set ratios 1:2:3
set cleaner ~/.config/lf/cleaner
set previewer ~/.config/lf/preview
# Basic Settings
set preview true
set drawbox false
set icons true
set ignorecase true

# Custom Functions
cmd open ${{
    case $(file --mime-type "$f" -bL) in
        text/*|application/json) $EDITOR "$f";;
        video/*) mpv "$f";;
        audio/*) mpv "$f";;
        application/pdf) zathura "$f" ;;
        image/*) sxiv "$f" ;;
        *) xdg-open "$f" ;;

cmd mkdir ${{
  printf "Directory Name: "
  read ans
  mkdir $ans

cmd mkfile ${{
  printf "File Name: "
  read ans
  $EDITOR $ans

cmd chmod ${{
  printf "Mode Bits: "
  read ans

  for file in "$fx"
    chmod $ans $file

cmd sudomkfile ${{
  printf "File Name: "
  read ans
  doas $EDITOR $ans

cmd setwallpaper %cp "$f" ~/background.jpg && xwallpaper --center "$f"

cmd fzf_jump ${{
  res="$(find . -maxdepth 3 | fzf --reverse --header='Jump to location')"
  if [ -f "$res" ]; then
  elif [ -d "$res" ]; then
  lf -remote "send $id $cmd \"$res\""

cmd broot_jump ${{
  res="$(broot --outcmd $f && cat $f | sed 's/cd //')"
  rm -f "$f"
  if [ -f "$res" ]; then
  elif [ -d "$res" ]; then
  lf -remote "send $id $cmd \"$res\""

cmd open_config  ${{
  $EDITOR $(bookmenu -b ~/.config/bookmenu/configs -f fzf -o)

cmd dragon %dragon-drop -a -x $fx
cmd dragon-stay %dragon-drop -a $fx
cmd dragon-individual %dragon-drop $fx
cmd cpdragon %cpdragon
cmd mvdragon %mvdragon
cmd dlfile %dlfile

# Archive bindings
cmd unarchive ${{
  case "$f" in
      *.zip) unzip "$f" ;;
      *.tar.gz) tar -xzvf "$f" ;;
      *.tar.bz2) tar -xjvf "$f" ;;
      *.tar.xz) tar -xJvf "$f" ;;
      *.tar) tar -xvf "$f" ;;
      *) echo "Unsupported format" ;;

cmd gitpull ${{
  git pull
  read dummy

cmd gitadd ${{
  git add $(basename $fx)

cmd gitaddall ${{
  git add .

cmd gitpush ${{
  git push
  read dummy

cmd gitcommit ${{
  git commit -S

cmd gitdiff ${{
  git diff
  read dummy

cmd gitdifffile ${{
  git diff `basename $fx`
  read dummy

cmd gitstatus ${{
  git status | less

cmd gitrestore ${{
  git restore `basename $fx`
  read dummy

cmd gitsubmoduleupdate ${{
  git submodule update
  read dummy

cmd gitsubmoduleinit ${{
  git submodule update --init
  read dummy

cmd gitsubmoduleadd ${{
  read url
  read folder
  git submodule add "$url" "$folder"
  read dummy

cmd make ${{
  make -j4 all
  read dummy

cmd makeinstall ${{
  sudo make -j4 install
  read dummy

cmd makeclean ${{
  make -j4 clean
  read dummy

cmd openshell ${{

cmd catclip ${{
  catclip "$fx"

cmd zip %zip -r "$f" "$f"
cmd tar %tar cvf "$f.tar" "$f"
cmd targz %tar cvzf "$f.tar.gz" "$f"
cmd tarbz2 %tar cjvf "$f.tar.bz2" "$f"

# Trash cli bindings
cmd trash ${{
  files=$(printf "$fx" | tr '\n' ';')
  while [ "$files" ]; do
    # extract the substring from start of string up to delimiter.
    # this is the first "element" of the string.

    trash-put "$(basename "$file")"
    # if there's only one element left, set `files` to an empty string.
    # this causes us to exit this `while` loop.
    # else, we delete the first "element" of the string from files, and move onto the next.
    if [ "$files" = "$file" ]; then

cmd clear_trash %trash-empty

cmd restore_trash ${{

cmd stripspace %stripspace "$f"

# Bindings
# Remove some defaults
map m
map o
map n
map "'"
map '"'
map d
map c
map e
map f
map ,

# ZachIR bindings
map ,gp gitpull
map ,gP gitpush
map ,gc gitcommit
map ,ga gitadd
map ,gA gitaddall
map ,gd gitdifffile
map ,gD gitdiff
map ,gu gitsubmoduleupdate
map ,gi gitsubmoduleinit
map ,gm gitsubmoduleadd
map ,gs gitstatus
map ,gr gitrestore
map ,mk make
map ,mi makeinstall
map ,mC makeclean
map ,ss openshell
map ,sc catclip

# Not really image preview
map - $~/.config/lf/draw_img "$f"

cmd video_preview ${{
    CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumb_cache.XXXXX)
    ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$f" -o $CACHE -s 0
    ~/.config/lf/draw_img $CACHE && rm $CACHE
map + :video_preview

# File Openers
map ee $$EDITOR "$f"
map u $view "$f"

# Archive Mappings
map az zip
map at tar
map ag targz
map ab targz
map au unarchive

# Trash Mappings
map dd trash
map tc clear_trash
map tr restore_trash

# Broot Mapping
map f broot_jump

# Dragon Mapping
map dr dragon
map ds dragon-stay
map di dragon-individual
map dm mvdragon
map dc cpdragon
map dl dlfile

map ss stripspace

# Basic Functions
map . set hidden!
map DD delete
map p paste
map x cut
map y copy
map <enter> open
map mf mkfile
map mr sudomkfile
map md mkdir
map ms $mkscript
map ch chmod
map bg setwallpaper
map o open_config
map br $vimv $fx
map r rename
map H top
map L bottom
map R reload
map C clear
map U unselect

# Movement
map ga  cd ~/.config/awesome
map gb  cd ~/.local/bin
map gc  cd ~/.config
map gdc cd ~/Documents
map gdo cd ~/Downloads
map gdw cd ~/suckless/dwm
map gdb cd ~/.local/src/dwmbar
map ge  cd ~/Desktop
map gE  cd /etc
map gf  cd ~/.var/app
map glb cd ~/.local/bin
map glc cd ~/Games/cache
map gls cd ~/.local/share
map glf cd ~/.config/lf
map gnv cd ~/.config/nvim
map gns cd ~/.natvst
map gp  cd ~/Pictures
map gqc cd ~/.config/qutebrowser
map gqp cd ~/.local/share/qutebrowser-profiles
map gqt cd ~/.config/qtile
map gre cd ~/.local/src
map grs cd /etc/runit/sv
map gsc cd ~/.local/scripts
map gsh cd ~/.config/sh
map gsl cd ~/.local/src/slock
map gss cd /etc/s6/sv
map gsx cd ~/.config/sxhkd
map gtr cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files
map gU. cd /usr
map gUs cd /usr/share
map gva cd ~/.var
map gVa cd /var
map gvi cd ~/Videos
map gvs cd ~/.vst
map gv3 cd ~/.vst3
map gwa cd ~/git/wallpapers
map gwd cd ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/default
map gwD cd ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/default/drive_c/users/zachir/Downloads
map gwr cd ~/.local/share/wineprefixes
map gww cd ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/work
map gx  cd ~/.config/X11
map gyb cd ~/.cache/yay
map gyc cd ~/.config/yay
map gzs cd ~/.config/zsh
map gzx cd ~/Documents/