## Zachir's Config Files

Hello! These are all the config files I thought could potentially be useful,
both to myself to make reinstalling Linux faster, as well as for anyone
interested. There are a few notes I feel I should make:

- I have gone through everything to remove personal information, however I might
  have missed something. If that happens, this repo will be updated, and the
  branch history deleted.

My personal installation method is as follows (performed immediately following a
clean install):
`git clone https://git.zachir.xyz/dotfiles.git ~/.config
cd ~/.config
make install`

Note that the `make install` will only install the files that are required to be
in the home dir to their corresponding place as hard links and install vimplug
for neovim, vim, or both (depending on which are installed). Make sure to save
changes to these files before running `make install`! Additionally, if you only
want my configs for specific programs, I would recommend cloning it into a
separate directory and avoiding the `make install`.