------------------------------------------------- -- Volume Widget for Awesome Window Manager -- Shows the current volume level -- More details could be found here: -- https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets/tree/master/volume-widget -- @author Pavel Makhov, Aurélien Lajoie -- @copyright 2018 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local wibox = require("wibox") local watch = require("awful.widget.watch") local spawn = require("awful.spawn") local naughty = require("naughty") local gfs = require("gears.filesystem") local dpi = require('beautiful').xresources.apply_dpi local PATH_TO_ICONS = "/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/" local volume_icon_name="audio-volume-high-symbolic" local GET_VOLUME_CMD = 'amixer sget Master' local volume = {device = '', display_notification = false, notification = nil} function volume:toggle() volume:_cmd('amixer ' .. volume.device .. ' sset Master toggle') end function volume:raise() volume:_cmd('amixer ' .. volume.device .. ' sset Master 5%+') end function volume:lower() volume:_cmd('amixer ' .. volume.device .. ' sset Master 5%-') end --{{{ Icon and notification update -------------------------------------------------- -- Set the icon and return the message to display -- base on sound level and mute -------------------------------------------------- local function parse_output(stdout) local level = string.match(stdout, "(%d?%d?%d)%%") if stdout:find("%[off%]") then volume_icon_name="audio-volume-muted-symbolic_red" return level.."% Mute" end level = tonumber(string.format("% 3d", level)) if (level >= 0 and level < 25) then volume_icon_name="audio-volume-muted-symbolic" elseif (level < 50) then volume_icon_name="audio-volume-low-symbolic" elseif (level < 75) then volume_icon_name="audio-volume-medium-symbolic" else volume_icon_name="audio-volume-high-symbolic" end return level.."%" end -------------------------------------------------------- --Update the icon and the notification if needed -------------------------------------------------------- local function update_graphic(widget, stdout, _, _, _) local txt = parse_output(stdout) widget.image = PATH_TO_ICONS .. volume_icon_name .. ".svg" if volume.display_notification then volume.notification.iconbox.image = PATH_TO_ICONS .. volume_icon_name .. ".svg" naughty.replace_text(volume.notification, "Volume", txt) end end local function notif(msg, keep) if volume.display_notification then naughty.destroy(volume.notification) volume.notification= naughty.notify{ text = msg, icon=PATH_TO_ICONS .. volume_icon_name .. ".svg", icon_size = dpi(16), title = "Volume", position = volume.position, timeout = keep and 0 or 2, hover_timeout = 0.5, width = 200, } end end --}}} local function worker(args) --{{{ Args local args = args or {} local volume_audio_controller = args.volume_audio_controller or 'pulse' volume.display_notification = args.display_notification or 'false' volume.position = args.notification_position or "top_right" if volume_audio_controller == 'pulse' then volume.device = '-D pulse' end GET_VOLUME_CMD = 'amixer ' .. volume.device.. ' sget Master' --}}} --{{{ Check for icon path if not gfs.dir_readable(PATH_TO_ICONS) then naughty.notify{ title = "Volume Widget", text = "Folder with icons doesn't exist: " .. PATH_TO_ICONS, preset = naughty.config.presets.critical } return end --}}} --{{{ Widget creation volume.widget = wibox.widget { { id = "icon", image = PATH_TO_ICONS .. "audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg", resize = false, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, layout = wibox.container.margin(_, _, _, 3), set_image = function(self, path) self.icon.image = path end } --}}} --{{{ Spawn functions function volume:_cmd(cmd) notif("") spawn.easy_async(cmd, function(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) update_graphic(volume.widget, stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) end) end local function show() spawn.easy_async(GET_VOLUME_CMD, function(stdout, _, _, _) txt = parse_output(stdout) notif(txt, true) end ) end --}}} --{{{ Mouse event --[[ allows control volume level by: - clicking on the widget to mute/unmute - scrolling when cursor is over the widget ]] volume.widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(_,_,_,button) if (button == 4) then volume.raise() elseif (button == 5) then volume.lower() elseif (button == 1) then volume.toggle() end end) if volume.display_notification then volume.widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() show() end) volume.widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() naughty.destroy(volume.notification) end) end --}}} return volume.widget end return setmetatable(volume, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })