local spawn = require("awful.spawn") local utils = require("awesome-wm-widgets.pactl-widget.utils") local pactl = {} function pactl.volume_increase(device, step) spawn('pactl set-sink-volume ' .. device .. ' +' .. step .. '%', false) end function pactl.volume_decrease(device, step) spawn('pactl set-sink-volume ' .. device .. ' -' .. step .. '%', false) end function pactl.mute_toggle(device) spawn('pactl set-sink-mute ' .. device .. ' toggle', false) end function pactl.get_volume(device) local stdout = utils.popen_and_return('pactl get-sink-volume ' .. device) local volsum, volcnt = 0, 0 for vol in string.gmatch(stdout, "(%d?%d?%d)%%") do vol = tonumber(vol) if vol ~= nil then volsum = volsum + vol volcnt = volcnt + 1 end end if volcnt == 0 then return nil end return volsum / volcnt end function pactl.get_mute(device) local stdout = utils.popen_and_return('pactl get-sink-mute ' .. device) if string.find(stdout, "yes") then return true else return false end end function pactl.get_sinks_and_sources() local default_sink = utils.trim(utils.popen_and_return('pactl get-default-sink')) local default_source = utils.trim(utils.popen_and_return('pactl get-default-source')) local sinks = {} local sources = {} local device local ports local key local value local in_section for line in utils.popen_and_return('pactl list'):gmatch('[^\r\n]*') do if string.match(line, '^%a+ #') then in_section = nil end local is_sink_line = string.match(line, '^Sink #') local is_source_line = string.match(line, '^Source #') if is_sink_line or is_source_line then in_section = "main" device = { id = line:match('#(%d+)'), is_default = false } if is_sink_line then table.insert(sinks, device) else table.insert(sources, device) end end -- Found a new subsection if in_section ~= nil and string.match(line, '^\t%a+:$') then in_section = utils.trim(line):lower() in_section = string.sub(in_section, 1, #in_section-1) if in_section == 'ports' then ports = {} device['ports'] = ports end end -- Found a key-value pair if string.match(line, "^\t*[^\t]+: ") then local t = utils.split(line, ':') key = utils.trim(t[1]):lower():gsub(' ', '_') value = utils.trim(t[2]) end -- Key value pair on 1st level if in_section ~= nil and string.match(line, "^\t[^\t]+: ") then device[key] = value if key == "name" and (value == default_sink or value == default_source) then device['is_default'] = true end end -- Key value pair in ports section if in_section == "ports" and string.match(line, "^\t\t[^\t]+: ") then ports[key] = value end end return sinks, sources end function pactl.set_default(type, name) spawn('pactl set-default-' .. type .. ' "' .. name .. '"', false) end return pactl