------------------------------------------------- -- Weather Widget based on the OpenWeatherMap -- https://openweathermap.org/ -- -- @author Pavel Makhov -- @copyright 2018 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local http = require("socket.http") local json = require("json") local naughty = require("naughty") local wibox = require("wibox") local city = os.getenv("AWW_WEATHER_CITY") or "Montreal,ca" local open_map_key = os.getenv("AWW_WEATHER_API_KEY") or 'c3d7320b359da4e48c2d682a04076576' local path_to_icons = "/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/" local icon_widget = wibox.widget { { id = "icon", resize = false, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, layout = wibox.container.margin(brightness_icon, 0, 0, 3), set_image = function(self, path) self.icon.image = path end, } local temp_widget = wibox.widget{ font = "Play 9", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, } local weather_widget = wibox.widget { icon_widget, temp_widget, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, } -- helps to map openWeatherMap icons to Arc icons local icon_map = { ["01d"] = "weather-clear-symbolic.svg", ["02d"] = "weather-few-clouds-symbolic.svg", ["03d"] = "weather-clouds-symbolic.svg", ["04d"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg", ["09d"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg", ["10d"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg", ["11d"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg", ["13d"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg", ["50d"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg", ["01n"] = "weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg", ["02n"] = "weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg", ["03n"] = "weather-clouds-night-symbolic.svg", ["04n"] = "weather-overcast-symbolic.svg", ["09n"] = "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg", ["10n"] = "weather-showers-symbolic.svg", ["11n"] = "weather-storm-symbolic.svg", ["13n"] = "weather-snow-symbolic.svg", ["50n"] = "weather-fog-symbolic.svg" } -- handy function to convert temperature from Kelvin to Celcius function to_celcius(kelvin) return math.floor(tonumber(kelvin) - 273.15) end -- Return wind direction as a string. function to_direction(degrees) local directions = { { "N", 348.75, 360 }, { "N", 0, 11.25 }, { "NNE", 11.25, 33.75 }, { "NE", 33.75, 56.25 }, { "ENE", 56.25, 78.75 }, { "E", 78.75, 101.25 }, { "ESE", 101.25, 123.75 }, { "SE", 123.75, 146.25 }, { "SSE", 146.25, 168.75 }, { "S", 168.75, 191.25 }, { "SSW", 191.25, 213.75 }, { "SW", 213.75, 236.25 }, { "WSW", 236.25, 258.75 }, { "W", 258.75, 281.25 }, { "WNW", 281.25, 303.75 }, { "NW", 303.75, 326.25 }, { "NNW", 326.25, 348.75 }, } if degrees == nil then return "Unknown dir" end for i, dir in ipairs(directions) do if degrees > dir[2] and degrees < dir[3] then return dir[1] end end end local weather_timer = timer({ timeout = 60 }) local resp weather_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function () local resp_json = http.request("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" .. city .."&appid=" .. open_map_key) if (resp_json ~= nil) then resp = json.decode(resp_json) icon_widget.image = path_to_icons .. icon_map[resp.weather[1].icon] temp_widget:set_text(to_celcius(resp.main.temp) .. "°C") end end) weather_timer:start() weather_timer:emit_signal("timeout") -- Notification with weather information. Popups when mouse hovers over the icon local notification weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() notification = naughty.notify{ icon = path_to_icons .. icon_map[resp.weather[1].icon], icon_size=20, text = '' .. resp.weather[1].main .. ' (' .. resp.weather[1].description .. ')
' .. 'Humidity: ' .. resp.main.humidity .. '%
' .. 'Temperature: ' .. to_celcius(resp.main.temp) .. '
' .. 'Pressure: ' .. resp.main.pressure .. 'hPa
' .. 'Clouds: ' .. resp.clouds.all .. '%
' .. 'Wind: ' .. resp.wind.speed .. 'm/s (' .. to_direction(resp.wind.deg) .. ')', timeout = 5, hover_timeout = 10, width = 200 } end) weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() naughty.destroy(notification) end) return weather_widget