\builtin set -A p -- ${p:-.} IFS=$' \t\n' for x in "$@"; do if (( !a )) || [[ $x = */* ]]; then \\builtin whence -p -- "$x" e=$? else e=1 for c in "${p[@]}"; do PATH=${c:-.} \\builtin whence -p -- "$x" && e=0 done fi (( rv = (e == 0) ? (rv & ~2) : (rv == 2 ? 2 : 1) )) done \\builtin return $rv } # Berkeley C shell compatible dirs, popd, and pushd functions # Z shell compatible chpwd() hook, used to update DIRSTACK[0] DIRSTACKBASE=$(\\builtin realpath ~/. 2>/dev/null || \ \\builtin print -nr -- "${HOME:-/}") \\builtin set -A DIRSTACK function chpwd { DIRSTACK[0]=$(\\builtin realpath . 2>/dev/null || \ \\builtin print -nr -- "$PWD") [[ $DIRSTACKBASE = ?(*/) ]] || \ DIRSTACK[0]=${DIRSTACK[0]/#$DIRSTACKBASE/\~} \: } \chpwd . cd() { \\builtin cd "$@" || \\builtin return $? \chpwd "$@" } function cd_csh { \\builtin typeset d t=${1/#\~/$DIRSTACKBASE} if ! d=$(\\builtin cd "$t" 2>&1); then \\builtin print -ru2 "${1}: ${d##*cd: $t: }." \\builtin return 1 fi \cd "$t" } function dirs { \\builtin typeset d dwidth \\builtin typeset -i fl=0 fv=0 fn=0 cpos=0 while \\builtin getopts ":lvn" d; do case $d { (l) fl=1 ;; (v) fv=1 ;; (n) fn=1 ;; (*) \\builtin print -ru2 'Usage: dirs [-lvn].' \\builtin return 1 ;; } done \\builtin shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if (( $# > 0 )); then \\builtin print -ru2 'Usage: dirs [-lvn].' \\builtin return 1 fi if (( fv )); then fv=0 while (( fv < ${#DIRSTACK[*]} )); do d=${DIRSTACK[fv]} (( fl )) && d=${d/#\~/$DIRSTACKBASE} \\builtin print -r -- "$fv $d" (( ++fv )) done else fv=0 while (( fv < ${#DIRSTACK[*]} )); do d=${DIRSTACK[fv]} (( fl )) && d=${d/#\~/$DIRSTACKBASE} (( dwidth = (${%d} > 0 ? ${%d} : ${#d}) )) if (( fn && (cpos += dwidth + 1) >= 79 && \ dwidth < 80 )); then \\builtin print (( cpos = dwidth + 1 )) fi \\builtin print -nr -- "$d " (( ++fv )) done \\builtin print fi \\builtin return 0 } function popd { \\builtin typeset d fa \\builtin typeset -i n=1 while \\builtin getopts ":0123456789lvn" d; do case $d { (l|v|n) fa+=" -$d" ;; (+*) n=2 \\builtin break ;; (*) \\builtin print -ru2 'Usage: popd [-lvn] [+<n>].' \\builtin return 1 ;; } done \\builtin shift $((OPTIND - n)) n=0 if (( $# > 1 )); then \\builtin print -ru2 popd: Too many arguments. \\builtin return 1 elif [[ $1 = ++([0-9]) && $1 != +0 ]]; then if (( (n = ${1#+}) >= ${#DIRSTACK[*]} )); then \\builtin print -ru2 popd: Directory stack not that deep. \\builtin return 1 fi elif [[ -n $1 ]]; then \\builtin print -ru2 popd: Bad directory. \\builtin return 1 fi if (( ${#DIRSTACK[*]} < 2 )); then \\builtin print -ru2 popd: Directory stack empty. \\builtin return 1 fi \\builtin unset DIRSTACK[n] \\builtin set -A DIRSTACK -- "${DIRSTACK[@]}" \cd_csh "${DIRSTACK[0]}" || \\builtin return 1 \dirs $fa } function pushd { \\builtin typeset d fa \\builtin typeset -i n=1 while \\builtin getopts ":0123456789lvn" d; do case $d { (l|v|n) fa+=" -$d" ;; (+*) n=2 \\builtin break ;; (*) \\builtin print -ru2 'Usage: pushd [-lvn] [<dir>|+<n>].' \\builtin return 1 ;; } done \\builtin shift $((OPTIND - n)) if (( $# == 0 )); then if (( ${#DIRSTACK[*]} < 2 )); then \\builtin print -ru2 pushd: No other directory. \\builtin return 1 fi d=${DIRSTACK[1]} DIRSTACK[1]=${DIRSTACK[0]} \cd_csh "$d" || \\builtin return 1 elif (( $# > 1 )); then \\builtin print -ru2 pushd: Too many arguments. \\builtin return 1 elif [[ $1 = ++([0-9]) && $1 != +0 ]]; then if (( (n = ${1#+}) >= ${#DIRSTACK[*]} )); then \\builtin print -ru2 pushd: Directory stack not that deep. \\builtin return 1 fi while (( n-- )); do d=${DIRSTACK[0]} \\builtin unset DIRSTACK[0] \\builtin set -A DIRSTACK -- "${DIRSTACK[@]}" "$d" done \cd_csh "${DIRSTACK[0]}" || \\builtin return 1 else \\builtin set -A DIRSTACK -- placeholder "${DIRSTACK[@]}" \cd_csh "$1" || \\builtin return 1 fi \dirs $fa } # base64 encoder and decoder, RFC compliant, NUL safe, not EBCDIC safe function Lb64decode { \\builtin set +U \\builtin typeset c s="$*" t [[ -n $s ]] || { s=$(\\builtin cat; \\builtin print x); s=${s%x}; } \\builtin typeset -i i=0 j=0 n=${#s} p=0 v x \\builtin typeset -i16 o while (( i < n )); do c=${s:(i++):1} case $c { (=) \\builtin break ;; ([A-Z]) (( v = 1#$c - 65 )) ;; ([a-z]) (( v = 1#$c - 71 )) ;; ([0-9]) (( v = 1#$c + 4 )) ;; (+) v=62 ;; (/) v=63 ;; (*) \\builtin continue ;; } (( x = (x << 6) | v )) case $((p++)) { (0) \\builtin continue ;; (1) (( o = (x >> 4) & 255 )) ;; (2) (( o = (x >> 2) & 255 )) ;; (3) (( o = x & 255 )) p=0 ;; } t+=\\x${o#16#} (( ++j & 4095 )) && \\builtin continue \\builtin print -n $t t= done \\builtin print -n $t } function Lb64encode { \\builtin set +U \\builtin typeset c s t table \\builtin set -A table -- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + / if (( $# )); then \\builtin read -raN-1 s <<<"$*" \\builtin unset s[${#s[*]}-1] else \\builtin read -raN-1 s fi \\builtin typeset -i i=0 n=${#s[*]} v while (( i < n )); do (( v = s[i++] << 16 )) (( v |= s[i++] << 8 )) (( v |= s[i++] )) t+=${table[v >> 18]}${table[v >> 12 & 63]} c=${table[v >> 6 & 63]} if (( i <= n )); then t+=$c${table[v & 63]} elif (( i == n + 1 )); then t+=$c= else t+=== fi if (( ${#t} == 76 || i >= n )); then \\builtin print -r $t t= fi done } # Better Avalanche for the Jenkins Hash \\builtin typeset -Z11 -Uui16 Lbafh_v function Lbafh_init { Lbafh_v=0 } function Lbafh_add { \\builtin set +U \\builtin typeset s if (( $# )); then \\builtin read -raN-1 s <<<"$*" \\builtin unset s[${#s[*]}-1] else \\builtin read -raN-1 s fi \\builtin typeset -i i=0 n=${#s[*]} while (( i < n )); do ((# Lbafh_v = (Lbafh_v + s[i++] + 1) * 1025 )) ((# Lbafh_v ^= Lbafh_v >> 6 )) done } function Lbafh_finish { \\builtin typeset -Ui t ((# t = (((Lbafh_v >> 7) & 0x01010101) * 0x1B) ^ \ ((Lbafh_v << 1) & 0xFEFEFEFE) )) ((# Lbafh_v = t ^ (t ^> 8) ^ (Lbafh_v ^> 8) ^ \ (Lbafh_v ^> 16) ^ (Lbafh_v ^> 24) )) \: } # strip comments (and leading/trailing whitespace if IFS is set) from # any file(s) given as argument, or stdin if none, and spew to stdout function Lstripcom { \\builtin set -o noglob \\builtin cat "$@" | while \\builtin read _line; do _line=${_line%%#*} [[ -n $_line ]] && \\builtin print -r -- $_line done } # toggle built-in aliases and utilities, and aliases and functions from mkshrc function enable { \\builtin typeset doprnt=0 mode=1 x y z rv=0 \\builtin typeset b_alias i_alias i_func nalias=0 nfunc=0 i_all \\builtin set -A b_alias \\builtin set -A i_alias \\builtin set -A i_func # accumulate mksh built-in aliases, in ASCIIbetical order i_alias[nalias]=autoload; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin typeset -fu' i_alias[nalias]=functions; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin typeset -f' i_alias[nalias]=hash; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin alias -t' i_alias[nalias]=history; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin fc -l' i_alias[nalias]=integer; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin typeset -i' i_alias[nalias]=local; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin typeset' i_alias[nalias]=login; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin exec login' i_alias[nalias]=nameref; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin typeset -n' i_alias[nalias]=nohup; b_alias[nalias++]='nohup ' i_alias[nalias]=r; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin fc -e -' i_alias[nalias]=type; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin whence -v' # accumulate mksh built-in utilities, in definition order, even ifndef i_func[nfunc++]=. i_func[nfunc++]=: i_func[nfunc++]='[' i_func[nfunc++]=alias i_func[nfunc++]=break # \\builtin cannot, by design, be overridden i_func[nfunc++]=builtin i_func[nfunc++]=cat i_func[nfunc++]=cd i_func[nfunc++]=chdir i_func[nfunc++]=command i_func[nfunc++]=continue i_func[nfunc++]=echo i_func[nfunc++]=eval i_func[nfunc++]=exec i_func[nfunc++]=exit i_func[nfunc++]=export i_func[nfunc++]=false i_func[nfunc++]=fc i_func[nfunc++]=getopts i_func[nfunc++]=jobs i_func[nfunc++]=kill i_func[nfunc++]=let i_func[nfunc++]=print i_func[nfunc++]=pwd i_func[nfunc++]=read i_func[nfunc++]=readonly i_func[nfunc++]=realpath i_func[nfunc++]=rename i_func[nfunc++]=return i_func[nfunc++]=set i_func[nfunc++]=shift i_func[nfunc++]=source i_func[nfunc++]=suspend i_func[nfunc++]=test i_func[nfunc++]=times i_func[nfunc++]=trap i_func[nfunc++]=true i_func[nfunc++]=typeset i_func[nfunc++]=ulimit i_func[nfunc++]=umask i_func[nfunc++]=unalias i_func[nfunc++]=unset i_func[nfunc++]=wait i_func[nfunc++]=whence i_func[nfunc++]=bg i_func[nfunc++]=fg i_func[nfunc++]=bind i_func[nfunc++]=mknod i_func[nfunc++]=printf i_func[nfunc++]=sleep i_func[nfunc++]=domainname i_func[nfunc++]=extproc # accumulate aliases from dot.mkshrc, in definition order i_alias[nalias]=l; b_alias[nalias++]='ls -F' i_alias[nalias]=la; b_alias[nalias++]='l -a' i_alias[nalias]=ll; b_alias[nalias++]='l -l' i_alias[nalias]=lo; b_alias[nalias++]='l -alo' i_alias[nalias]=doch; b_alias[nalias++]='sudo mksh -c "$(\\builtin fc -ln -1)"' i_alias[nalias]=rot13; b_alias[nalias++]='tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM' i_alias[nalias]=cls; b_alias[nalias++]='\\builtin print -n \\ec' # accumulate functions from dot.mkshrc, in definition order i_func[nfunc++]=setenv i_func[nfunc++]=smores i_func[nfunc++]=hd i_func[nfunc++]=hd_mksh i_func[nfunc++]=which i_func[nfunc++]=chpwd i_func[nfunc++]=cd i_func[nfunc++]=cd_csh i_func[nfunc++]=dirs i_func[nfunc++]=popd i_func[nfunc++]=pushd i_func[nfunc++]=Lb64decode i_func[nfunc++]=Lb64encode i_func[nfunc++]=Lbafh_init i_func[nfunc++]=Lbafh_add i_func[nfunc++]=Lbafh_finish i_func[nfunc++]=Lstripcom i_func[nfunc++]=enable # collect all identifiers, sorted ASCIIbetically \\builtin set -sA i_all -- "${i_alias[@]}" "${i_func[@]}" # handle options, we don't do dynamic loading while \\builtin getopts "adf:nps" x; do case $x { (a) mode=-1 ;; (d) # deliberately causing an error, like bash-static ;| (f) \\builtin print -ru2 enable: dynamic loading not available \\builtin return 2 ;; (n) mode=0 ;; (p) doprnt=1 ;; (s) \\builtin set -sA i_all -- . : break continue eval \ exec exit export readonly return set shift times \ trap unset ;; (*) \\builtin print -ru2 enable: usage: \ "enable [-adnps] [-f filename] [name ...]" return 2 ;; } done \\builtin shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # display builtins enabled/disabled/all/special? if (( doprnt || ($# == 0) )); then for x in "${i_all[@]}"; do y=$(\\builtin alias "$x") || y= [[ $y = "$x='\\\\builtin whence -p $x >/dev/null || (\\\\builtin print -r mksh: $x: not found; \\\\builtin exit 127) && \$(\\\\builtin whence -p $x)'" ]]; z=$? case $mode:$z { (-1:0|0:0) \\builtin print -r -- "enable -n $x" ;; (-1:1|1:1) \\builtin print -r -- "enable $x" ;; } done \\builtin return 0 fi for x in "$@"; do z=0 for y in "${i_alias[@]}" "${i_func[@]}"; do [[ $x = "$y" ]] || \\builtin continue z=1 \\builtin break done if (( !z )); then \\builtin print -ru2 enable: "$x": not a shell builtin rv=1 \\builtin continue fi if (( !mode )); then # disable this \\builtin alias "$x=\\\\builtin whence -p $x >/dev/null || (\\\\builtin print -r mksh: $x: not found; \\\\builtin exit 127) && \$(\\\\builtin whence -p $x)" else # find out if this is an alias or not, first z=0 y=-1 while (( ++y < nalias )); do [[ $x = "${i_alias[y]}" ]] || \\builtin continue z=1 \\builtin break done if (( z )); then # re-enable the original alias body \\builtin alias "$x=${b_alias[y]}" else # re-enable the original utility/function \\builtin unalias "$x" fi fi done \\builtin return $rv } \: place customisations below this line # some defaults / samples which you are supposed to adjust to your # liking; by default we add ~/.etc/bin and ~/bin (whichever exist) # to $PATH, set $SHELL to mksh, set some defaults for man and less # and show a few more possible things for users to begin moving in for p in ~/.etc/bin ~/bin; do [[ -d $p/. ]] || \\builtin continue [[ $PATHSEP$PATH$PATHSEP = *"$PATHSEP$p$PATHSEP"* ]] || \ PATH=$p$PATHSEP$PATH done \\builtin export SHELL=$MKSH MANWIDTH=80 LESSHISTFILE=- \\builtin alias cls='\\builtin print -n \\ec' #\\builtin unset LC_ADDRESS LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_IDENTIFICATION \ # LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_NAME LC_NUMERIC LC_PAPER \ # LC_TELEPHONE LC_TIME LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL #p=en_GB.UTF-8 #\\builtin export LANG=C LC_CTYPE=$p LC_MEASUREMENT=$p LC_MESSAGES=$p LC_PAPER=$p #\\builtin export LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 #\\builtin export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 #\\builtin set -U #[[ ${LC_ALL:-${LC_CTYPE:-${LANG:-}}} = *[Uu][Tt][Ff]?(-)8* ]] || \\builtin set +U \\builtin unset p set -o vi [ -r $MKSHDIR/mkshfunc ] && source $MKSHDIR/mkshfunc [ -r $MKSHDIR/mkshalias ] && source $MKSHDIR/mkshalias HISTFILE="$MKSHDIR"/history \: place customisations above this line