------------------------------------------------- -- Spotify Shell for Awesome Window Manager -- Simplifies interaction with Spotify for Linux -- More details could be found here: -- https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets/tree/master/spotify-shell -- @author Pavel Makhov -- @copyright 2018 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local awful = require("awful") local gfs = require("gears.filesystem") local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require("gears") local completion = require("awful.completion") local run_shell = awful.widget.prompt() local w = wibox { bg = '#2e3440', border_width = 1, border_color = '#3b4252', max_widget_size = 500, ontop = true, height = 50, width = 250, shape = function(cr, width, height) gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, 3) -- ` gears.shape.infobubble(cr, width, height) end } w:setup { { { markup = 'a', widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, id = 'icon', top = 2, left = 10, layout = wibox.container.margin }, { layout = wibox.container.margin, left = 10, run_shell, }, id = 'left', layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } local function launch() w.visible = true awful.placement.top(w, { margins = {top = 40}, parent = awful.screen.focused()}) awful.prompt.run { prompt = 'Run: ', bg_cursor = '#74aeab', textbox = run_shell.widget, completion_callback = completion.shell, exe_callback = function(...) run_shell:spawn_and_handle_error(...) end, history_path = gfs.get_cache_dir() .. "/history", done_callback = function() w.visible = false end } end return { launch = launch }