------------------------------------------------- -- Spotify Widget for Awesome Window Manager -- Shows currently playing song on Spotify for Linux client -- More details could be found here: -- https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets/tree/master/spotify-widget -- @author Pavel Makhov -- @copyright 2020 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local watch = require("awful.widget.watch") local naughty = require("naughty") local GET_SPOTIFY_STATUS_CMD = 'sp status' local GET_CURRENT_SONG_CMD = 'sp current' local function ellipsize(text, length) return (text:len() > length and length > 0) and text:sub(0, length - 3) .. '...' or text end local spotify_widget = {} local function worker(args) local args = args or {} local play_icon = args.play_icon or '/usr/share/icons/Arc/actions/24/player_play.png' local pause_icon = args.pause_icon or '/usr/share/icons/Arc/actions/24/player_pause.png' local font = args.font or 'Play 9' local dim_when_paused = args.dim_when_paused == nil and false or args.dim_when_paused local dim_opacity = args.dim_opacity or 0.2 local max_length = args.max_length or 15 local show_tooltip = args.show_tooltip == nil and false or args.show_tooltip local timeout = args.timeout or 1 local cur_artist = '' local cur_title = '' local cur_album = '' spotify_widget = wibox.widget { { id = 'artistw', font = font, widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, { id = "icon", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, { id = 'titlew', font = font, widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, set_status = function(self, is_playing) self.icon.image = (is_playing and play_icon or pause_icon) if dim_when_paused then self.icon.opacity = (is_playing and 1 or dim_opacity) self.titlew:set_opacity(is_playing and 1 or dim_opacity) self.titlew:emit_signal('widget::redraw_needed') self.artistw:set_opacity(is_playing and 1 or dim_opacity) self.artistw:emit_signal('widget::redraw_needed') end end, set_text = function(self, artist, song) local artist_to_display = ellipsize(artist, max_length) if self.artistw.text ~= artist_to_display then self.artistw.text = artist_to_display end local title_to_display = ellipsize(song, max_length) if self.titlew.text ~= title_to_display then self.titlew.text = title_to_display end end } local update_widget_icon = function(widget, stdout, _, _, _) stdout = string.gsub(stdout, "\n", "") widget:set_status(stdout == 'Playing' and true or false) end local update_widget_text = function(widget, stdout, _, _, _) if string.find(stdout, 'Error: Spotify is not running.') ~= nil then widget:set_text('','') widget:set_visible(false) return end local escaped = string.gsub(stdout, "&", '&') local album, album_artist, artist, title = string.match(escaped, 'Album%s*(.*)\nAlbumArtist%s*(.*)\nArtist%s*(.*)\nTitle%s*(.*)\n') if album ~= nil and title ~=nil and artist ~= nil then cur_artist = artist cur_title = title cur_album = album widget:set_text(artist, title) widget:set_visible(true) end end watch(GET_SPOTIFY_STATUS_CMD, timeout, update_widget_icon, spotify_widget) watch(GET_CURRENT_SONG_CMD, timeout, update_widget_text, spotify_widget) --- Adds mouse controls to the widget: -- - left click - play/pause -- - scroll up - play next song -- - scroll down - play previous song spotify_widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(_, _, _, button) if (button == 1) then awful.spawn("sp play", false) -- left click elseif (button == 4) then awful.spawn("sp next", false) -- scroll up elseif (button == 5) then awful.spawn("sp prev", false) -- scroll down end awful.spawn.easy_async(GET_SPOTIFY_STATUS_CMD, function(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) update_widget_icon(spotify_widget, stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) end) end) if show_tooltip then local spotify_tooltip = awful.tooltip { mode = 'outside', preferred_positions = {'bottom'}, } spotify_tooltip:add_to_object(spotify_widget) spotify_widget:connect_signal('mouse::enter', function() spotify_tooltip.markup = 'Album: ' .. cur_album .. '\nArtist: ' .. cur_artist .. '\nSong: ' .. cur_title end) end return spotify_widget end return setmetatable(spotify_widget, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })